87. Return to Mainland

The explosion of Ben's spell makes a big wave that spread everywhere. It also reaches the ship that floats near the island. The ship's crew immediately do what they can to face the big wave.

Luckily, they're professionals and have faced big waves like this many times. They don't panic and can control their ship to not sink. After some time, the sea finally gets calm again and the ship goes to the island.

All soldiers go to the island with Marc & Bella following them. They all widen their eyes at the destruction that was created by Ben's fight with Grossalia. Now they finally understand the level of S-Class creatures' battle.

"Can this island returns to normal after this, I wonder?" asks Marc curiously.

"It will, although it won't happen soon. If the Kingdom decides to take care of this island, then it will recover faster," says the ship's Captain.

"Why would they take care of it?" asks Marc.

"Well, I think they will build a military base here. After Alvarez Empire's attack last year, the Kingdom has started to increase its defensive power. This island is a good place to detect any movements from the north and it is quite far from the mainland. So if we can detect something from here, we can warn the mainland early," says the ship's Captain.

"Oh, that makes sense," says Marc while nodding.

The group finally reaches Ben's location after 15 minutes. He is lying unconscious on the ground after he spent all his MP in his last attack. Bella flies to him and tries to wake him up, but he doesn't respond.

A medical team then checks Ben's condition and says that he is fine. He has many injuries, but his life is not in danger. It makes everyone relieved and they take Ben to the ship immediately.

"Hey, kitty girl, how old is he?" asks the ship's Captain.

"Ben is 15, Bella is 4," says Bella.

"15?! He's even younger than my son, but he already does dangerous work like this," says the ship's Captain with a sad tone.

"Ben is strong," says Bella.

"It's not about strength. I just feel sad that a young man like him needs to face death many times. Sigh, I hope that the future will be better so that young people like him won't need to be in danger again," says the ship's Captain.

They stop their talk and get on the ship. The soldiers go around the island and inspect it. They find many creatures that survived by hiding on the outskirts of the island. They note it all and record everything they found on the island.

The soldiers also find Ben's car that doesn't look good right now. It got hit by stray attacks from Grossalia and the defense system broke after getting hit many times. The car has many broken parts and it will need time to repair it.

"What should we do with this?" asks a soldier.

"Let's take it to the ship. At least we can help him with this even though we couldn't help him fight that monster," says another soldier.

"You're right, but this won't be easy," says the previous soldier.

The soldiers then pull Ben's car to the ship. It still has 3 wheels, so they just need to work on the 4th wheel. They use a cart to replace the 4th wheel and are finally able to take the car to the ship.

After the soldiers finish their job, they all leave the island and return to the mainland. A moment after that, a ripple appeared on the place where Ben fell.

Then a space hole appears and a man with black hair & clothes comes out. If old and experienced mages are here, they will recognize this man. He is the black mage that is said to be the evilest mage, Zeref.

"A dragon slayer. He is quite strong. It doesn't look like he is an artificial dragon slayer, but who is he? I don't remember him as one of the dragon slayer kids from 400 years ago," says Zeref while trying to remember all dragon slayer kids that he knows.

"Well, maybe I just never heard about him. I wonder how Natsu is doing right now? If he is as strong as this one, then maybe he will be ready to kill me in a few years. Maybe they can work together to kill Acnologia too," says Zeref while smiling thinly.

But then he sighs, "Sigh, maybe I'm being too hopeful now. They're still too young right now. But I really hope that they will be ready when the time comes."

Zeref looks around for a moment before he leaves through the space hole again. He doesn't want to stay and accidentally destroy the lives on this island.

3 hours after that, the battleship that went to the island finally arrived on the mainland. Ben is still unconscious now. Well, he has woken up before, but he fainted again because of his motion sickness.

Ben then gets sent to a hospital to get thorough treatment. Marc will take care of it, so the ship's Captain & his men can do their job. They still have many things to be reported to their superiors after this.

It takes 3 more hours for Ben to wake up in the hospital. The sky has turned dark now because it is 7 PM. Ben looks around and finds out that he is in a hospital. Bella is sleeping beside him peacefully, so he smiles and relaxes again.

"Phew, it's been a long day," says Ben while looking out through the window.

Ben relaxes and tries to check his condition. AI Chip scans him and the result makes him relieved. His injuries aren't life-threatening and the poison has been removed completely now.

"AI Chip, show my stats," says Ben.

[Name: Ben Cooper

Age: 15

Status: Alive

MP: 152,212/152,212

STR: 207

AGI: 203

STA: 220

INT: 233]

"Tsk, my physical stats increase. The growth from a difficult battle is always high. Should I avoid a hard battle to stop it? I only have 10 points to spare in stamina," says Ben with a rather pissed tone.

Ben is happy that he grew stronger, but it also makes him worried. He isn't allowed to surpass 230 points in physical stats. It will hasten the growth of his dragon seed and starts his dragonization.

"AI Chip, do you have any solution for that?" asks Ben.

[I don't recommend this, but you can try to find magic or tools that will halt your physical power's progress. Such things will have side effects, but they will help you in your current situation.]

"Hmm, I never find magic or tools that have such effect, but that seems to be a nice solution. It will be impossible to stop my physical power's growth in 3 years without any outside help. We can think of the side effects later, this problem needs an immediate solution now," says Ben.

With his current progress, Ben is sure that he will surpass the 230 mark in 3 years. If he keeps growing after a fight like this, then he will surpass it in less than a year. He can only halt it using magic or tools.

"I'll ask Gramps after we return. Maybe it's the time to tell him about my situation with dragon seed too," says Ben while looking at the ceiling.

Ben never tells anyone around him about the dragon seed. Only he, AI Chip, and Smog's soul that knows about it. But now he can't hide it anymore because this is getting dangerous.

Roubaul might have a solution and can help Ben. So he will tell the old man, although he will still hide it from the others, especially his sisters. They won't be able to take it calmly and it will just make them worried.

Ben sighs and leaves that problem for now. He doesn't feel so good right now with his body having many injuries and being wrapped in bandages. He also can't sleep because he just woke up, so he decides to meditate to purify his MP.

"Let's leave the problem for the future me."


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 117 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 128 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)