119. Back to Port Town

Ben resumes his journey with Bella after burying Morgbitt's body. He took all Morgbitt's creation like what the old demon asked. He even took the failed ones and left nothing behind.

Right now, Ben & Bella move to the northern beach line. They will explore the beach while going to the west again. There's also a town that they can visit on their way. It's the town that they visited on their job to the newly discovered island.

They go to the town because they need to fill their supplies. The needed supplies are seasonings, hygiene materials, and most importantly Bella's milk. Her milk stock has almost emptied now and she kept reminding Ben about it, so they need to fill it soon.

On their way to Port Town, they fight with some wild creatures. Bella can defeat some low or mid-level creatures now, so she can help Ben fight. She used her gunslinger and even used her new sword sometimes.

Even though she rarely fights, but Bella is quite good at battle actually. Ben always trained her together with Wendy & Carla. She even trains more than both of them because she's always with Ben on his jobs.

Ben taught her mostly on long-ranged attacks using her gunslinger. Her flying ability is a big advantage and she needs to use it. She's also strong enough to lift Ben and takes him to fly for a short time.

They walk along the beach & coastline while taking some breaks every few hours. Bella will always play in the water while Ben swims or fishing. The way to Port Town is very relaxing even though some creatures attack them every once in a while.

Ben & Bella arrived in the Port Town after 5 days and immediately go to the market. They buy everything they need before renting a room in a hotel. They won't stay here for too long and will resume their journey in 2 days.

"Mayor?" asks Bella while swimming in the hotel's bathtub.

"No, we won't visit the Mayor. I have a feeling that she will ask us to do something if we meet her. We can't refuse her if that happens because she is very pushy," says Ben while relaxing in the hot water.

"Wants Mayor's milk," says Bella with a begging tone.

"Hey, that's very ambiguous. You need to say that you want the milk in Mayor's residence," says Ben with a sweatdrop.

"Same," says Bella.

"Sigh, it's not the same. Anyway, we can't go there because it will be troublesome. I will buy a lot of milk on the farm tomorrow, alright? We can buy some flavor essences too if you want to make the milk tastier," says Ben.

"Uuu, kay~," says Bella with a sad tone.

"Thank you for your understanding," says Ben while rubbing her head.

The next morning, they go to a farm on the outskirt of the Town. It is the best place to buy a lot of fresh milk, after all. Unluckily, they meet someone that Ben wants to avoid, the Mayor's assistance, Marc.

"Oh, Ben & Bella-chan, long time no see. Are you on a job?" asks Marc.

"No, we are just traveling," says Ben with a resigned expression.

"You don't seem to be happy seeing me again after a few months," says Marc.

"Of course, I'm happy," says Ben, still with a resigned expression.

"You don't look like that. But it is strange, you still look exactly the same as before. A boy your age should've grown a lot, but you doesn't change at all," says Marc while inspecting Ben.

"That's just your imagination. How much do you think a human can change anyway? I am not a caterpillar who can turn into a butterfly, you know," says Ben.

"Hmm, maybe you're right. Anyway, you need to meet the Mayor if you're not on a job. She must've wanted to see you guys after a few months," says Marc.

"Can we skip that? We have things to do," says Ben.

"Come on, it won't take too long. You must've come here to buy milk for Bella-chan, right? Too bad that the Mayor has bought everything here for the residence's stock. So you can only get it by asking the Mayor directly," says Marc.

Ben has a dark face hearing that and it gets worse when Bella starts to beg him with some tears. He can only sigh and agree to meet the Mayor even though he doesn't want to. His only hope is just that the Mayor won't ask something too troublesome.

They go to the Mayor's residence and meet with the stressed woman. It seems there's a big problem happening in Port Town and she can't solve it. Ben wants to run away immediately when he sees it, but the Mayor calls him as soon as she sees him

"Ah! Ben, you come at the right time. You need to help me," says the Mayor excitedly.

"Ugh, I-I have a job to do," says Ben in escaping position.

"Eh? You said you are just traveling, so you shouldn't have any job now," says Marc while tilting his head.

Ben curses the guy inwardly while the Mayor gets excited.

"Really? Then you should have time to help me a little. Don't worry, I will pay you with sufficient reward for an S-Class Mage," says the Mayor with a hopeful tone.

Ben sighs and turns around. He gives up after hearing her saying that. Bella also looks at him with begging eyes because they can only get the milk that she wanted here.

"Sigh, what is it?" asks Ben.

"You'll help? That's great," says the Mayor excitedly.

"Wait! I haven't agreed to anything, it'll still depend on the job," says Ben.

"It's okay, I know you can finish this job," says the Mayor.

The Mayor then explains what she wants Ben to do. She wants him to release a kid and some people that got captured by a Dark Guild. It is a high-priority job because the kid is a daughter of a high-ranked noble.

The authorities have found the Dark Guild's whereabout and have attempted to free the little girl. But the Dark Guild threatened to kill the hostages and will just free them when their demand is granted.

"What'd they wanted?" asks Ben.

"They want us to release their Guild Master that got detained by Magic Council and of course, money, a lot of money," says the Mayor.

The Dark Guild's Master is someone who has massacred some village. They are one of many Dark Guilds who worship Zeref and want to awaken him. That's why the Kingdom & Magic Council can't release their Guild Master, but the noble kid also needs to be released.

"Why don't you ask for big Guilds' help?" asks Ben.

"We've contacted the nearest big Guild, Blue Pegasus. But their best Mages are not available currently. The other big Guilds are too far and it will take time for them to send their Mages. But we can't wait for it because the Dark Guild gave us a time limit. We need to grant their demands in 2 days and this is the 2nd day already," says the Mayor.

"Sigh, where's their location?" asks Ben.

"You will take this job?" asks the Mayor happily.

"Yeah, I am not that heartless to let some people die when I can help," says Ben.

The Mayor gets very happy and immediately orders a soldier who knows the location to guide him. Ben leaves immediately with Bella & the guide to the location. He swears in his heart to beat up those guys into pulps for disturbing his relaxing time in the Town.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 149 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 160 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)