128. Clones

The next day, Ben starts to learn the Clone Magic. It's the first Black Magic that he'll learn, so he's very excited. He learns it first before Teleportation Magic because it will be more useful later.

By learning it first, he will be able to make clones to learn a few things at once. After having clones, Ben will be able to scan the books while learning Teleportation Magic too. It is more effective than learning Teleportation Magic first.

He scans the book about Clone Magic. There's only 1 book of it, so it doesn't take long for him to finish scanning it. AI Chip transfers the book's content to Ben's brain and he knows every page of the book in an instant.

Ben starts to train the Clone Magic on the bottom floor. He focuses on his training and Bella understands it, so she doesn't disturb him. She just plays with her toys and reads some pictured books that Ben bought for her.

The Clone Magic is quite easy to learn for Ben. He can make 2 clones after a day of training. There are some mistakes in the beginning. He could only make 1 clone at first and it was transparent like a ghost.

But he could improve it fast with AI Chip's help. Besides, he has a lot of knowledge about magic after learning many books. He also has a great talent for magic, AI Chip told him that.

Now he can make 2 good clones with different personalities. One clone has his wrath, while the other one has his gluttony. The personalities that they took after are rather unique. None of the 2 get good personalities.

"I still have good personalities, right? Why don't they take after one of my good personalities?" ponders Ben.

"Bastard! You don't want us to be here, huh?" asks the Wrath Clone angrily.

"Hey, can you give me food?" asks the Gluttony Clone.

Ben has a dark face hearing them and gets rather pissed. They are just his clone but they dare to get angry at him and asked for food. He needs to put them in their place, so he beat them up easily and makes them behave.

"We're sorry, boss!" says the 2 clones while saluting with many bumps on their head.

"Alright, I will call you again tomorrow," says Ben.

"Yes!" replies the clones before Ben dispels them.

After dispelling the clones, Ben eats with Bella and sleeps after that. He wakes up the next day and uses his Clone Magic. The 2 clones appear again and Ben gives them jobs.

"Angry guy, you train the Teleportation Magic. Hungry guy, you scan the books. I will train the Clone Magic again and try to make more of you," says Ben.

The 2 clones salute and do their jobs immediately. Bella stays with the real Ben and joins him in training Clone Magic. She wants to have a clone too for her playmate, so Ben teaches it to her.

After a day, Ben succeeds to make the third clone with Greed personality. Bella still can't make any, but she has been able to make an imperfect clone that appears like a ghost. She's very happy already after making that ghost-like clone, so Ben tells her to keep training it.

The Wrath Clone has scanned 50 books today and it's a good result. The Gluttony Clone has also succeeded in training Teleportation Magic, but he still can only teleport to a short distance. But it is a very good result.

Ben dispels the 2 clones and all their memories return to him. Luckily, AI Chip can filter the memories and just send the important things to Ben's brain. So he doesn't need to process the memories again.

A week later, Ben succeed to make the 4th clone with Envy personality. Now he is sure that his clones' personalities are based on 7 deadly sins. He doesn't know why they are like that, but that's not a problem as long as they do their jobs.

His teleportation magic also has improved. Now he can teleport to 500 meters but still can't go further. Too bad that he can't teleport to exit & enter the library because there's a defense mechanism for that.

But it's not a problem for him because he has found a spare key for the library's main door. He doesn't take it though, he just used it to make a duplicate. It will cause a problem if he took the real key, after all.

Ben keeps doing what he does for the next few days. He trains Clone Magic, Gluttony trains Teleportation Magic, while the other 3 clones scan the books. So now his scanning runs 3 times faster and he can scan around 150 books a day.

But he can't make the 5th clone even when his supplies run out in 2 weeks after he entered the library. He doesn't think much about it because any magic will get harder to improve as their level get higher.

As for Bella, she finally could make a clone after Ben trained her intensely. Her clone has a strict personality, very contrast with her laid-back & playful personality. But her clone still likes to be pampered by Ben like her real self.

Bella's clone also likes to play, so Bella can play with her every day. Except for her strict personality, she is a carbon copy of Bella. It's like seeing Carla in Bella's body, so it's quite amusing.

In these 2 weeks, Ben also has scanned many books. He has finished the Space, Time, White Arts, & Black Arts Magic Books. There aren't many of them, after all. But he doesn't train them yet and just store the data in AI Chip's database.

Now he & his clones are scanning the Magic Books of his elements. He prioritizes what he wants & will use in the future. As for the others, he will scan them later after finishing his priorities.

Ben & Bella leave the library and go to Dawn City. They need to buy supplies and some other things there. They can always hunt for food in the forest, but there are things that they can only get in the town like hygiene items.

He left the 4 clones in the library to continue their jobs though. Ben wants to keep being productive, so he left them there. They don't need real food and just need MP supplies from him, after all, so they can keep working.

Even so, they still can feel hungry, especially Gluttony. So Ben told them to hunt animals in the forest. They have half of Ben's power, so there shouldn't be any problem.

In the town, Ben buys many things that he & Bella needs. He also buys some entertainment items for Bella because it will be boring for her while he trains & scans the books. Ben also gets a few big news in the city.

"Hmm? So the Countries on Ishgar have finally severed every diplomatic tie with Alvarez Empire. It's quite late considering what they did before," says Ben as he reads a newspaper.

"Bad guys?" asks Bella.

"Yeah, we've cut our relationship with the bad guys. But this won't be the end. They will return to try what they did before. So we need to prepare for it and get stronger," says Ben.

"Bella hit bad guys," says Bella while punching the air with her small hands as she sits on Ben's shoulder.

"Of course, you will defeat the bad guys. Bella is strong, after all," says Ben while smiling and rubbing Bella's head.

Bella gets happy and continues her punching acts while Ben walks around the market. They return to the Magic Library after buying what they need. But some people are stopping them while they walk in the forest.

"Hehe, you carry so many things, kid. They must be heavy, so why don't you give them to us? We will help you carry them," says a middle-aged man.

The other men laugh sinisterly and they all withdraw their weapons.

Bella sighs and shakes her head with a pity expression before saying, "Unlucky bad guys."


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 158 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 169 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)