146. Dating

"Listen, Mira. I'm not a stupid and dense guy. We've known each other for a few years although we don't interact too often. But at least I know what you feel about me," says Ben.

Mira gets flustered and says, "E-Eh? I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Ben smirks seeing that and says, "You getting flustered just confirms it, so don't try to avoid it. I know you like as love interests me or you won't do that to someone that you don't like."

Mira blushes and looks down in embarrassment as she remembers her kiss on Ben's cheek.

"I'll just be frank, I like you too, as a love interest, of course. That means I love you too and want to get into a relationship with you," says Ben.

Mira widens her eyes in surprise and smiles happily.

But Ben hasn't finished, "But, before we get into a relationship, I need to say something first. You know I have a dream to explore the world in the future. I also have many things that I want to do that will take most of my time. So if you are-"

"I'm fine with that," says Mira, cutting Ben's words.

"Hmm? What are you fine with?" asks Ben.

"I'm fine with your dream and you being very busy. I will support everything you do as long as they're good. I will stay by your side in everything you do and in every happy or difficult time," says Mira seriously."

Ben is rather speechless hearing that, "You sound like we will get married now."

"I'm not done yet," says Mira.

"A-Alright, go on," says Ben.

"This is a serious step for us, so we need to be serious about this, and I am serious. I have thought a lot about it and I put my choice on you. You were there in one of my most difficult times and give me support. If you were not there, I don't know what will happen to me and my siblings. That's why if we really get into a relationship, I will be there for you too in your difficult times. We need to support each other," says Mira.

Ben smiles hearing that and rubs Mira's hair, "You've really grown up."

"Of course, I am. Hmph," says Mira while pouting.

"Hahaha, that's not a grown-up woman's answer. But I like it. Then, I think that's a 'Yes', right?" asks Ben.

"What 'Yes'? You haven't asked anything," says Mira, still pouting.

Ben blinks his eyes in realization before he stands and then romantically kneel beside the table. He takes Mira's hand and looks into her eyes.

"Do you want to go on a date with me, Princess?" asks Ben.

Mira blushes before she nods, "Yes."


The other guests clap at them and some even whistle. Ben and Mira look around with surprised expressions. They have just remembered that they are in a restaurant full of people.

Both of them turn red in embarrassment and steams come out of their heads. They smile sheepishly before running out of the restaurant. Ben just left some money on their table to pay the bill.

Everyone in the restaurant laughs at them and thinks how good it is to be young. The adults remember their past young love lives and the couples are trying to be more romantic now. Still, there are a few kids here, and they don't understand anything.

Ben & Mira run without any destination in mind. They just want to get away from that restaurant fast. After running for a few minutes, they finally arrive on a bridge. They stop and look around to make sure that they're safe.

"Sigh, I never thought that the first thing we do as a couple is running away. What an experience," says Ben.

"Hehe, but it's fun, and we will always remember it," says Mira.

"I don't know about it being fun, but it surely will be something to remember," says Ben.

Both of them then walk on the street beside the river while holding hands. Mira is shy about holding hands, but she doesn't let go of Ben's hand. She's shy, but also happy at the same time because she has waited for this moment for a long time.

They just walk while talking normally like what they usually did. Being lovers doesn't mean they need to become different. They love each other the way they are, so they just need to be their selves and act normally.

On this first date, they just walk around the town and go to many places. It's a normal activity, but the feeling is really different. Well, it will really be very normal if they don't act lovey-dovey on the date.

Even though they try to act like usual, they still can't hide their feelings. As a new couple, they can't help but act lovey-dovey. Besides, this is their first date, so that is normal.

The last place that they visit is the park. They've gone here before, but they're not alone as Bella also joined them back then. Now Bella is not here, so they can be more open.

They sit on the grass and Ben sits behind Mira while hugging her from behind. She puts her head on Ben's shoulder as they enjoy the orange sky. No one in the park minds it as there are many couples too in here.

"Mira, I have something for you. This is not an exclusive gift because I've given it to my sisters too. But I promise you'll only get this from me, at least for now," says Ben.

"Heh, it seems I will never be the first woman in your life, huh? You'll always think of your sisters first before me, after all," says Mira teasingly.

"Well, I've met them first before you. I love you all, but my love for them and you are different," says Ben.

"I know. There's no way you'll love your sisters as women, after all. So, what is the gift?" asks Mira.

Ben smiles hearing that and says, "This."

Ben opens his palm and shows the magic circle mark on his palm.

"This is a Spatial Storage Mark that can be used to store items. It has a volume of 1000m3 but can only store non-living things and it can't be erased. There's also a Spatial Storage Bag with the same function. But it can only store something that can enter the bag's mouth," says Ben while taking out a white furry sling bag.

Mira is very surprised to hear and see both Spatial Storage tools. She takes the bag and looks inside it. The inside is very dark like outer space and she can't see its bottom.

"Did you make them yourself?" asks Mira.

"Yeah, they're the result of my 1-year journey. So, which one that you want?" asks Ben.

"Of course, the bag. It's very pretty, after all. Who made the bag?" asks Mira.

"One of my aunts in the village. Our village is good at something like this," says Ben.

Mira puts the bag on her shoulder and looks at it happily. They stay in the park until sunset while enjoying some snacks that they've bought on the way here. Then they return to Mira's house while holding hands again.

On the way to her house, Mira is very nervous and has many things in her head. They are lovers now and they go to her house. So she can only think of lewd things. Ben knows what she's thinking and smirks.

"Lewd girl," says Ben so suddenly.

Mira jolts in surprise and gets flustered, "I-I do-don't know what you're talking about."

"Haha, no need to hide it. I know what you're thinking and it's normal for our age. But there's no need to rush it, we are just getting started, so we still have a lot of time in front of us. Besides, I know you still have a problem in your guild to think about. Phantom Lord isn't a weak Guild, so you should put your focus on it," says Ben.

"You know?!" says Mira in surprise.

"It's not hard to guess. Those flying iron pillars are the biggest clue. The townspeople also keep talking about it, so I know it easily. I only know one person from Phantom Lord who can do that, Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel Redfox. That really piqued my interest," says Ben.

"You are very observant, aren't you?" asks Mira.

"That's a must for a high-class Mage," says Ben while smirking.

Mira sighs hearing that before saying, "Ben, I have a request."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 181 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 192 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)