157. Battle of Fairy Tail

The Battle of Fairy Tail continues and Laxus threatens to destroy the whole Magnolia with his Thunder Palace. It's an attack that used a lot of lightning lacrimas that hovers above the town. He will discharge their power and lightning will strike everywhere, destroying anything.

The game should have ended after the petrified girls get released. But Laxus doesn't want to stop and used Thunder Palace to make everyone continue the game. He is just following his arrogance and doesn't realize that he has angered someone that he shouldn't have.

The released hostages have heard about the game from Makarov. Of course, it makes them surprised to hear that their comrades are fighting each other. The old man also told them that Elfman has defeated Evergreen, that's why they get released.

This makes Mira proud because she always trained Elfman to be strong since Lisanna's incident. She doesn't want to lose another sibling so she needs to make Elfman strong. Ben also helped her train Elfman a few times while also training her.

But now Mira is angry after hearing Laxus's announcement. She won't be this angry and leave everything to Makarov if Laxus just end the game. But he chooses to continue the game and even threatens to destroy the whole town.

"He wants to destroy the whole town. That means he wants to destroy the hospital too and Lisanna is there. Unforgivable!" says Mira angrily as she transforms into Satan Soul.

Mira releases her demonic power unconsciously because of her anger. It makes everyone in the building tremble, even Makarov. The power that she releases is very powerful and terrifying.

"S-So strong. Is this Mira's full power?" asks Natsu with widened eyes.

Even Makarov is surprised by her current magic power and asks, "Since when does she grow this much?"

Then Makarov remembers Ben and immediately understands that Ben has helped Mira. Since Ben got his Devil Slayer power, he understands more about demonic power. So he can help Mira improve her demonic Take Over.

He taught her via lacrima video call when he was on his journey. It's not an ideal teaching method, but Mira is smart and can understand what he taught. She trained following Ben's guidance and this is the result.

Among Fairy Tail's S-Class Mages, Mira has become the 2nd strongest with her current power, just below Gildarts. The gap is still big, but the other S-Class Mages are weaker than her now. Even Erza is surprised by her power and not sure if she can defeat Mira now.

Mira wants to leave, but Makarov suddenly calls her, "MIRA!"

She looks at him and he says, "Please don't get too excessive."

"I know, Master. I will just open his eyes and leave the rest to you," says Mira before she flies away.

"Master, I will go too. Freed and Bickslow need to be stopped too," says Erza.

Makarov nods and hen Erza leave the building. Natsu is frustrated that he can't leave and join the battle. Gajeel who hasn't appeared since the beginning finally shows up and decides to join. But just like Natsu, he can't pass Freed's Enchantment.

The released girls then also leave the building to join the battle and help their comrades. Only Levy stays behind because she is the only one who can break Freed's Enchantment. She knows she can't fight Laxus's group, but she can help Natsu & Gajeel to leave.

Meanwhile, Mira is flying high in the sky to search for Laxus. She sees Freed and Bickslow while flying but ignores them, her priority is finding Laxus. There's still Erza and Natsu behind, so she can leave these 2 to them.

Mira is very careful while searching for Laxus. She knows Freed has prepared many traps and she might get trapped even though she's flying high in the sky. But she doesn't get trapped at all because most of the traps have been triggered by the other Mages.

Soon, Mira finally found Laxus inside the Cathedral. She gets down and enters through the main door calmly. Her expression is calm and she suppresses her magic power. She has calmed down a little now after flying for some moment.

"So you're the first to come, Mira, and you are ready to fight," says Laxus while smirking as he looks at Mira's Satan Soul form.

"Laxus, I won't do anything if you stop all of this. But if you still want to continue, then I won't hold back even though you are Master's grandson," says Mira.

"Such a big mouth that you have there. Do you think you can defeat me? You can't even protect your sister, how-" says Laxus to mock Mira, but then his words stopped.

Laxus widens his eyes when Mira's fist suddenly appears in front of his face. Mira punches Laxus in the face very hard that he flings and crashes onto the wall, destroying it.

"Never brings up Lisanna into this," says Mira angrily.

Laxus raises his head slowly and looks at Mira with a very shocked face. His face is bruised just from that one punch and blood comes out of his nose. That one punch has shown their difference in strength, but Laxus can't accept it.

'I am the strongest, that is just a lucky punch,' thinks Laxus, still clouded with his high pride.

Laxus gets up and removes his jacket. He strikes Mira with a big lightning bolt, but she can counter it easily with her darkness beam. It makes Laxus angrier and he starts to attack Mira at close range with his lightning-coated punches and kicks.

His lightning makes Laxus's movements very fast and strong. But Mira can handle everything easily and doesn't get hit even once. He just dodges Laxus's attacks as if she is playing with him to make him frustrated.

"Compared to him, you are just too slow," says Mira.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" says Laxus angrily, not really paying attention to Mira's words.

Mira then dodges a straight punch from Laxus and gets above him. Then she coats her right fist with dark energy before punching his head from above. Laxus crashes very hard to the floor headfirst and he grunts in pain.

"Get up! You want to show that you are the strongest, right?" asks Mira.

Laxus gets up slowly and turns his head to Mira fast with his mouth opens, "Lightning Dragon's Roar!"

A big and strong lightning beam is shot from Laxus's mouth. Mira looks at it calmly while forming a dark ball on her hand.

"Demon Blast!" says Mira as the dark ball becomes a beam.

Their spells clash and get into a stalemate for a moment before Mira's spell overpowers Laxus's spell and hits him. He is blasted again and crashes onto the wall. But he is very persistent and wakes up again.

Laxus suddenly releases all of his Magic Power and scaly patterns start to appear on his body. Mira widens her eyes because she knows Laxus wants to activate the Thunder Palace. So she flashes to him again before he finished his transformation.

Mira gathers her energy on her right fist and says, "I hope you can grow up after this, Laxus. Explosion Punch!"

Mira punches Laxus's stomach with an uppercut motion. Her punch creates a big explosion upon contact that damages Laxus badly. He coughs some blood as he gets sent flying to the roof and destroys it until he flies to the sky.

Sometime later, he falls to the ground again and Mira catches his left leg. She looks at Laxus who has been knocked unconscious by that attack. His defeat signifies that this game has been finished.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 192 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 203 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)