161. Kidnapped

Ben is running fast in Light Mode to the explosion source. He is worried about his sisters because their plan has been known by the enemies. That explosion can only mean one thing, battle. The enemies must've attacked their group, so he needs to go there fast.

Soon, Ben arrives on the battlefield and sees that almost everyone has been defeated. The only ones standing are just Mira and Erza now, but they are having a hard time fighting 5 enemies by themselves.

Mira fights a woman, a big guy that looks like a pastor, and a middle-aged man with tattoos on his face. While Erza fights a man who has a snake around his neck and a man with glasses. They are overwhelmed by enemies who have good teamwork.

Without waiting, Ben flashes to Mira's position and kicks the pastor-like guy, Hoteye. Ben's kick flings Hoteye to the forest which makes him crash onto the trees. Everyone is surprised by Ben's sudden appearance because none of them notice him.

"Ben!" says Mira in surprise.

"Sorry for being late," says Ben while looking at the enemies who stop their attack.

The Dark Mages are backing down and gathering around their leader. They are looking at him carefully because he could suddenly appear before them and attacked Hoteye.

"He is fast," says Cobra.

"Tsk, I can move faster than that," says Racer.

"The Sun's Child, you really come. You are really the biggest uncertainty on this plan," says Brain while looking at Ben and then peek behind Ben.

Brain sees Wendy who peeks and smiles happily when she sees Ben. He grins when he sees Wendy and then he raises his skull staff. Green-colored Dark Energy swirls around his staff's skull and then a magic circle appears in front of him.

"Dark Rondo!" says Brain as he shoots multiple big green bullets toward the Alliance Mages.

Ben extends his right hand to the front and makes a big red magic circle.

"Flame Shield!" says Ben as a giant rotating shield of flame appears in front of them.

The green bullets hit the flame shield and can't bypass it at all. But Brain keeps shooting his magic, forcing Ben to keep using his shield to protect everyone. It lasted for a minute before Brain suddenly stops his attack.

Ben also dispels his shield and immediately rushes to attack Brain. But much to his surprise, the Dark Mages have disappeared from their spot. He tries to find them but can't detect them anymore even with his magic sense.

"They've run away, huh? It seems we are late," says Jura who finally arrived.

"At least everyone is safe," says Ben while looking around.

"You are right. Also, you've finally come," says Mira

"Hmm? Where's Wendy?" asks Ben because he doesn't see Wendy.

"She is hiding behind that rock. Eh? Where is she? The cats are not there too," says Mira in confusion.

Ben frowns and uses his magic sense to find them. He senses a small magic source far behind the rock and immediately goes there. There is Carla there, but she is unconscious and has a bump on her head.

"Carla, wake up!" says Ben.

Carla wakes up and looks at Ben while still being dizzy. Ben gives her water to drink and she takes a sip.

"Where's Wendy & Bella?" asks Ben.

"Wen- AH! THEY ARE CAUGHT BY THE ENEMIES," says Carla panicky.

"What?!" says everyone in surprise.

Previously when Ben blocked Brain's attack, Brain orders Racer to catch Wendy. He recognized Wendy when he saw her and seem to have a plan for her. Racer do as he ordered and captured Wendy fast.

But the cats were disturbing him so he tried to throw them off. He only succeeded to throw Carla though while Bella & Happy are still disturbing him. With no time left, Racer decided to take both cats too before he & his Guild left the location.

Of course, it angers Ben to the core, "How dare they? Kidnapped? They dare to kidnap my sisters?"

Ben releases his massive Magic Power in his anger and it alerts everyone there. They widen their eyes and back off because of his Magic Power's pressure. Even Jura is scared of Ben's Magic Power now.

"BEN! CALM DOWN! YOU ARE SCARING CARLA!" shouts Mira as she holds the trembling Carla.

Ben flinches seeing Carla is trembling hard, he has scared her with his Magic Power. So he calms himself and controls his Magic Power again. He should protect her but he is scaring her instead.

He is being too emotional and couldn't think rationally, very unlike him. Too many things have happened in a short time for him, so his mind is in a mess. He usually can control himself even while he is angry, unlike now.

"I am worried about them too, but we can't do anything by getting angry now," says Mira while calming Carla.

"Sorry, Carla, I am too emotional just now," says Ben as he rubs Carla's head.

"It's okay, I know you are very worried now just like me. But don't get angry like that again," says Carla with rather wet eyes.

Ben smiles bitterly seeing his little sister is more composed than him. He hugs her while rubbing her back to calm her. Then he turns around to look at the Alliance Mages who have gathered behind him.

"Sorry for what happened earlier. My sisters are in danger, so I couldn't help but be angry," says Ben apologetically.

"It's okay, we can understand that, umm?" says Hibiki with a questioning look because he doesn't know Ben's name.

"Ben Cooper from Cait Shelter, sorry for being late," says Ben.

Everyone nods at him and now they all understand why Jura, Erza, and Ichiya were anticipating to meet him. His previous rage has revealed his raw strength to them and they all can only think of him as a very strong Mage.

Ichiya then uses his Perfume Magic to heal the injured ones. But Erza is still in pain because she has been bitten by Cobra's snake Cubellios and gets poisoned. Ichiya's perfume can't heal her poison at all.

Erza suddenly says she doesn't want to hold them back and asks them to cut her arm off. Lyon is about to do what she asked, but Gray stops him and asks if there is another way to save her from the poison.

"There is a way," says Ben so suddenly.

"Really? How?" asks Gray.

"Wendy can remove the poison using her magic. She is a Sky Dragon Slayer and has the ability to heal people," says Carla while still in Ben's arms.

"Dragon Slayer?!" says everyone in surprise.

"Wait! Aren't you a Dragon Slayer too?" asks Lyon in realization when he remembers what Erza said in the meeting.

"Yeah, both of us are Dragon Slayers. But that's not important now. Our priority is saving Wendy, and the cats. Then she can heal Erza before the poison spreads all over her body. For now, we need to slow the poison," says Ben.

Everyone is still surprised by the fact that Cait Shelter has 2 Dragon Slayers. But Ben is right, so they don't dwell on that and focus on their job. Saving Wendy means saving Erza too, so they need to be fast.

Ben then makes a small cut on Erza's arm, right where she was bitten. Then he pushes some blood out of it along with the poison. It will reduce the poison in her arm and slow the spreading.

Ichiya heals the wound and then Ben ties Erza's arm that got bitten to slow the poison from spreading. Then he asks Gray to freeze Erza's arm a little just to slow her bloodstream, not freezing it completely.

"Alright, that'll do for now. Don't move around too much so your heartbeat won't increase a lot. It will just make the poison spread faster. Now, let's do our job," says Ben while standing up.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 196 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 207 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)