175. Fairy Tail?

After he failed to get what he wanted, Ben set out to the Capital. He passes through some towns on the way there and tries to gather information in those towns. But he still doesn't get what he wanted although now he knows more about this Kingdom.

"Sigh, I don't need information about this Kingdom. It will be useless anyway. I need to know about what happened to my guild and friends. Where can I get that information?"

Day changed and Ben still hasn't gotten any useful information. He enters a desert as he drives to the Capital and suddenly finds a surprising place. It's a giant plant-like building with a familiar sign on it.

"Fairy Tail? It must be this universe's Fairy Tail, what a coincidence. Hmm, they are Mages, right? Maybe they have information about what happened to my guild & friends. Let's give it a shot," says Ben as he approaches the building.

Ben goes out of the car and then enters the guild through the front door. He looks around and gets surprised to see that the members of this Fairy Tail are just like his guild. He will surely mistake them for his guildmates if he doesn't see the grown-up Wendy.

Everyone is looking at him with wide eyes so he says, "Uh, is this Fairy Tail? I have-."

"MASTER!" shouts everyone happily as they jump onto him and make him fall.

"Huh?" says Ben confusedly as everyone is stacking on him.

"Huaa~, you've finally returned. We're very worried about you," says Mira while crying.

"Where have you been all these times?" asks Elfman.

The others also start questioning him and make him even more confused. They suddenly call him Master and act as if he has just disappeared for a long time.

'Hmm? Do I have a counterpart in this universe? How could that be? I was not even born naturally in Earth Land. Don't tell me my counterpart is also the same me from the past life? Damn, it becomes complicated,' thinks Ben.

[Please calm down. You are correct about having a counterpart in this universe. However, your counterpart doesn't come from the same source as you. That means he isn't reborn from your past life, he is this universe's real inhabitant.]

'Huh? So he is a native, like everyone else?' asks Ben.

[Yes. This dimension and Earth Land are connected, so when your soul entered Earth Land, a soul was instantly created to be your counterpart in this world.]

'Ooh, okay, it must be complicated so I don't want to think about it. Hmm? But I arrived on Earth Land 7 years ago. So shouldn't my counterpart be a 7 y.o? But they called me Master, so I should be old enough, right?' asks Ben.

[Well, your counterpart must've been born years before you arrived on Earth Land. The real Gods can do whatever they like with time, so making your counterpart born years before you arrived is easy for them. Maybe Edolas Ben is even some years older than you now. Just look at this Edolas Wendy, she is older than the Wendy that you know, so everything can happen.]

'Hmm, you're right. This is a different universe from Earth Land, so I can't use Earth Land as the standard. Although, some things might be similar,' thinks Ben while looking at Mira who keeps hugging him while crying.

"Good for you, Mira-nee. Your beloved finally returned after a few months," says Lisanna.

'So I am also Mira's boyfriend here. Also, this universe's Lisanna is fine, unlike-' thinks Ben before he pauses as he senses something familiar from Lisanna.

'What's this familiar feeling? Where have I- Gramps!? Why do I feel the same thing that I felt when Gramps disappeared, from Lisanna? Don't tell me, this Lisanna is a spirit? No, that's not it. I won't get fooled by this universe's magic, its level is too low. But I certainly felt something like when Gramps disappeared, so it must be about spirit. Hmm, what is it?' ponders Ben.

While Ben thinking about that, the guild then wants to celebrate his return. But he doesn't have time for a celebration so he needs to stop them even though he feels bad for ruining their excitement.

"Wait, you all! Sorry to say this, but I am not the one that you think of. Believe it or not, I am not someone from this universe. So I am not your Ben or even your Guild Master," says Ben seriously.

He is ready to get laughed at, but no one laughs and they all are looking down.

"So you are not our Ben? Then where is he?" asks Mira very sadly.

"Sorry, I don't know about that. I came here just to ask for information about the magic that pulled my guild into this universe. You are Mages, so I thought you will know about it and decided to ask. I'm sorry if I disturb you, I will take my leave then," says Ben as he turns around.

"Wait! Are you from that universe's Fairy Tail?" asks Elfman.

"Yeah," says Ben while showing his guild mark.

"Actually, Natsu & Wendy from your universe were here before. They were with 3 cats too," says Elfman

Ben widens his eyes and immediately asks, "REALLY? Where are they now?"

"They were in Sikka yesterday, but they should've gone to Capital by now," says a short-haired Lucy who has just returned.

Lucy then explain that she was with them before. They even met Earth Land Lucy and that's the reason why Edo Lucy cuts her hair, so she won't be mistaken as Earth Land Lucy. But she left them and returned because she wants to ask her guildmates to help them.

"Did you only meet them?" asks Ben who has gotten more relaxed now after knowing that his sisters are fine.

"Yeah. But Earth Land Lucy mentioned something about Mystogan sending her here through Anima," says Edo Lucy.

"Mystogan and Anima? Can you explain?" asks Ben.

Edo Lucy explains that Earth Land Lucy was hiding in her Celestial Spirit, Horoglium, when the guild was being pulled. Then Mystogan sent her to Edolas through Anima. She then explains about Anima, which is the thing that sucked Earth Land Fairy Tail to Edolas.

"It seems Mystogan knows a lot about this. I need to find him, he must be in Capital now. Wendy will be fine with Natsu & Lucy, I will beat them up if they can't protect her," says Ben.

"Do you want to go to the Capital? It's very dangerous there," says Mira worriedly.

Ben smiles and rubs her hair before saying, "I need to go and save my guildmates'. I also need to save my Mira there."

Mira nods sadly because she also hopes her Ben will be here for her.

"It seems Earth Land Ben is not so different from ours," says Levy.

The others nod as they remember their current Guild Master who has just replaced the late Master some months ago, but then he disappeared mysteriously

"Will you go now?" asks Edo Lucy.

"Yeah, you don't have to help us if you're not sure of our winning chance. Your lives are important too, so you don't need to force yourselves. I will take my leave then. But before that, can we have a talk, Lisanna?" asks Ben.

"Me? Do you need something?" asks Lisanna.

"Well, it's just something that bugs me. I promise it won't take long. I just want to make sure of something," says Ben with a serious expression.

Lisanna looks at Mira who nods and says, "Alright."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 210 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 221 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)