185. Saving Lisanna

Mystogan gives Ben all information about Anima that he stole from the Castle. In return, Ben gives Mystogan knowledge about modern technology. What Mystogan asked is the method to produce energy, so Ben gives him everything he knows about it.

"I am not an expert in this field, so I don't really know how to produce energy for mass usage. What I have is just basic concepts & knowledge to produce electricity. So you need to learn it by yourself and develop it," says Ben.

"It's fine. We will find a way to use this knowledge. Even though it's not full, it's better than nothing. At least we have something to start with. I already learned steam engine to power a machine, so there's another option. I never learned about producing electricity though, so it will need a thorough study," says Mystogan.

After trading the information, Ben & Mystogan leave the Amusement Park. Mystogan tells Ben that the others are fighting with the Royal Army & their Captains. Edolas Fairy Tail also has arrived in the Capital to help them.

Ben asks the Edolas Fairy Tail's location and immediately goes there. Mystogan wants to release all the Ethernano in Edolas to Earth Land. So he needs to help Lisanna before that happens.

He arrives on where the Edolas Fairy Tail fights the Royal Army in a short time. Mira has arrived first and currently fighting with Sugarboy in her Satan Soul form. The Edolas Fairy Tail Mages are fighting with the Royal Army.

Ben wants to help Mira, but she says, "Don't worry about me, just help Lisanna."

"That can wait after you finish your battle. No need to hold back, I will protect them," says Ben as he stands between Mira's fight & the Edolas Fairy Tail.

"You really know what to say," says Mira while smiling.

Sugarboy isn't a strong opponent for Mira. But he keeps trying to attack the Edolas Fairy Tail members after knowing that he isn't Mira's match. So Mira needs to split her concentration on fighting him and protecting them.

Now with Ben here, she can just focus on fighting him. Sugarboy is a strong swordsman but it's not a problem for Mira. His Magic Item that can liquified objects is also not a problem for her because her magic doesn't have a physical form.

The problem is he can levitate and glide on the ground at high speed. He used this to keep attacking Edolas Fairy Tail Mages and gave Mira a hard time. But now, Ben is there and Sugarboy knows he isn't Ben's match after getting defeated easily before.

His only chance is by fighting Mira and defeating her but that's also difficult. He has seen Mira's power and he's sure he can't win against her. So he needs to use his last card, run away.

"Hah, you think you can run?" asks Mira as she chases Sugarboy.

Their speed is similar, but Mira can prepare a long-range attack while chasing him. She makes a dark energy ball on her hand and she points it at Sugarboy.

"Demon Blast!" says Mira as she shot a dark energy beam from her hand.

Sugarboy senses an attack comes and tries to evade it. He succeeds to evade a direct hit, but the impact from that attack is big enough to push him away. The impact makes him fly to a wall and crashes onto it.

As he crashes, Mira finally reaches his position and immediately catches him. She takes him out of the building and takes him to the sky before throwing him down. He crashes onto the ground and gets injured but Mira hasn't finished.

She dives from the sky and then punches Sugarboy's chest. Her punch breaks his thick pink armor and also hits his chest. He coughs some blood and gets knocked out, giving Mira her victory.

While Mira chased Sugarboy, Ben helps the Edolas Fairy Tail Mages. He attacks the Royal Army with his bare hands and just knocks them out. He has promised Mystogan not to kill anyone from Edolas's army, after all.

As the war goes on, Edolas Ben suddenly appears with Coco on his back. She still holds the big key that she stole from Faust before. Everyone looks at them and Edolas Mira immediately rushes and hugs Edolas Ben.

"Where have you been?" asks Ben while still attacking the soldiers.

"I, uhh," says Edolas Ben nervously.

"He kept getting lost even though I've told him where to go. We were just going around places and wasted time," says Coco angrily.

Everyone has a dark face before the Fairy Tail Mages & Ben laugh.

"Hahaha, at least you've found us now. Anyway, can you take care of them? I will help that girl now and finish an important business," says Ben.

Edolas Ben looks at Lisanna who is fighting too and nods. He puts Coco down and switches place with Ben to fight the soldiers. Ben carries Coco before he tells Lisanna, Edolas Mira, & Edolas Mira to follow him.

At this time, Mira finally comes back with the defeated Sugarboy. Ben immediately calls her and tells her that they'll start the plan. She nods and throws Sugarboy away before following Ben.

The group goes rather far from the battlefield and gets inside a building. Ben asks Lisanna to lay down and gets ready while the others stay guard. Coco is the only one who doesn't know what's going on so she keeps silent.

"Are you ready?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, please be gentle," says Lisanna playfully.

Ben has a dark face and flicks her forehead lightly, "Don't say it as if I will do something bad to you. Now, Sleep!"

Ben casts a Sleep spell on Lisanna and makes her sleep instantly. He can do it while she is conscious, but he doesn't want to take a risk. Then he immediately uses the new spell, Soul Extractor on her.

When he uses the spell, Ben can feel 2 souls in Lisanna's body. He doesn't know who is who between these 2 souls, so he pulls both of them. Among these 2 souls, one soul is easier to pull than the other.

Then after he pulls them, he communicates with the souls and finally knows which one is Earth Land Lisanna. The souls didn't get affected by the sleep spell, after all, so he can talk with them. He finally knows that Earth Land Lisanna is the one that gets pulled easier.

'Maybe it's because this is not her body that her attachment to it is low,' thinks Ben as he returns Edolas Lisanna to her body.

Ben then takes out a woodblock and inserts Earth Land Lisanna's soul in it. This wood is from the giant tree that he found in his journey when he met Morgbitt. It is very strong and contains Ethernano in it, so it will keep the soul in good condition until they returned to Earth Land.

He gives the wood to Earth Land Mira and says, "Keep her safe until we return."

Mira nods and hugs the woodblock happily as some tears flow from her eyes. Ben returns to Edolas Lisanna and wakes her up. Then he asks about her condition and she replies that she feels weak now.

"It must be the aftereffect of getting your soul pulled out of your body. Also, now there's only one soul in your body where there are 2 before. Your body must need adaptation to the change, so it should be temporary. Don't worry, you will get better soon," says Ben as he pats Lisanna's head.

Lisanna suddenly hugs Ben and says, "Thank you, Ben-nii."

The others except for Coco also suddenly hug him and say their gratitude. Coco is still confused and asks nervously, "Umm, what happened?"


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 220 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 231 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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