199. Ben vs Hades

Ben is facing Hades now and he knows that Hades is very strong. Hades is the strongest opponent that he ever faced, except Zeref. He can guess that he'll still have a chance against Hades, but Zeref is out of his league currently.

"What's your objective here, Hades?" asks Ben while getting ready with his sword.

"Why don't you guess?" asks Hades back.

"I doubt it has something to do with us. It must be Zeref," says Ben.

"Hoo, so you know it," says Hades while smirking.

"I've met the bastard, so I can guess it. Dark Mages like you are very obsessed with Zeref, after all," says Ben.

Hades has an angry expression and says, "Bastard? How dare you call him like that? You are not worthy."

Ben smirks seeing Hades angry because of someone like Zeref. Most Dark Mages have this strange obsession for Zeref since hundreds of years ago. It seems Hades also has an obsession for Zeref like the others.

Hades suddenly extends his right arm and a big magic circle appears in front of him. Then 2 chains come out of the magic circle and shot at Ben. It is the same spell that Hades used against Makarov before.

Ben knows the chains are strong because they could fling Makarov in his giant form easily. So Ben chooses to evade the chains by moving to the left. But the chains chase him so he uses his sword to block them.

Seeing Ben can block 2 chains easily, Hades decides to add 2 more chains. It's indeed made blocking harder for Ben but he still can handle them. He uses his light magic on his right hand so he can move it a lot faster.

Of course, this doesn't make Hades happy seeing someone far younger than him handle his attack quite easily. Ben's movements are very fast and Hades can only see them as blurs because they are too fast.

"What kind of movement is that? He is the fastest man that I've ever seen. Not even Speed Magic can boost someone speed's that much. Tch, I never expect this. But I can't let myself being played by a kid," says Hades.

Hades then prepare another magic using his left hand. He shaped his fingers like a pistol and then a small purple energy ball appears in front of his index & middle finger. It is Bullet Magic, a high-leveled one at that because Hades has a high mastery over it.

He shoots multiple bullets at Ben while Ben is busy blocking the chains. Ben clicks his tongue and evades the bullets while still blocking the chains. It is very difficult and he gets pinched by Hades' attacks.

Ben gets overwhelmed and he knows he won't be able to keep doing this. So he changes his strategy and suddenly disappears from his spot. Hades is surprised but then he suddenly ducks to avoid a sword slash from his back.

"What the?! Teleportation?!" says Hades in surprise because Ben suddenly appears behind him.

"Correct," says Ben as he sends a kick with his left foot.

Hades blocks the kick but he gets fling quite fast to the back. He can stabilize himself and land on the ground. But his hands feel sore because he didn't fully cover his hands with magic, so the damage is quite big.

"Such power, it's truly a waste that I didn't find you first. But it's not too late now. So why don't you leave Fairy Tail and join me, kid? You will get stronger if you follow me rather than Makarov," says Hades.

"Hah, your humor is really bad, old man. I can get this strong by myself, so why do I need your help. You & the Magic Council are really full of yourself and think you can make me reach my full potential. I can always reach it myself. What you can help is just make me reach it faster. So your help isn't that necessary," says Ben while smirking.

"Hmph, what an arrogant brat," says Hades with a pissed tone.

But Hades suddenly widens his eyes when a kick suddenly appears in front of his face and hits him.


Hades gets flung behind and crashes onto the trees. He is sent flying 30 meters and breaks many trees in the process. Ben has kicked him with a full physical powered-kick right on the face after using teleport.

"I am not arrogant because I can back up my words. You should call it prideful, a trait of Sun Dragon & Devil Slayer. Light Mode!" says Ben as he covers his body with light.

Hades gets up while rubbing his face and asks, "Dragon & Devil? What do you- !? You have the power of Dragon Slayer & Devil Slayer?!"

Ben smirks seeing Hades' surprised expression but he doesn't answer. He just flashes at Hades and starts to attack him at close range. Ben's movements are very fast and Hades can't see them at all, not to mention countering them.


Ben beats up Hades who can't match his speed at all. Speed is power indeed and Ben always utilizes it against a stronger enemy. His target is to win, so he will use what he has to defeat his opponent. No one is faster than him in Light Mode, that is what he believes.

'Faster! Faster! I can be faster!' thinks Ben while grinning as he forces himself to move faster.

Ben keeps getting faster and Hades can't do anything except protect his body with magic power, that's the best he can do against Ben's speed. He lays on the ground and Ben is punching him from above with an unimaginable speed.

'Fuck! If this goes on then I will get defeated by this brat just right after we arrived here,' thinks Hades.

Ben's barrage of attacks has started to break Hades' magic defense. But then some wood spikes suddenly appear from the ground and aimed toward Ben. So he jumps back to avoid the spikes.

He looks at a tree on his right and sees a man is coming out of the tree. The injured Hades is smiling seeing the man which is one of his Mages. If this guy arrives just a moment later, then Hades will get beaten before he can even use his full power.

"Azuma, you come at the right time," says Hades as he stands up slowly with his injured body.

"Master, you don't look so good," says Azuma.

"Hmph, this kid is really something. He didn't want to let me use my full power so he attacked without any break," says Hades.

"A smart and strong guy, huh? Interesting," says Azuma.

"You were the one who attacked Lily & Carla, huh? Good, I don't need to search for you because you come to me yourself," says Ben.

"Hoo, you are very confident. You might have an advantage against Master Hades because of your speed, but it won't work against me," says Azuma.

Suddenly, Ben's feet get entangled by vines and he can't move his feet. Azuma can move the vines stealthily and Ben didn't detect it. Then the vines also entangled his body, making him unable to move completely.

Azuma walks toward Ben calmly and Hades is smirking at the side. This is checkmate for Ben because he can't move at all. Now they just need to finish it and defeat Ben with a big attack that he can't handle.

"Haha, arrogant brat, this is your end. Azuma, I'm not in a good condition, so you finish him," says Hades.

Azuma nods and then adds more roots to cover Ben's body and now only his face is visible. The vines merge and become a big & tall tree that holds Ben inside it. Ben can feel the tree is accumulating a lot of magic power inside it.

"You can absorb magic power from the earth using this tree, huh?" asks Ben.

"So you can sense it. Impressive. But that doesn't mean I will stop because you've impressed me," says Azuma.

Ben just smirks and says, "Then, why don't you impress me now?"

"As you wish," says Azuma.

Suddenly, the tree glows bright and a moment later it explodes. The explosion is really big because Azuma has gathered a lot of magic power and it engulfed a wide area. It's also very high and can be seen from all over the island.

"It's over, let's return," says Hades while smirking as he walks away.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 234 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 245 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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