204. The Demon

After defeating Hades, Ben stops his Devil Force and returns to normal. But then he falls on his back and pants hard as he feels very exhausted. He has a lot of sweats coming out of his pores that drench his clothes.

Normally, Devil Force won't cause this at all but this case is quite unique. He used Devil Force to stabilize the overflowing Magic Power that he received before. With so much magic power in his body, Ben couldn't stay in his normal form because his body couldn't hold that much magic power.

Then when he returned to normal, that overflowing magic power dropped so suddenly, just like Hades' case after the Devil's Heart gets destroyed. So this is just a temporary side effect of magic power overuse.

"Luckily I could finish the fight before I reach my time limit of using Devil Force. I'm still not used to that power because the requirement is very high. The magic power that I got from Azuma's attack was enough to fulfill the requirement but it also caused this side effect," says Ben while looking at the sky.

Just like what Ben said, to use Devil Force, he needs to fulfill a requirement. He needs to have 500 thousand magic power point to activate it. But currently, he only has a little less than 480 thousand, he is 20 thousand points short of the requirement.

The only way for him to reach it is by consuming magic power beyond his capacity. It will cause this backlash but will also provide him with the power to fight enemies that he can't fight with his normal power. So he will use it anytime if he needs it.

"But this 500 thousand magic power point, isn't this too high? Laxus & that Cobra guy can use Dragon Force with lower MP than me, but I need this much MP to use Devil Force. The Sun Slayer Magic always has a higher requirement than the others. Sigh," says Ben while still lying on the ground.

While the Sun Devil Slayer Magic has 500 thousand MP points as a requirement, the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic has 600 thousand MP as a requirement. The cause is actually because he got the Devil Slayer Magic by consuming a Sun Demon Lacrima, while he got the Dragon Slayer Magic through learning.

AI Chip was the one that concluded that after knowing that Laxus & Cobra can use Dragon Force while Natsu, Wendy, & even Ben can't use it. The only difference is how they get their Dragon Slayer Magic.

That's why Ben has a different requirement for both of his Slayer Magic types because the way he get them was different. The lacrima has made it easier to use Devil or Dragon Force. It doesn't matter whether they install the lacrima or even eat it like Ben.

"I don't know the requirement for the other types of Dragon or Devil Slayer Magic though. Laxus & Cobra are clearly lower, but what about Natsu & Wendy? Hmm, this makes me curious," says Ben.

Ben thinks about all those things to kill his time because he can't move now. His muscles are sore and he feels very tired which is very rare for him because of his high physical stats. But well, it's good to feel something like this once in a while.

On the other places, while Ben can't move, his guildmates are fighting the enemies. They are fighting the Seven Kin of Purgatory and Bluenote. Various kinds of battles happen on the island but some people also don't fight because the enemy's number is lower.

Mira is currently fighting Azuma in the forest and Azuma proves himself to be strong in this environment. Erza was previously with Mira, but now she isn't here. She has gone to find Wendy after Mira asked her out of worry for Wendy.

There's no Ben's clone that follows Mira & Erza, so they don't know that Wendy is with Gray & a clone. Both Mira & Erza are very worried about Wendy because she is the youngest among them, not including the cats.

Mira is now fighting Azuma in her normal Satan Soul form. She is very strong already in this form but Azuma can match her. Even after receiving Ben's strong attack, he still can use this much power. His Great Tree Arc is boosting all his power greatly.

They fight in close combat at first, but Mira is better than Azuma. She has constantly sparred with Ben in their free time, so fighting Azuma is an easy thing for her. That's why now Azuma uses his magic to control the trees and attack Mira with them.

He makes the trees around him grow and cover a very wide area. So now they are surrounded by overgrown trees on every side. Azuma controls the trees freely to attack Mira while also using the tree for defense and means to escape.

Mira has the flying ability, but now with the tree branches and vines everywhere, she has difficulty flying freely. So she tries to remove them using a new spell inspired by one of Ben's spells. She covers her body with dark magic and accumulates a lot of it.

Azuma won't let her do it so he sends some big tree punches at her. But before the punches reach her, Mira finishes her spell. She extends her hands and then chants the spell, "Dark Star Explosion!"

As she said that, a strong dark force comes out of her body and spread everywhere. It pushes the tree punches and destroys them then destroys the surrounding trees. Azuma is surprised by it and he escapes through the tree because the explosion almost reaches him.

When the spell effect stops, the area around Mira is devastated. She doesn't even use her strongest transformation, but she already has this much power. It's because she has trained diligently in these 2 years after Lisanna's incident.

She didn't want the same thing to happen again and she needed to cure Lisanna before. So she kept training diligently and often asked for Ben's help. Of course, he helped her and even has AI Chip find the most effective training for her and Elfman.

That's why right now Ben believes that Mira is the strongest girl in the Guild. Even if they count everyone, she is just below Gildarts, Ben, & Master. She also has a lot of magic power and it will surpass Makarov in a year or two if everything runs normally.

"Come out! Why are you hiding now?" asks Mira as she looks around to find Azuma.

Azuma doesn't come out though, so Mira clicks her tongue. "Tch, damn bastard really good at hiding. Ups! I shouldn't say something like that. I have vowed to change from my past self and be a kind girl."

Mira reflects on her words that sound like her past scoundrel self. She has vowed to be a kind girl after what happened to Lisanna. But sometimes she has an outburst like this when she is pissed or angry.

She always tried to hide it from Ben but he knows about it. Contrary to her worry that Ben will hate it, he likes it very much. It made her look cuter instead, especially when she tried to hold herself from outbursting when she was with Ben.

But now Ben isn't here, so she doesn't hold herself and just says what she wants sometimes. She grumbles while searching Azuma's location while flying. Then suddenly, a big wood spike comes out of the ground toward her, but Mira dodges it in the nick of time.

"You finally come out," says Mira while looking at Azuma who comes out of a giant tree root.

"The Demon, Mirajane, you're really as strong as the rumors. No, even stronger than that. Fairy Tail is really full of monsters it seems," says Azuma.

Mira smirks and says, "Calling a girl monster, how awful. My boyfriend will kill you if he hears that."

"Ho, I never thought The Demon Mirajane will have a boyfriend. He must be a real demon then," says Azuma jokingly.

"If he is a real demon then he would kill you with that one attack," says Mira while pointing at Azuma's stomach that was hit by Ben.

Azuma widens his eyes when he realizes who Mira's boyfriend is. Mira just smirks and says, "Now, let's continue."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 239 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 250 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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