209. GOAT

Battles of Mages happen in many locations on Tenrou Island. Among them is the battle of Lucy & Cana vs Capricorn. One of Ben's clones is chasing them too because he is worried about them as they are chased by one of the 7 Kin of Purgatory.

Capricorn finally catches up to Lucy & Cana so they can only stop. They get ready to fight and Cana is quite confused because their enemy is a goat-like human. Then Loke suddenly appears there and the girls are relieved seeing Loke here because it means he can help them.

Ben's clone knows that Loke was following them and left Gray. But it doesn't mean he is relieved because the enemy is one of the strongest among the Grimoire Heart Mages. Furthermore, Ben's clone has a bad feeling about Capricorn and he always believes his feeling.

'Let's watch the situation first because I don't have the strength of my original body. I will help them when they can't handle it anymore and take them to a safe location,' thinks Ben's clone.

The clone decides to observe the situation first because the opponent is strong. Maybe he is as strong as an S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail or at least the S-Class candidates. Cana, Lucy, & Loke should be able to hold the enemy for some time even if they can't win.

Of course, he hopes that they will win but it's easier to say than done. A battle isn't just decided by power, after all, but also by strategy or even compatibility. It's just like how Ben has a hard time against Gildarts but he has an easier time against Hades who also has a higher MP than him, just like Gildarts.

While Ben's clone thinks about that, the battle finally broke. Lucy summons Taurus to fight alongside Loke. Cana uses her Card Magic to produce lightning and attack Capricorn but he dodges it.

Taurus & Loke rush at Capricorn then fight him in close range. They question Capricorn on why he stayed in the human world for years. He has gone from Spirit World for a long time and no one knows his whereabouts.

Capricorn doesn't answer though and just keeps fighting them. Even if the 3 of them are Celestial Spirits, they still fight seriously. They might be comrades in the Spirit world, but they can become enemies in the human world if their summoners are enemies.

So Loke & Taurus aren't asking why Capricorn attacks them, but why he disappeared for a long time. They don't get an answer though as Capricorn doesn't answer their questions. He just keeps fighting them using his close combat skills.

But fighting 2 opponents at once is tough so Capricorn jumps back and makes some distance between them. Then a purple light appears on the tip of his index finger. He waves it in the 2's direction and then someone appears.

"Hero of Rubengard: San Jiao Shin!" shouts Capricorn as he waves his hand and a line of runes appears from the purple light.

A bright light shots from the runes and it lands in front of Capricorn. The bright light then turns into a figure. It's a middle-aged man with a long brown beard wearing green traditional-Chinese clothes and holding a Guan Dao, it's a Chinese weapon that looks like a curved one bladed spear.

San Jiao Shin immediately rushes and swings his Guan Dao at Loke. His attack hits Loke and flings him back. A human will get cut in half, but as a spirit, Loke or Leo has a very tough body.

Taurus rushes at San Jiao Shin and attacks with his axe. San Jiao Shin swings his Guan Dao to counter Taurus' axe. They clash and both of them get pushed back.

Lucy & Cana wants to help but suddenly their magic power gets weakened. Ben's clone rushes and grabs the girls and then takes them into the woods. This is an urgent matter because he knows why they get weakened and what will happen if he let them be.

"Ben, what are you doing?" asks Cana.

"Saving you," says Ben's clone.

"W-What do you mean? We just get weakened a bit," says Lucy.

"And you will keep getting weakened until you can't fight. Capricorn uses a Lost Magic, Human Subordination Magic. One of its uses is weakening his human opponents. Then when they become too weak, he can capture them and enslave them. That's why I need to get you out of there fast," says Ben's clone while still running.

"But what about Loke & Taurus?" asks Lucy.

"They'll be fine because that magic doesn't work on non-humans. You just need to keep supplying magic to Taurus. Loke came here by himself, so he doesn't need your magic power. What's the max distance for you to keep supplying magic power to your spirit?" asks Ben's clone.

"Uh, I don't know, but I feel I can still do it from here," says Lucy.

Ben's clone stops and puts the girls down, "Alright, you will stay here until the battle finish. Keep your connection with Taurus so you'll know what happens in the battle."

Lucy nods and concentrates to supply her magic power to Taurus. While she does that, Ben's clone writes some runes to encircle Lucy & Cana. Then he activates it and a transparent green barrier dome appears.

"Stay here, the barrier will protect you. I will return and help them," says Ben's clone.

"What?! But won't you get weakened?" asks Cana in surprise.

"I won't because I'm not a human. I'm just a clone, after all, magic," says Ben's clone.

"So clone isn't human?" ponders Cana.

"No, I am just magic. Anyway, this barrier will protect you. But if something urgent comes up, you can leave it. I made it so that you can leave and enter it as you please, but no one else can do it," says Ben's clone.

Without explaining anything else, Ben's clone returns to the battlefield. He felt something amiss with Capricorn and thinks that the goat hides something. So he decides to help Loke & Taurus then finds out what the goat hides.

When he arrives, he sees Taurus is fighting 5 human warriors that have been captured by Capricorn. Capricorn himself is fighting Loke in close range. Loke & Taurus are overwhelmed by their strong opponents.

Ben's clone flashes out of the woods and kicks a human enemy that attacks Taurus. He kicks the man strongly and flings him toward Capricorn. The man crashes onto Capricorn and pushes him back, freeing Loke.

"Ben! Why are you here? Where's Lucy & Cana?" asks Loke in surprise.

"Don't worry about them, they will be fine. I'm here to help you finish this faster," says Ben's clone while attacking the other 4 human warriors together with Taurus.

"What are you thinking?! You know that you will get weakened by his magic, aren't you? That's why you took them away from here," says Loke.

"I know, but it won't work on me, right, goat?" asks Ben's clone while smirking.

Capricorn has a sour face because his magic really doesn't work on Ben's clone. It makes Loke surprised and asks Ben how he does it. Ben's clone just gives him the same explanation as to the girls.

Ben's clone & Taurus wipe out the human warriors after some time and move to help Loke fights Capricorn. They surround Capricorn and attack him together. But Capricorn is a tough opponent with good close combat skills.

He holds off the 3 of them on his own and is about to summons his human subordinates again. But Ben's clone moves faster than him and catches his right arm then locks it on his back. Taurus also catches his left hand so now he can't move.

With a signal from Ben's clone, Loke punches Capricorn's body with Regulus. A bright light pierces through Capricorn's body and then a black shadow comes out of his body. The shadow falls on the ground and turns into a human.

Ben's clone comments, "As I thought, this guy used his Human Subordination Magic to possess Capricorn. I thought it was strange that a spirit was using such magic, after all. Sigh, what a stupid move."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 244 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 255 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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