231. Lamia Scale

Ben, Mira, & Bella go to their allied guilds after preparing a few things in their guild. They go to Lamia Scale first because it's closer than Blue Pegasus. The 2 guilds are in opposite directions, so it's quite troublesome.

"Tch! Why can't they just be in the same direction?" asks Ben grudgingly as he drives his car.

Mira sweatdrops and says, "That's not something that we can decide, you know."

"Well, it's just troublesome how they are in a different direction. Anyway, the priority in Lamia Scale will be talking with Jura. I will need his help to get the Wizard Saint position," says Ben.

"You want him to recommend you, right?" asks Mira.

"Yeah, if he recommends me to the Magic Council, it will be easier for me to get the position. I've refused it once, after all, so they might not consider me to fill the spot that 3rd Master left," says Ben.

"But they might choose you because you are from the same guild as 3rd Master," says Mira.

"We can't rely on that possibility and need to have more insurance," says Ben.

"You sound as if you have prepared more," says Mira.

"You're right, I have prepared a few more things that will make me surely get this position," says Ben while smirking.

Mira doesn't know what Ben has prepared, but that's fine. She knows Ben always prepares things thoroughly if he has a plan, so there's nothing to worry about. What she needs to do is just help him when he needs it.

They finally arrive in Margaret Town where the Lamia Scale is located after 3 hours trip at moderate speed. Their car isn't allowed to be used inside the town because it might cause an accident. So they need to walk from the gate if they are just normal people.

As abnormal people, even among the Mages, the 3 don't need to walk and tire themselves. Mira can fly by transforming into a demon, but she doesn't do it as Bella wants to carry her. For Ben, he uses his gravity & light magic to fly.

Ben has researched the method to fly using his magic for a long time. He has succeeded last year actually, but he never use it until his battle with Acnologia. He never uses it because he never finds a need to use it although it's convenient.

Now he needs to save time so he uses his flight magic to reach Lamia Scale's guild building. It really saves their time a lot because they reach it just in a few seconds. However, it attracts too much attention so all the Mages in the building come out.

"Sigh, I knew this would happen when 3 outsiders fly to their guild without any prior notice," says Mira.

The 3 land in front of the guild building and all the Mages there are preparing to fight. Luckily, the tense atmosphere disappears soon when some people recognize Ben's group. Leon's group and even Jura are here, so they can recognize Ben & co immediately.

"Put your hands down! They aren't enemies," says Jura.

Everyone immediately puts their hands down after Jura said that.

"Well, aren't they all trust you, Jura," says Ben while smirking.

"It will be problematic if they don't. Guildmates need to trust each other, after all," says Jura while smirking too.

Both of them walk toward each other and bump their fists then Jura says, "Long time no see, Ben."

"Yeah, it's been a few months," says Ben.

Leon's group comes forward to greet them too. They all have known about the Tenrou Island incident, so there's no need to explain anything. Now, they are just glad that Ben, Mira, & Bella survived.

"So, why do you come here? I'm sure you don't come just to see us," says Jura.

"You're right, I come to talk with your guild master and you," says Ben.

"What do you want to talk about?" asks a wrinkly old woman from the back.

"Oh, Ooba Babasaama, you're here," says Tobi carelessly.

"I'm here from the beginning," says Ooba pissedly as she spins Tobi with her magic.

Ben smiles and says, "I'm here for some purposes. The first one is to tell you that I have become the 4th Guild Master of Fairy Tail."

Everyone gets silent immediately before they shout, "WHAT?!"

They all are surprised because they know just how young Ben is. He is still 17 y.o but he has become a Guild Master. There must be many older members, but they still choose him as the guild master.

"Wait! I guess it's not that strange considering your strength. I can say that you are the strongest person in Fairy Tail without Master Makarov & Gildarts. That's enough reason to make you the Guild Master," says Jura.

"Yeah, everyone in the guild said that even though I want to refuse. I finally accepted it because they were too persistent and I start to regret that decision. It has just been 3 days but I feel tired already," says Ben tiredly.

Jura sweatdrops and says, "That must be hard for you."

"So you come here to tell us that you are Fairy Tail's new Guild Master now?" asks Ooba.

"Yes, we are allied, so I want to tell you this news personally. Also, I have other businesses with you but I can't say them here. So may I request a private talk with you & Jura, Ooba Babasaama?" asks Ben.

"Sure, follow me. You guys, don't be rude to our guests and treat them properly!" orders Ooba.

"Yes!" replies everyone.

Ben then goes to Ooba's office with her & Jura. Mira & Bella stay behind with the Lamia Scale's Mages. Leon's group is taking care of them now while Ben has a discussion with Ooba & Jura.

"So, what's this business that you want to talk about?" asks Ooba.

"First, I want to ask how much do you know about the Tenrou Island incident," says Ben.

Ooba & Jura are surprised, so Ben says, "Don't worry. I just want to know the news that the Magic Council spread to other guilds."

Ooba & Jura look at each other before nodding, then Jura starts to tell Ben what he knows. Basically, what gets spread was only about Grimoire Heart's & Acnologia's attack on Fairy Tail. Nothing was said about what the Council did or didn't there.

Ben sighs and then he tells them the complete story. Surely, the Magic Council's involvement in this incident surprises them. They never thought that the Magic Council would try to disband a legal guild with such a method.

The story that Ben told is quite unbelievable for them who rarely have any problem with the Council, unlike Fairy Tail. But when they think about it, they realize that it's strange how the Council's ships could be there when Acnologia attacked.

"Then, do you want to have revenge on Magic Council?" asks Jura nervously.

"If you ask if I want revenge, then, of course, I am. They were putting us in danger and they didn't even help us at that time. There's nothing I want more than ripping the hearts of those who planned it," says Ben with a very intimidating aura that makes the 2 flinch.

"But I won't do that, for now at least. It's not good for my guild to make enemies out of them. I am a Guild Master now, so I need to think more about my guild. Besides, I still have a use for them, so I can't destroy them just yet," says Ben with a calmer tone, relieving the 2.

"That's good, young man. You shouldn't act rashly now that you are a Guild Master. Many lives are depending on you so you need to be careful. Sometimes, we need to do what we don't want for our guild's safety," says Ooba.

"I will put that in mind," says Ben while smiling.

"Ben, I don't know if it's alright to ask. But what do you mean by you have a use for them?" asks Jura.

"Well, that's the main reason why I come here. Jura, can you recommend me to be a Wizard Saint replacing Master Makarov?" asks Ben.

Again, Ben surprises the 2 who can never know Ben's line of thought. So Jura covers his face with a palm and says, "Let's talk about it first."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 266 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 277 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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