233. Visits

Ben doesn't want to comment any more on the Blue Pegasus Mages' weirdness. So he asks for Master Bob's presence immediately. But Ichiya tells him that Master Bob is away, for now, so they need to wait.

Besides, it's getting dark already, so they should rest first and meet Master Bob tomorrow. Also, they've gone a long way, so they are tired and need rest. Mira & Bella agree so they go to rent a hotel room for the night.

Ben & Mira are quite tired and just want to sleep, so they don't do the nightly ritual again. They just sleep soundly with Bella in the hotel room. It makes them feel very refreshed the next morning because they have a good sleep.

After having breakfast, they go to Blue Pegasus again. They finally meet Master Bob who has waited for them. Ichiya has told him that they were looking for him, after all.

Just like when they were in Lamia Scale, Ben tells everyone that he has become Fairy Tail's 4th Guild Master. And just like before, everyone here is very surprised by it. Ben is still too young to be a Guild Master, after all, so it will surely surprise everyone.

"Master Bob, I have something that I need to discuss in private. May I take your time now?" asks Ben.

"Ara~, sure. But you don't need to be that formal with me, Ben-chan. We are fellow Guild Master now," says Bob with his usual feminine tone.

"I can't be informal because you are still my senior. But I'll try to be less formal," says Ben.

The 2 then go to Bob's office while Mira & Bella stay in the guildhall. Mira & Bella thought it will be similar to when they were on Lamia Scale, but they are very wrong. The perverts in Blue Pegasus are just too much for them to handle.

Mira hopes Ben comes back soon even though he has just left. She is afraid that she can't handle herself anymore and beat them all up. Meanwhile, Bella is already at her limit, but she chooses to sleep instead of fighting, leaving Mira alone.

In Bob's office, Ben discuss the same thing with the one he discussed in Lamia Scale. But he doesn't ask Bob to help him being a Wizard Saint. He just asks Bob to support him and help him when he needs it.

Of course, Bob agrees to it because they are allies and he is Makarov's friend. Then he gives Ben advice on being a Guild Master. Ben listens seriously and even records Bob's advice with AI Chip.

While they discuss about many things, a demon appears in the guildhall. Mira has reached her limit and she beat all the annoying guys. She is still 'The Demon' Mirajane, after all.

No one dares to disturb her again now after she beat up Ichiya & the trimen. Even though these 4 seem hopeless, they are actually the strongest Mages in Blue Pegasus. So Mira who can beat them easily is very scary for the Mages.

Mira now doesn't have anything to do, so he takes Bella for a walk around the town. Bella is very excited because she can explore the town. She has been influenced by Ben, making her really like an adventure.

They explore the town until the sky gets dark. But Ben still hasn't finished so they do what they want for now. Ben finally finishes at 10 PM and he looks very tired when he meets with Mira & Bella in the hotel room.

Bob really likes to talk and he often drifted off from the topic when they talked. Ben has tried to remind him but he will drift off again soon. It happened very often, that's why their talk took a long time to finish.

"Must be very hard on you," says Mira sympathetically.

"It was. The worst thing was he also often tried to have some skinship. It made me cringe because his appearance is like that. He is just as annoying as his guild members. I really wanted to punch him but I couldn't because he is an elder and an important ally," says Ben.

"Ugh, I understand that feeling," says Mira.

Both of them have the same annoyed feeling toward Blue Pegasus Mages. They know those guys are good people, but they are just annoying. Bella also thinks the same about them, but she can handle her annoyance really well by running away to her sleep.

Ben & Mira choose to follow Bella's advice and go to sleep too. It has been finished, after all, and they can go home tomorrow. There won't be people who annoy them again after they leave tomorrow.

The next day, Ben & co leave the town hastily. They bid farewell to the Blue Pegasus as fast as they can. Then they leave immediately after that and go to their next destination.

Yes, they don't plan to go back just yet because they still have other plans. There are 3 more places that they need to visit after this. 2 of these 3 places are close to Magnolia, but they couldn't visit them first because they needed to go to their allied guilds first.

The first destination is Quatro Cerberus Guild which is the closest of the 3. They go there because Quatro Cerberus Guild Master, Goldmine, is Makarov's close friend too. He was Makarov's former teammate, like Bob & Porlyusica.

Porlyusica has asked Ben to visit him because he must be very concerned about Fairy Tail even though he has made his own guild. So Ben goes there now to tell Goldmine that he is the new Guild Master of Fairy Tail.

Ben thought their visit to Quatro Cerberus will be fast, but it was not. Goldmine is just as annoying as his former teammate, Bob. He asks Ben for a duel to see if Ben has what it takes to protect the guild as a Guild Master.

Ben doesn't have another choice, so he accepts the challenge. They go to an open space and all Quatro Cerberus Mages who are there come to watch. The Mages are also just as annoying as their Guild Master. They always shout like punks and their appearances are eccentric.

"Sigh, what a rowdy guild," says Ben.

"Just like yours," says Goldmine as they get ready to fight.

"Maybe," says Ben.

The duel starts and Ben moves fast to finish this as fast as possible. So before Goldmine can do anything, Ben flashes teleport right in front of him and puts his sword on Goldmine's neck while increasing the gravity on Goldmine's body.

It all happens in an instant and surprises everyone except for Mira & Bella. This duel concludes just like that and puts everyone in disbelief. But they all know it's not about strength, it's about strategy and initiative.

Goldmine finally approves Ben because he could think of the best strategy, dared to take the initiative, and didn't hesitate to make a decision. He has the quality to be a Guild Master, at least based on Goldmine's opinion.

Ben's group leaves the Quatro Cerberus and goes to Town. They go to meet Yajima, another friend of Makarov. Yajima was also Makarov's former teammate with Bob, Porlyusica, and Goldmine.

Now, Yajima has a restaurant in Hargeon Town, and he is a Magic Council Member. He has helped Fairy Tail many times when they created problems. So Ben really needs to visit him even without Porlyusica asking him to.

He tells Yajima that he has become Fairy Tail's Guild Master too. Luckily, Yajima accepts is fast and gives Ben a lot of advice. He also tells Ben to be wary of Magic Council, something that Ben already knows.

"Mr. Yajima, I will go to Magic Council after this, and I'll create a big commotion there. But you don't need to worry, I have everything planned," says Ben while smirking.

"Sigh, I hope you've really prepared everything," says Yajima tiredly.

Just like what he said, Ben will go to Magic Council after this. He will surely create a commotion there with the things that he has prepared.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 268 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 279 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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