238. Competition

The battle between 4 Wizard Saint candidates starts after a short wait. The other 3 candidates immediately rush at Ben as it starts. They all are angry at Ben who mocked them despite being the youngest here.

"A brat will always be a brat no matter how strong he is. I thought you are a good guy for being chosen as a Wizard Saint candidate at such a young age. But it's just an assumption. Let me teach you to respect your elders, brat!" shouts the man who stood on the east side.

"No, we will teach it to him," says the only woman.

Ben grins as the 3 rush at him at the same time to attack him. He has aimed for this and this is why he mocked them, to taunt them to attack him at the same time. By making them attack him at the same time, he can swoop them all at once.

As they get closer to him, Ben slams his hands onto the floor. He flows his Magic Power and then a massive dark purple magic circle covers the whole arena. The other 3 candidates are surprised to see the magic circle.

There's no place to escape because the whole arena is covered by it. So they can only fight back by using their magic without knowing what attack Ben will use. They all prepare their magic and create magic circles on their hands.

But then, Ben activates his spell, "Sun Dragon's Domain: Reverse Gravity!"

The 3 candidates suddenly feel their bodies get pushed to the sky. Their bodies shot up and they can't resist the force at all. But they are strong and experienced Mages so they don't panic and immediately know what to do.

They balance themselves using their skills & magic on their bodies. The 1st man who has short green hair uses his wind magic to stabilize himself. The 2nd man who has long blonde hair uses his barrier magic to make a footing. While the woman who has long black hair uses her plant magic to make wings made of leaves.

After they balanced themselves, they look where Ben stands. They all see Ben is grinning while looking at them who floats 100 meters above the arena. The 3 have bad feelings about this and their feelings get stronger when they see Ben's magic circle changes at some parts.

Ben then chants, "Reverse the reverse! Sun Dragon's Domain: 50 Times Gravity!"

The reverse gravity that pushed the 3 to the sky suddenly becomes a pulling force. It is such a strong pulling force that can't be resisted by the 3 even though they've tried to. They get pulled at high speed toward the ground and crash onto the hard floor.

A loud impact sound and a rather strong tremor were created by their crashes. The hard reinforced floor that Jura made even cracks because of the strong force. The 50 times gravity has made the 3's weight 50 times higher and by falling from such height, their falling impacts have become stronger.

Dust is scattered everywhere but the high gravity makes the scattered dust falls fast. Everyone can see the 3 candidates who fell are lying on the floor. They have some injuries but they've succeeded to protect themselves using their magic so they don't hurt too much.

But the high gravity makes them unable to stand again. Even the woman who doesn't have a high body weight has become very heavy, after all. Her 50 kg bodyweight has become 2500 kg because of the 50 times gravity.

It's 2.5 tons, not a lightweight at all. Sure, their magic can help them lift 2.5 tons of weight. The problem is that they can't even lift their fingers because their small fingers also become very heavy.

The strong gravity also disturbs their concentration and magic power flow. Furthermore, the impacts of their fall have hurt them too. With all those problems at once, forming their magic has become difficult.

Ben has a smug face and says, "Now, will you all surrender? If you do, I will stop this spell."

"As if I'll surrender just by this. Those 2 can do it if they want," says the green-haired man as he uses his wind magic to push himself up slowly.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you," says the woman who uses plant magic.

She covers her body with wood & vines and then uses them to help her stand. Then she forms more wood & vines, creating an armor of wood & plant all over her body. Under her feet, roots grow to help her stand under this strong gravity's effect.

"Good, 2 people can stand in such condition. One candidate has been eliminated," says Ben while looking at the blonde-haired man who can't do anything using his barrier magic.

Ben teleports in front of the man who still lays on the floor. His hands are covered in golden solar energy that radiates strong heat everywhere.

"50 times gravity shouldn't be too strong for a Wizard Saint-level Mage. If you are strong & skilled enough, then you will be able to handle this level of gravity," says Ben while looking down on the man.

"Ugh, damn you," says the man who still tries to stand, but still fails.

Ben doesn't say anything else and just sends a very strong punch at the man's head. The punch is so strong that it cracks the hardened floor and makes the man's face caved into it. It causes the man falls unconscious instantly, showing that the man is far weaker than Ben.

"I can't believe such a weak guy is qualified as a Wizard Saint candidate. What a low standard," says Ben as he turns at the other 2 who look at him very seriously now.

"Well, let's end the game and get more serious," says Ben as he dispels the gravity spell.

The 2 remaining opponents get surprised so Ben explains, "It will be boring if you can't use your power well because of this spell. I also don't want to use the same strategy for the 2nd round. Come on! Come to me with all you've got!"

Ben smirks and taunts them. But now they don't fall easily to his taunt after they see Ben's power. They can't underestimate him or they'll get defeated like the other one.

But they also can't stay silent, so they move to attack. As if the 2 have made an agreement, they attack Ben from different sides. They flank on his left & right before they attack him at the same time.

"Rage of Wind: Great Tempest!" chants the man as he creates 10 big whirlwinds with sharp pointy ends aimed at Ben.

"Bind the World, Garoots!" chants the woman as she throws 8 wood balls toward Ben's feet.

The balls fall beside Ben and then they suddenly pop. But they don't explode as Ben thought, they transform into 8 small wood puppets. The wood puppets suddenly run toward Ben's feet and hug him.

He is confused but then the 8 puppets transform again into roots that grow uncontrollably and bind him from feet to stomach, making him unable to move. The puppets' appearances really fool the targets and make them let down their guards.

While he can't move, the green-haired man shoots his strong & sharp whirlwinds toward Ben from all sides. They hit him and clash with each other because they are too big. The whirlwinds grind each other, creating frictions that make strong effects.

Ben who can't move should get grinded right now, or that's what they thought. He has covered his body with his magic power and blocked the whirlwind. Then suddenly Ben releases a strong pushing gravity force, destroying all the whirlwinds & roots.

The 2 candidates have rather grim faces because they have failed. It's bad enough that they failed, but it's become worse that Ben is unscathed. Their attacks don't work at all against Ben just now.

Ben doesn't care what they think and just thinks, 'That's a good wind spell. I need to research it and teach it to Wendy after I release her from the spell that traps them.'


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 273 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 284 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)