252. Hot Revenge

The job that Ben takes is located in a forest far to the southwest. It is close to Grimoire Heart's current base location. The dark guild doesn't have a fixed base location because their base is the airship that they used on Tenrou Island.

Luckily, Ben can track the airship using the tool that he got from Zancrow. The tool shows that the airship is located far to the southwest. It hasn't changed for months so Ben assumes that they don't move since they left Tenrou Island.

Ben knows the reason why they don't change their location. They need to repair their airship because Ben destroyed a lot of its parts. Most of their members also died on Tenrou Island so they couldn't fix it fast enough.

"It was even a miracle that they could leave Tenrou Island and reach their current location with that broken airship. Well, none of it is my problem. I will just destroy and remove them from this world," says Ben with a deep angry tone.

Ben drives fast and only takes some short rests along the way. He reaches a beach after 2 days but the compass-like tool still points to the southwest. So Ben immediately transforms his Light Runner into a boat and sails on the sea.

After 5 hours, he finally reaches a small island and can see the top part of Grimoire Heart's airship that isn't covered by trees. He grins and moves fast to the island. He stores Light Runner in his spatial storage and walks to the airship.

Ben just walks confidently without hiding his presence. He even spread his magic power a little to tell everyone that he is there. He doesn't want to bother searching for them so he will make them come to him.

His plan works because some dark Mages have waited for him near the airship. Most of them are Grimoire Heart's lesser members, not even worth mentioning. The only ones who piqued Ben's interest are 4 guys on the back.

'Rustyrose & Kain, huh? That brown goat is Yomazu while the chicken is Kawazu. So they're the only ones who return. Azuma & Zancrow died, Capricorn return to the Celestial world after Zoldeo died. Ultear & Meredy shouldn't have died but I don't know where they are, probably they left the guild after they get defeated. Hades & that Bluenote guy are also nowhere to be seen. Well, doesn't matter, I will destroy Grimoire Heart nonetheless,' thinks Ben.

"You are the one from Fairy Tail. What are you doing here?" asks Rustyrose who doesn't have his pompadour hair anymore.

"Why don't you guess? I'm sure you know," says Ben while smirking.

"How did you know our location?" asks Rustyrose again.

"You don't need to know. Just know that this will be your last day," says Ben.

"Tsk, damn arrogant guy. Attack him!" orders Rustyrose.

The lesser members immediately cast their spells to attack Ben. Ben just takes out his sword and uses his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic on it, making it glows golden bright. When the Mages shoot their spell, Ben swings his sword horizontally.

A bright golden sharp energy arc generates from Ben's sword and moves toward the Mages. The spells that get hit by Ben's attack get destroyed instantly. Other spells that didn't get hit move toward Ben and hit him.

Ben's sharp golden energy attack hits the lesser Mages and cut their bodies like butter. None of them can withstand the sharp golden energy attack. It is very strong and sharp that none of their defense can stop it.

In an instant, Ben kills all the lesser members of Grimoire Heart, only leaving Rustyrose, Kain, Kawazu, & Yomazu. The 4 are very surprised by what happened because they almost get hit too. If they aren't on the back, then they won't have time to evade that attack.

They look at Ben's location and get even more surprised to see Ben looks fine. He has created a solar energy barrier at the last moment to defend against the attack spells. The ground around him is destroyed but Ben is fine without any scratches on his body.

"H-He is fine, what should we do?" asks Kain nervously.

"What else? We need to attack and kill him. There's no other choice," says Rustyrose while extending his hands forward.

Rustyrose gathers his magic power and chants, "Tower of Dingir!"

A giant tower comes out of the ground where Ben stands and lifts him. The tower pulls him and restrains his movement. However, the restraint is too weak to stop him. It just makes him feel a little heavy.

"What a useless struggle," says Ben as he covers his right hand with solar energy.

"Sun Dragon's Solar Fist!" chants Ben as he punches the tower.


Ben's punch generates a strong solar energy attack that engulfs the whole tower. It breaks the tower and destroys every part of it. Rustyrose & co watch it with widened eyes full of disbelief because they all know how strong Tower of Dingir is.

"Shit! Ghost of-," Rustyrose can't finish his spell chanting because Ben suddenly appears in front of him and grabs his face.


Ben slams Rustyrose's head to the ground very strongly until it creates a crater. The other 3 can't react at all as Ben continues his attack. He grabs Yomazu's & Kawazu's hair and pulls them as he sends his knees to kick their faces.

Blood spurts from their faces as their hair also gets ripped after Ben pulls them. Kain tries to attack Ben using his magic but Ben suddenly grabs Yomazu's & Kawazu's feet. He throws them toward Kain and the 3 of them crash onto the airship behind Kain.

Yomazu & Kawazu have fallen unconscious but Kain is still awake. He looks at Ben but Ben has disappeared from his location. Suddenly a shadow covers his body so he looks up. He widens his eyes because Ben has jumped on top of him with a foot covered in solar energy.

Ben stomps Kain's chest after he dropped from his jump. His stomp creates another crater, showing how powerful it is. Kain coughs some blood and some of his ribs are broken by Ben's attack.

In a short time, Ben has defeated all Grimoire Heart's members. He looks at Rustyrose who is still barely conscious after he slammed the guy's head. He approaches Rustyrose and grabs the guy's neck before lifting him.

"I will only ask once. Where are your other members? Especially Hades & Bluenote," says Ben.

"*Cough cough* Who knows?" asks Rustyrose back while smirking.

Ben's expression doesn't change but suddenly Rustyrose screams in agony. His body temperature has risen a lot by Ben's magic, making Rustyrose feels as if his body is burning. Ben will keep it up until Rustyrose answers his question.

"Just to let you know, this temperature won't kill you soon. A Mage of your caliber will be able to withstand it for half an hour. Also, I still have 3 people who I can ask," says Ben.

Rustyrose still stays silent but after 10 minutes, he can't withstand it anymore and finally answers.

"Ma-Master is dead, Bluenote di-disappeared, U-Ultear & Meredy defected. I-I don't know where they are now," says Rustyrose slowly with a hoarse voice as his throat is burning.

"I don't remember killing Hades and Master Makarov also didn't kill him. What happened?" asks Ben.

"Ze-Zeref," says Rustyrose.

Ben is surprised before he laughs, "Hahaha, so he was killed by someone that he worships. What a laughable story."

"Ki-Kill me," says Rustyrose desperately.

Ben smirks and says, "Sure."

He throws Rustyrose toward the other 3 unconscious Dark Mages and creates a big orange magic circle below them.

"I will kill you, but the process won't be easy. Feel the hopelessness that we felt when Acnologia attacked us because of you. Heat World!" chants Ben.

An orange dome appears on the magic circle and traps the 4 inside it. The dome has a very hot temperature inside that will make them suffer. The 3 unconscious Mages wake up and start to scream in agony. They try to get out but they can't because the outside layer is a barrier.

Ben gets inside the airship while saying, "This is the price for messing with me."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 287 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 298 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)