281. Honeymoon

After the wedding, Ben & Mira have a passionate first night. It's not their first intercourse so it shouldn't be different, but it is. It can't be described clearly but it's just different from usual and it is more incredible in every way.

The town of Magnolia is still busy even after a week since the wedding. A lot of people who have come didn't return immediately. They stay there and enjoy the things in the town because it will be a waste to just come here for a day and return.

So the wedding increased the town's economy for a week. Although it decreased Ben's economy a lot. But with a lot of people here, his company also gets free advertisement as many people tried the company's demo cars, so they will spread their impression of the cars.

And a week after the wedding, Ben & Mira go on a honeymoon. They don't have any specific destination and just go on an adventure. This is what Ben always likes and Mira eventually like his style of adventuring.

Of course, they use a car, not walking like what Ben did when he was 16. They go to the place that Ben hasn't visited in his one-year journey in the past. He thought he has covered the whole Fiore, but now when he has more information, he finds out that he hasn't.

So they go to those places and set up a camp to rest at night. They cook their food themselves and get the ingredients themselves by hunting or collecting. Normal people won't see this as a honeymoon, but both of them feel it to be better than just going to tourist spots because this type of honeymoon makes them feel closer.

"Now I truly understand why you like adventuring like this. I can see the world to be bigger than I thought. Even similar locations are different and have their own beauty," says Mira while they gaze at the stars at night.

"Right? There are many things that we don't know in this world. Human life is too short to discover everything, but it will be nice to see a lot of things that this world has before we die," says Ben while smiling.

"Then, let's see those things together," says Mira while getting on top of Ben.

"Of course, Mrs. Cooper," says Ben playfully, making Mira blush.

They kiss and Ben teleports them inside the tent before they do the naughty thing. The next day, they resume their journey and enter a desert. Exploring a desert is quite difficult for most people because of the temperature.

Ben doesn't feel anything though because he is heat resistant. Instead, he feels quite comfortable in the desert because he can feel the sun more than in other places here. He even takes off his shirt to feel the sunlight more through his car's windows.

On the other hand, Mira is sitting on the rear passenger seat and covers the rear windows with a cloth to reduce block the sunlight. She also turns the AC to its lowest temperature. To help her, Ben puts a barrier to separate the front & rear row so the temperature on both sides can be different.

"Why does this desert hotter than other deserts that I've ever visited? This is the first time I can't stand a desert's heat," says Mira.

"Really? I can't really tell the difference. All deserts are the same for me," says Ben.

"That's because you get more comfortable in hotter places with more sunlight. I can assure you that this place is hotter than other deserts," says Mira.

"Hmm, maybe there's a reason for that. It smells adventure," says Ben excitedly.

Mira doesn't know what Ben thinks but she knows that they might stay in this desert longer than they've planned. She just sighs because there's nothing she can do about it. Ben will still do whatever it is that he wants to do no matter what she says because he gets very stubborn on things like this.

So Mira just watches as Ben uses his sharp senses to scan his surroundings. But moving on the ground is limiting his visibility, so he chooses to fly. Light Runner transforms into a flying car and it flies 1 km above the ground.

With Ben's sharp eyes, it's easy to see everything on the ground. As a Devil-Dragon-God Slayer, all his senses are sharper than anyone. He can even see a pair of scorpions fighting near a rock.

Then after flying for a few minutes, Ben sees something in a faraway location. He sees rocky mountains with sharp peaks. His super strong sense can feel a familiar yet unknown magic power from the rocky mountains.

Without any hesitation, Ben controls the Light Runner to fly as fast as it can to the rocky mountains. They arrive near the rocky mountain and fly over them. The things that they find there are quite surprising.

Trees grow in the area in the center of the formation of the rocky mountains. But that's not the surprising thing. The rocky mountains are surrounding a civilization. And not just any civilization, it's a one-of-a-kind civilization.

Massive buildings can be seen there and so are massive people. Yes, giants are living in this place. Real and living giants. There's no record about this location, so they may be the first who find this place or the Kingdom is hiding this place.

Ben & Mira look at each other before they nod and Ben controls the Light Runner to go down. They land in front of what appears to be a town gate, or a village gate if they consider the size of the residents here.

A pair of giant guards approach them as they come out of their vehicle. Ben & Mira look at the giants that stand in front of them. They are astonished by the giants' sizes. Ben is tall for a human, but even he is still lower than the giants' ankles.

"Oh, human visitors. It's been a long time since humans from outside come," says a giant.

'So there were humans who have come here before. That means this place's existence is being kept a secret. Or maybe it's been too long so the record has disappeared. The possibility is high because I never found any record even though I am a Wizard Saint. Giants' lifespan is very long so it's understandable that they still remember it, but humans don't,' thinks Ben.

"Now I wonder how that child is doing after leaving the village?" ponders one of the giants.

"Hey, we have guests, it's rude to talk about another thing in front of them," says the other giant.

'A child leaving the village? Are there humans living here?' ponders Ben.

Ben thinks about many possibilities, but he stops thinking about those things after Mira pulls his sleeve. He then looks at the giants who also look at them and decides to talk.

"Good afternoon, Sir Giants. I'm sorry for coming here without any prior notice. My name is Ben Cooper and this is my wife, Mirajane Cooper. We are Mages from Fairy Tail guild, a Magic Guild located in the Kingdom of Fiore. We were on our way across the desert when we found this place. Please excuse our intrusion," says Ben while bowing a little.

Mira also bows while smiling happily when she heard Ben introduce her as Mirajane Cooper. The Giants are pleased by their manner. It's not that the giants care too much about the manner, but they still prefer polite guests.

"It's okay, little friends. Humans are welcomed here," says one of the giants.

"Yes, you are free to enter as long as you follow the rules here and don't cause trouble," says the other giant.

"We understand," says Ben.

Suddenly, Ben sniffs something familiar, and the familiar magic that he sensed before gets stronger. He is sure he never smelled this smell or sensed this magic before. But it just feels familiar and soon he realizes it.

"A dragon! Is there a dragon here?" asks Ben hastily to the giants with a hopeful tone.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 316 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 327 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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