283. Ice Devil Slayer

Ben is looking around to find the source of bloodlust that he felt. But he doesn't need to wait long because the person that released it comes out from hiding. It's a black-haired man wearing a set of armor with 'Absolute Zero' embedded on the left chest part.

"Who are you, old man?" asks Ben.

"You don't need to know who I am, you Demon Worshipper. Just know that this will be your last day," says the man with a strong hatred-filled voice.

Suddenly, the ground where the man stands froze, and strangely, the ice is quite purplish. Then the purple ice spread at high speed in every direction. It almost freezes the giants, but suddenly the ice stops spreading and the already frozen area starts to melt.

"The bluish ice becomes purple because it mixed with red color. Red colored magic with a familiar feeling, a Devil Slayer," says Ben while releasing strong heat that cancels the freezing.

The man gets very surprised to see someone overpower his magic easily. He can even feel his body getting hotter because Ben points his heat at him. So now he uses his Ice Magic to cool his body.

"It's the first time I meet another Devil Slayer, but to think that you will attack us out of the blue. What is your intention, Ice Devil Slayer?" says Ben while walking toward the man.

Ben uses his Gravity Magic as he approaches the man. Every time he takes a step, Ben increases the gravity on the man. As Ben gets closer, the man feels more pressure and falls to his knees. Then when Ben gets right in front of him, the man's whole body has slumped to the ground.

Ben crouches in front of the man and says, "I am not someone that will take provocation easily. You almost kill these people and hurt the woman I love. So I won't hesitate to kill you, but I am not that barbaric. Let me hear your reason, old man. Don't try to deceive me because you won't be able to handle the consequence."

After saying that, Ben releases the gravity on the man. But then chains of solar energy come out of his body and tie the man. It doesn't feel hot, but the man's magic gets suppressed because of the strong magic power in the chains.

The man knows he can't do anything now, so he decides to talk. "I just did my job as a Devil Slayer. What's wrong with a Devil Slayer trying to slay a demon?"

This is not the answer that Ben expected, so he is quite stunned. But the man isn't lying, so he must've really wanted to slay a demon. Ben looks around and tries to find the demon that the man means, but he can't find any even with his strong senses.

"Where is the demon? Are you sure there is one here? I can't see or sense any. Ah, if it's Mira that you mean, then I will really kill you. She is a Take Over Magic user who transforms into Demon. She isn't the demon itself, though her beauty is indeed like a succubus," says Ben before getting his head knocked by the embarrassed Mira.

"Hmph, look at you, feigning ignorance. As expected of a demon worshipper. Although it's quite surprising that you didn't proudly introduce the demon you worship," says the man while smirking even though he is in a hopeless situation.

Everyone there is getting more confused by what the man said. But then they look at the Eternal Flame before realizing what the man means. He must've mistaken the Eternal Flame for a demon and it makes Ben laughs.

"BWAHAHAHA, OI ATLAS, HE THINKS YOU ARE A DEMON," says Ben while laughing at the hilarious situation.


Atlas's fire gets bigger and the giants get scared, so Ben calms him down, while still giggling.

"Oi, old man, this massive campfire isn't a demon, it is a Dragon soul. Just like what he said before, his body has died, and only his soul is left. That's why he doesn't look like a dragon," says Ben.

The man isn't convinced yet, so Ben says something else.

"Is it that difficult to believe that a soul can exist and has a physical appearance like this? Well, it's not a problem whether you believe me or not. It's not like you have any choice. And don't forget, you almost killed everybody here," says Ben coldly.

Ben stands in front of the man and sends a magically enhanced vertical kick to the man's body. The kick makes the man coughs air before sending the man flying into the sky. Sometime later, he falls and Ben punches him lightly to stop his momentum so the ground won't break because of the impact.

The man coughs up a lot of blood and Ben lets him fall to the ground. Ben grabs his hair and pulls him up before tying him with the solar chains again. Ben only uses his Dragon Slayer magic because it's enough to suppress this guy.

"That is a little payback for what you did before. I don't kill you because I am not a crazy guy who kills anyone just because they piss me off. Now, let's have a talk, a real talk. First, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Ben Cooper, a Wizard Saint. You can search for it later if you think I'm lying. There's no point to lie, after all," says Ben.

The guy is surprised to know that Ben is a Wizard Saint. Now he understands why Ben could suppress him easily. He then looks at Atlas and sighs before apologizing.

"I'm sorry for my previous action," says the man.

"It seems you finally believe me after knowing my identity," says Ben while smiling because the guy's hostility has gone.

He releases the man and asks for the man's name.

"My name is Silver, also known as Absolute Zero. As you've said, I am an Ice Devil Slayer Mage. I'm roaming around to slay demons. Also, I'm sorry, but I am only allowed to say this much," says Silver with a tone full of hatred.

Ben can guess that this man must've had a bad past with demons. But he can't let this man slay demons indiscriminately. Just like humans, demons have personalities, and not all of them are evil like what people thought.

That's why Ben explains it to Silver even though the man might not truly listen to it. Ben has met quite a lot of demons and he even befriends one on his past journey. He doesn't have any obligation to protect demons, but he also can't just let them get killed because they are still people.

"Well, if you're hell-bent on slaying demons, then I advise you to slay Etherious, the Demons from Book of Zeref. I can confirm that all of them are evil because that's the purpose of their creation. Their real purpose is actually to kill Zeref, but they also worship him. They were made with negative emotions, so they only have evil things in their mind," says Ben.

"How can you know that much?" asks Silver with a surprised tone.

"You see, I've slain quite a lot of Etherious in the last 10 years. Most of them are low-ranked ones that can't even think and only have instinct-like beasts. The only Etherious that can think & talk like people that I've fought are an eyeball Etherious called Mreye, a black one with a name that I can't remember, and a gigantic ape-like one named Deliora," says Ben.

Silver widens his eyes when he hears Deliora and immediately asks its whereabouts. Of course, Ben tells Silver that Deliora is dead because he killed it himself. Silver seems happy but also disappointed because he wants to kill it himself.

"Thanks for killing that bastard. I want to do it myself, but I guess this is good enough for my revenge," says Silver.

"What will you do now that Deliora is dead?" asks Ben.

"I will still hunt demons. But I'll follow your advice and hunt the evil ones, especially Etherious," says Silver.

Silver then leaves after making a vow in the name of magic that he won't attack Sun Village and its residents. Violating this vow will give him pain worse than death. Ben is glad that he has learned the procedure to make this vow.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 318 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 329 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)