297. Beating-Up Demons

The Etherious Demons attack Ben together after he threatened them. They also order the demon worshippers to attack Ben. But Ben isn't in the mood to fool around so he takes care of them quickly.

Ben uses his Sun Devil's Gravity Magic to pin the demon worshippers on the floor. Then he flashes to cut all their tendons which will fully immobilize them. He only targets the demon worshippers for now because they are easier targets.

The demons can only watch as Ben defeats all the demon worshippers. He is very fast, after all, so fast that they can't even follow his speed with their eyes. Now they realize that their enemy isn't a pushover but a monster who is very angry.

"What are you looking at? It's your turn," says Ben who suddenly stands in front of them.

The demons get surprised and they jump back reflexively. But Ben moves a lot faster than them because he knows how they'll react. He flashes behind them and kicks the buttler demon to the floor before kicking the kid demon to the ceiling.

As for the purple hair demon, Ben grabs his neck and grips it strongly. He also places his left foot on the buttler demon that lays on the floor while increasing his weight with Gravity Magic, so the demon can't move. These 3 demons can't even show their power yet because Ben's attacks are too fast.

"I was planning on seeing your Curse Power for research. But I don't care about that anymore. Tell me where the children are, and I will give you fast death," says Ben with an intimidating tone.

The purple hair demon is struggling to break free from Ben's grasp, but he smirks when hearing Ben's demand. "I am not honorable enough to tell it to you."

Ben increases his grip strength, but then he pauses and looks down. The buttler demon's body suddenly gets dried up and a black liquid-like substance comes out of it. The black liquid forms a lot of tendrils that catch Ben's left foot and climb his body.

Then, the black liquid tries to enter his body through the pores on his leg while still climbing his body. But then, the black liquid that has penetrated his pores gets burnt. The black liquid demon screams in pain as it jumps away from Ben's body.

"Wha-what did you do?" asks the black liquid demon that squirms on the floor like a slime.

Ben smirks seeing the demon in pain and says, "You tried to enter and take over my body, huh? It seems your power is taking over others' bodies as a parasite. This buttler-like guy must be a Mage or maybe one of your demon worshippers."

"Grr, don't be cocky yet, human! I will figure out the way to take over your body and have access to that power of yours. Then you won't be able to stay cocky anymore," says the black slime.

"Heh, you will never be able to do it. You can't handle the Sun itself," says Ben smugly.

Ben had every right to be that cocky because his body is comparable to the sun itself. He has Sun Devil-Dragon-God Slayer Magic in his body, making strong solar energy flows through his body. The Sun Devil Slayer Magic is potent enough for demons, but he has 2 more magic of higher tier.

"Then how about this?" asks the kid demon that suddenly jumps on Ben's face. He has transformed into his demonic form which looks like a red monkey with goat horns.

The kid demon opens his mouth and then his eyes & mouth glow white. White light also appears on Ben's eyes & mouth which opened up without his consent. Then streams of white light flow from Ben's eyes & mouth to the kid demon's.

The other 2 demons smirk smugly because they think that Ben has been defeated. No one has ever won against this, after all. But their smirk disappears immediately when the kid demon screams in pain and falls to the floor.

"HOT! HOT!" screams the kid demon while holding his burnt throat and mouth.

"Wha-What happens?" asks the purple hair demon in disbelief & confusion.

"Sunshine! That is my power which gives my body & soul the energy of the sun. You thought that it is just my body that has solar energy? Wrong, even my soul has it too. You are too illiterate, so I'll tell you. Magic & Curse are affecting not only one's body but also the soul. So trying to take my soul just because you failed to take my body is a stupid move," says Ben.

The kid demon's power is absorbing others' souls to increase its power. While the black slime's power is to take over others' bodies to get their power. The purple hair demon is the only one that hasn't revealed its power.

Now, the purple hair is the only hope for these demons to win. But Ben is holding his neck tightly and he can't break free just with physical power. So he needs to use his Curse power to break free from Ben's grasp.

The purple demon's body suddenly releases a lot of purple goo that flows on Ben's hand. He can feel a tingling sensation on his skin and knows exactly what causes it. Poison, a very potent poison that can kill even high-ranked Mages.

"It's been a long time since I face an opponent that uses poison. Your poison is simply the strongest of anyone that I've faced. But it's not enough," says Ben while burning the poison using his strong solar energy.

Ben also burns the purple hair demon, but he holds back to not kill him. It's just enough to hurt him and burn all the poison that comes out of his body.

"Your types of Curse are the strangest that I've ever seen. I would play longer with you if you don't have hostages. But I can't do that now, those kids need to be rescued immediately. Now tell me where the other kids are," says Ben while pulling the kid demon to his free hand.

As for the black slime, Ben creates a hot solar energy sphere around it to prevent it from escaping while making it suffer from the heat. He also flows strong heat to the other 2 demons' bodies. But the 3 demons stay quiet so Ben increases the heat that flows through their bodies.

Finally, the black slime reaches its limit and tells Ben what he wants to know. "Stop! I'll tell you, I'll tell you."

Ben lowers the heat just on the black slime while the other 2 stay the same. "Speak!" orders Ben with a low voice.

"The-they are dead. He ate their souls because he said children's souls are very tasty. That's also why he has an appearance of a child. It's because he ate a lot of children's souls," says the black slime while looking at the kid demon.

Ben gets even more furious now, so he decides to torture the kid demon more. He slams the purple demon on the floor before stepping on him. Now with his left hand freed, Ben starts to torture the kid demon.

The heat torture is not enough, so Ben starts to break its fingers one by one. "Release the children's souls now and I will stop. Resist, and I will give you something more painful."

"ARGH!" screams the red kid demon in agony as Ben breaks his fingers one by one. He finally gives up on the 7th finger and releases all the souls that he has consumed. The kid demon didn't just eat children's souls, but also adults', so the quantity is high.

"Re...le...a..se me,... please," says the red kid demon.

"Where are their bodies?" asks Ben.

"I-I don't... know, the hu...mans dis....posed them," says the kid demon.

Ben drops the kid demon before tying him up together with the other 2 demons using a Light chain. Then he approaches the demon worshippers who have gotten their tendons cut.

"You know what I'm capable of, so I don't want to waste time. Tell me where the children's bodies are and you won't need to suffer any longer," says Ben.

Almost all of the demon worshippers stay silent and they try to kill themselves by biting a lethal poison in their mouth. But Ben moves fast and breaks their jaws, so they can't bite. Then finally, a man speaks up before Ben breaks his jaw.

The man tells Ben the location which is deep inside the cave. Then he begs Ben to kill him fast, which Ben does by cutting his neck. The other demon worshippers look at Ben in horror because they were too late to talk and get a quick death.

Ben then burns them all with weak Sun God Slayer Magic's black flame. The fire will keep them suffering for a long time before killing them. He does the same to the demons but uses Sun Devil Slayer Magic.

"Sigh, I really can't hold my temper when people involve children in shits like this. Let's finish this fast and go back, I need to calm my mind fast," says Ben as he goes to the tunnel that the demon worshipper pointed.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 332 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 343 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)