306. Forgotten

After Zeref's appearance, there's another problem that appears. Right when the leaders start to return to their Nations, a lot of Dark Mages suddenly appear. They try to attack the airships of these National leaders.

Their attacks annoy Ben so much because his job is about to finish. Even Bella is annoyed by their appearance because she also wants to go home soon. But these guys just need to show up and do these annoying things while he is there. At least they can do it after his job is finished.

*Swish* *BAM BAM BAM*

The Dark Mages suddenly fall to their knees and then lay flat on the ground. Ben uses his Gravity Magic on all of these Dark Mages. He raises the gravity a few times to suppress them at the same time.

His gravity isn't the same for everyone, he uses it based on the power that he sensed from them. So the strong Dark Mages get stronger gravity while the weaklings get weaker gravity. This is a very hard thing to do because there are hundreds of these Dark Mages.

Ben's gravity magic is enough to pin them on the ground. But it's not enough to injure or even kill them. He is still holding back despite being annoyed so much. Ben isn't a cold-hearted person who'll kill just because he is annoyed.

"Get them," Ben orders the Council's Mages.

"Eh? But your magic-," says someone before stopping when Ben looks at him.

"Don't make me repeat my order," says Ben with a very intimidating face.

Everyone shivers, even Jessica & Ellie who are also Wizard Saints like him. He doesn't use any magic, but they all feel intimidated by his gaze.

"He's really on a different level. His power has grown so much since the first time I fought him 4 years ago," says Jessica while looking at the Mages who scattered to capture the Dark Mages.

None of the Council Mages are affected by Ben's gravity magic. His control over his magic is so good that it won't affect those who aren't his targets.

"How strong do you think he is?" asks Ellie.

"I don't know for sure. We can't measure those who are stronger than us precisely. But if I just need to guess, then maybe he's as strong as the 4 Gods of Ishgar. Although I don't know at who's level because you know those 4 have big gaps between their ranks. Still, I know for sure that he is stronger than other normal Wizard Saints," says Jessica.

"So he is ranked 5?" asks Ellie.

"I think so, unofficially. We need to make a proper assessment to be sure of that," says Jessica.

"How will we asses- Ah! I-Is it by fighting?" asks Ellie with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Yeah, but I will never participate in it," says Jessica while smiling bitterly.

"Me too, I accept the lowest rank as long as I don't need to fight that monster," says Ellie hastily.

The Council Mages finish their job very fast because there's no resistance from the Dark Mages. Then the National Leaders leave the place immediately because Ben is looking at them with an intimidating look as if he's telling them to scram now.

"They finally left. Jessica, Ellie, we'll go first," says Ben.

"Bye-bye ~," says Bella while waving her hand.

"Yeah, thanks for your help," says Jessica while Ellie nods.

Ben & Bella go home immediately using teleportation magic. He doesn't use his Flight Magic again, he just teleports there because he knows the exact coordinate of his house. By using teleportation, he can save more magic power for an instant movement.

However, he can't teleport right inside his house's area. It's because Jarvis's security system blocks any teleportation magic, even if it's Ben who uses it. So he teleports in front of the gate that doesn't get blocked.

When he appears in front of the gate, he sees some people are standing there. His guildmates are gathering in front of his house gate. They are standing there with amazed expressions as Lisanna introduces Jarvis to them.

"Oh, Ben-nii, you've returned," says Lisanna.

"Yeah, what happens here?" asks Ben curiously.

"Hehe, they all are curious about Jarvis, so I showed it to them. Elf nii-chan was telling everyone about this, so they want to see it. Some people have seen it in the last few days. But those who were working and have just returned want to see it too," says Lisanna.

"Oi Ben, can you make one for my house too?" asks Gildarts who also joins in the crowd.

"You've just returned after a few months and you don't even greet me first?" asks Ben.

"Oh, *cough*. Hey Ben, I've returned. Now, can you make one for my house too? It's so cool," sats Gildarts excitedly.

Ben thinks for a moment before saying, "No."

"Eh~? Come on, I will pay you, I have a lot of money from doing big jobs," says Gildarts.

"No, I don't need it, I have more money than you anyway. It's also not because I don't want to, it's because I can't. Jarvis is very complex and I used a part of my soul and mind to build it. Do you want me to use more parts of my soul & mind? And before you say that I can use yours, just let me tell you that only the soul & mind of the crafter can be used to make it," says Ben.

Gildarts looks disappointed, but he doesn't pursue it anymore. He can see that Ben is serious right now so it must be true. Besides, Gildarts doesn't really need it, he just thinks that it's a very cool thing to have.

Ben also doesn't lie, technically. Jarvis is a clone of Quorra which is a part of his soul & mind. So he really needs to use a part of his soul & mind to make Jarvis, and if he makes another Jarvis, then it will still connect to him, that's why it can't be used in others' houses.

"Well, even though I can't make it for you, you can enjoy it at my house. Lisanna, bring them in, and show them what Jarvis can do," says Ben.

"Alright," answers Lisanna.

Ben leaves the group as Lisanna gives them a tour around the house. He runs very fast because he wants to meet his family soon.

"Jarvis, where are my babies?" asks Ben.

{Young Master Gabriel is in the bathroom with Madam after wetting his pants. Young Miss Ariel is playing in the family room with Miss Wendy and Miss Carla.}

Ben goes to the family room and sees Ariel playing in a small playing maze without a roof that Jarvis made using blue barrier magic. It is a simple and short maze as a game for babies, a function that Ben made in Jarvis's system.

"Ariel, Papa's home," says Ben while standing beside the small maze.

Ariel can see him because there's no roof on the maze. But then she ignores him and continues to crawl in the maze. Ben's body gets stiffened instantly and the others can see his soul leaving his body.

Bella pulls his hair but he still doesn't react, so she sighs and goes down, ignoring him. Mira who returns with Gabriel sees Ben standing like a statue there before asking Wendy what happen. Wendy explains it shortly and Mira sighs before trying to give Gabriel to Ben.

Ben moves slightly and is about to grab Gabriel, but suddenly he cries, so Mira pulls him again to calm him down. Now, Ben doesn't just get petrified, he falls on the floor like a dead person and his soul really leaves his body, making his body turns white.

He just left for a week, but his babies don't recognize him anymore. His daughter ignored him and his son even cried seeing him. Taking that job was truly a big mistake, he shouldn't have left.

"Uhm, Ben nii-san, maybe you should take a shower first. You have many kinds of smells in your body, so maybe they don't like it. Ariel & Gabriel have sensitive noses, after all, just like you," says Wendy.

"REALLY?" asks Ben so suddenly.

Ben suddenly stands up after hearing Wendy's words. He immediately goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Bella also follows him because she thinks she is smelly too as she went with Ben on his job.

After taking a shower, Ben & Bella return to the family room. Now they look fresher and smell good too. They are quite nervous, but luckily, the advice works, and the babies now crawl to them happily.

Ben grabs and hugs them as he says, "Oh, my babies, I thought you didn't recognize your father. I'm sorry if I smell bad, it's those people's fault. I'll make sure to not smell like that again."

Bella also nods while hugging the babies in Ben's arms. It's really fortunate that Ben isn't forgotten by his children.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 341 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 352 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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