312. Destructive Battle

The battle of Wizard Saints continues and Jura is getting serious now. Ben is flashing toward him and arrives in front of him in an instant. Ben is fast, but Jura also has a superb reflex that makes him able to react to Ben's fast punch.


A strong shockwave is generated from their clash and it pushes the rubbles around them.

"Heh, you've gotten much better now," says Ben while smirking.

"I have worked very hard to not be left behind by you, after all," says Jura.

Ben just grins and they continue to fight at close range. Jura has gotten stronger very fast in the last few years. It's not at Ben's growth level, but he still grew fast. Ben helped him too, after all, by making improvements to Jura's magic.

After Atlas Flame told him of the impending doom, Ben knew he couldn't just make himself stronger. He needed to make others stronger too, that's why he did a lot of research to improve his friends' magic, and Jura is one of them.

The current Jura is very strong even among Wizard Saints. Although honestly, Ben is far stronger than him. But Ben doesn't use his full strength now because he doesn't want to embarrass Jura by winning in a short time.

Besides, there is something that he wants by fighting Jura. Ben wants to test his close combat ability. Jura is a Hand-to-Hand combat expert and he is very fast & agile despite his big stature. He is one of few people who can fight Ben at close range.

Ben smiles excitedly as he sends his attacks at Jura. His hands & feet are covered in golden solar energy. Ben sends his golden punches and kicks at high speed toward Jura who responds to them all with his palms & kicks that are covered with his magic power.

Both of them stay in the center of the arena as no one can push the other. They don't move around, but their battle is still interesting to watch. Each of their clashes is strong enough to crack the ground around them and even shake the barrier around the arena.

Although the arena ground was strengthened by Jura's magic and the barriers were made by Ben, but it was 6 years ago. Their abilities weren't as good as now yet. And now they have gotten much stronger and their old magic that hasn't been strengthened won't be able to hold their clash for long.

After exchanging thousands of attacks in just 5 minutes, both of them decide to make a final blow in this close combat match. They take a step back at the same time and charge their magic power.

"You think the same, huh?" asks Ben.

"I know what you want to do when you suddenly moved back," says Jura as he clasps his palms.

"Rock Mountain!" says Jura as the ground starts to rumble.

The earth rises and then forms a giant knight with heavy armor. Jura is protected in its stomach where he can control the giant earth knight. This was just a defensive spell, but Ben modified it for Jura, so it can be used to attack now.

Ben just grins seeing Jura use this spell against him. He doesn't mind though and just increases the magic power of his golden solar energy on his right hand. The whole stadium gets very hot instantly, but Ben still controls the spreading heat to be moderate, so it won't harm people.

Jura then makes his giant earth knight send a punch at Ben. Ben just waits while getting ready to send a punch too. When the earth knight's fist arrives, Ben finally sends his punch at it very strongly while still grinning.

The clash of their punches creates a far stronger shockwave than what they made before. Even the whole arena cracks with them at the center. All the barriers that were just shaking get destroyed now.

When the barrier breaks, the shockwave spread everywhere and hits the audience. Everyone holds onto anything they can grab to not get flung by the strong shockwave. Now, everyone can finally feel the effect of Wizard Saints' battle.

After the shockwave is gone and the dust settled, everyone can finally see the result. They are shocked when they see the arena has gone. It has been destroyed and it becomes a gigantic hole because there is a big underground room below the arena before.

However, there is a pillar standing in the hole, and Jura is standing above it. He made the pillar using his Earth Magic before the arena collapsed. As for Ben, he is floating some meters in front of Jura.

"You are truly a monster. That spell can repel almost any magic and it has gotten stronger since you improved it. But you destroyed it with a mere basic Sun Dragon Slayer's punch," says Jura.

"Well, you said it yourself, I was the one who improved it. By that logic, you should understand that I've learned it thoroughly and know how to counter that spell. Also, I always said, sometimes, basic is the best," says Ben while using his gravity magic to gather the scattered rocks and create an earth pillar to stand too.

"Are you sure you want to stand there? It is dangerous," says Jura while gathering his magic power.

"Try me, Beyonce," says Ben while smirking and taunting Jura with 2 fingers.

Jura then clasps his palms, "Rumbling Mt. Fuji!"

An immense amount of magic power explodes from the pillar where Ben stands. It isn't wide, but the explosion is very strong that even the Mages on the stands need to use their magic to block the effect. The normal people in the crowd are also holding onto anything they can grab like before to not get flung away.

The spell stops after a moment and everyone looks at where Ben was. Jura also looks at it before he smiles bitterly. "I really have no chance from the beginning."

Ben is floating on his previous spot without any damage to his body. However, his clothes have gone along with the pillar he used to stand. He crossed his hands and looks at Jura with a dignified gaze of a King.

The women are screaming when they know his clothes have been destroyed. They close their eyes with their hands, but they still peek through the gap of their fingers. They get disappointed though because Ben has covered his private part using his light magic, it's a censor.

The women get even more disappointed when Ben uses Requip magic to wear other clothes. These women are fine looking at his abs & chest, so they get disappointed when he wears clothes.

Ben is considered one of the most handsome male Mages in Ishgar, so these women are very happy to see his body. Perverts aren't just men, after all, women too. They are just not as open as men about it, and their number is lower.

Anyway, the battle hasn't ended yet, as both fighters are still standing. Ben suddenly makes a bridge of light that connects him to Jura's earth pillar. He lands on the bridge and looks at Jura seriously

"You have said once that you want to fight me when I get serious, right? I can't do that here because this whole city will get destroyed. But I can show you one of my strongest abilities. Let's see how many steps you can withstand," says Ben.

"Steps?" asks Jura confusedly.

Jura's confused face finally disappears when Ben takes a step. He suddenly feels a very strong pressure on him. Jura gathers his strength to resist the pressure that gets a lot stronger each time Ben takes a step closer.

'What is this? This is not his Gravity Magic. I've felt it a few times, so there won't be a mistake. Just what kind of pressure is this? It's not just affecting my body, even my soul & mind get affected too," says Jura as he finally falls.

Jura's earth pillar doesn't get destroyed or even crack. That's because the one getting affected is just him, not anything around him. Ben finally gets a meter in front of him.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 347 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 358 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)