326. Overwhelming

Natsu's challenge angers Sting & Rogue who say that he looks down on him. They activate their Dragon Forces again and Sting says that nothing in the world exceeds Dragon Force as it is the power of real Dragons.

Ben scoffs when hearing that, "If nothing in the world exceeds that, they should be Wizard Saints already by now. At the very least, one of them should be Sabertooth's Guild Master. Also, if something like that can be called the power of real Dragons, then humans won't be so afraid of Dragons in the past. Well, maybe they really have real Dragons power, even if they are still babies, they are still Dragons, after all. I can even defeat this baby Dragon without using my Dragon Slayer Magic."

The Fairies sweatdrop hearing Ben's little protest at Sting's remark. They always know that Ben is very sensitive when it comes to power. So hearing Sting's claim of having real Dragon's power was enough to piss him off.

Even Ben with all his achievements doesn't dare to call himself to be at the same level as Dragons. But these 2 brats who have just started having wet dreams dare to make such claims just because they can use Dragon Force at will with the help of Dragon Lacrima.

They ignore Ben and watch the battle again. Sting rushes at Natsu and sends a strong punch. But Natsu catches it with his bare hand. Then Natsu punches Sting in the face before looking back as Rogue has moved behind him.

Rogue shoots his Shadow Dragon's Roar at Natsu, but then it gets overpowered by Natsu's Fire Dragon's Roar. The 2 then attack again and it becomes close combat. Natsu still dominates the fight and the Twin Dragons can't land any hits on him.

Sometime later, Sting & Rogue stand side-by-side and creates a pair of big magic sphere behind them. The experienced Mages can feel the change of magic power in the stadium because of their spells. Ben gets even more excited when he sees the 2 spells start to merge.

"Unison Raid?! Now that's interesting," says Ben excitedly.

"They are really in sync, huh? Unison Raid is something that's very difficult to do. Most Mages can't even master it their whole life," says Makarov.

"Yeah, that's a hard thing to do for 2 people. It's easier when only one man does it," says Ben.

"You say as if Unison Raid can be done by just one man," says Makarov.

"Well, it's not that hard because they can control the 2 spells' power perfectly if they do it alone," says Ben as if it's an obvious thing.

Makarov gets silent and Mavis asks, "Can you do it by yourself?"

"Yeah, but I don't really see the benefit, so I never use it in battles. It takes too long to get activated. I rather use fast spells," says Ben.

"Can you show it to me?" asks Mavis with sparkling eyes.

"Maybe later, the battle hasn't ended yet," says Ben.

"Ah, that's right," says Mavis before watching the battle again.

Between Sting's & Rogue's hands, there is a small golden-rainbow sphere. Then they shoot it toward Natsu and a massive beam gets shot. The beam is black & white in color as it's a combination of Holy & Shadow elements.

"Holy Shadow Dragon Flash Fang!" Sting & Rogue shout their combination spell name.

Ben cringes hearing that name, "Ugh, such a cringe name."

Natsu doesn't move away and waits for the attack to come. He intends to face it head-on and he lowers his body while placing his hands on his right side. Then he covers his arms with fire and then shoots it in a spiral motion.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!"

Natsu's spiral fire hits the Holy Shadow beam and breaks it. Then it moves toward Sting & Rogue, hitting them directly. A strong impact is created by that attack that even the Lacrima Vision gets deactivated for a moment.

"It's done," says Ben while smirking.

"It is? Who won?" asks Cana.

Ben doesn't need to answer as the Lacrima Vision gets activated again. It shows the picture of Sting & Rogue falling to the ground. Natsu is still standing there firmly and then he celebrates his victory after the referee ends the match.

Ben grins and looks at the scoreboard that has changed again.

Fairy Tail B : 78 points

Fairy Tail A : 63 points

Blue Pegasus : 38 points

Mermaid Heel : 37 points

Sabertooth : 30 points

Lamia Scale : 28 points

Scarmiglione : 14 points

Quatro Cerberus : 10 point

Both Fairy Tail teams now have an overwhelming lead on the scoreboard. Even Blue Pegasus in the 3rd place needs 25 points just to match Fairy Tail A's score. Without any miracle on the 5th day, it will be impossible for other teams to chase those scores.

Ben suddenly senses a small burst of magic power and sees that it's Jiemma. The old guy seems very angry and Ben smirks seeing it. This tournament hasn't finished yet, so Jiemma will get even more angry tomorrow.

He ignores the old man when Chapati Lola announces that tomorrow will be a break day. The 5th event day will be held the day after tomorrow. So all teams can prepare for the last event and rest after 4 continuous event days.

Chapati Lola also announces the last day's event immediately. It will be a survival game that involves every member of the team. So it will be a battle royale, obviously with some rules that haven't been explained.

"An all-out war, huh? Interesting, that means we will face each other, team A. Hehe, you better come to me or I'll come to you," says Ben while grinning.

The team A members shiver when they hear that and immediately decide to not face him. They know his power and they know how much he enjoys battles. Fighting him will just be a waste of time in this competition because they'll never win anyway.

Ben gets disappointed by their reactions and decides to leave the stadium. He goes to the hospital where his wife & children are. Bella jumps on his shoulder to join him because there's nothing else to watch here.

In the hospital, Ben finds his kids are playing tag games in Lucy's room. No one even bothers to tell them so stop playing in a hospital. Ben looks at them and guesses from their expressions they have given up on doing that. He knows just how stubborn the kids are when they play.

"Alright kids, it's time to stop," says Ben, but they still run around.

He sighs and uses his Gravity Magic to pull them toward him. They fly toward Ben and he catches their legs, so they are hanging upside down now. Then they look at their father's rather angry face and immediately stop moving.

"Good, now be good and stay silent in the hospital or I will confiscate your toys for a week," says Ben.

The twin nods fearfully as they remember Ben really confiscated all their toys for 3 days a few months ago when they didn't listen to him. Those 3 days felt so long, yet now he will take their toys for a week. Of course, they don't want it to happen, so they listen to him & behave.

Ben puts them down and now they play quietly on the side. The others sigh in relief because now they can finally get some peace. Now the adults can finally talk without the children's disturbance. They ask Ben about the game, so he explains it briefly.

"So we are free tomorrow?" asks Laxus.

"Yeah, you can do whatever you want as long as you don't create problems," says Ben.

"You talk as if I'll create problems," says Laxus rather offendedly.

"Well, I don't believe that no one in this guild won't create any problem," says Ben.

Laxus can't even say anything back and just sits quietly there. They all then just stay in the hospital room as if it's a place to hang out. Then their guildmates also come and when it gets dark, Gajeel finally shows up after disappearing for hours.

"Oh, Gajeel, have you done mining some stone?" asks Ben jokingly.

Everyone laughs, and so is Natsu. Gajeel gets pissed by it and hits Natsu in the head because he is the cause of what happened. They almost bicker again, but Makarov hits them both, stopping them immediately.

Gajeel stops the fight and then calls the Dragon Slayers, "Hey, I found something that will interest us Dragon Slayers."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 361 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 372 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)