328. Abyss Palace

Both the King & Darton are now kneeling in front of Ben who sits on the throne. There are many Royal Guards in that room but none of them can help because all of them are unconscious. Ben has knocked them out before he captured the King.

"I won't ask much, just release Lucy before I get very mad at you," says Ben.

"Th-that's...," says Darton unsurely.

"What? You prefer your King's death over releasing a girl?" asks Ben.

"N-No, that's not what I mean," says Darton hastily.

"Hoo, it seems you really try to piss me off by putting one of my guildmates in Abyss Palace. That's the place said to imprison the worst criminals, right? Fine, if you really want that place to get destroyed, then I will grant your wish. I don't care about your motives because once you hurt those around me, you have become my enemies," says Ben while standing up.

Bella moves to his head and sees Ben raises his sword before using it to cut the throne into pieces.

"I just cut the throne today, but next will be your neck along with this Kingdom. Your status as a King means no shit to me. No matter how high your status is, I can take it from you by force, so remember that. Even if you got help from the whole Ishgar, I will still destroy you. If needed, I will even destroy Ishgar."

"If you think that's impossible then you don't know what I'm really capable of, so don't force me. I don't care if you want to play around by turning into a pumpkin. But don't mess with me or Fairy Tail again if you still want to live," says Ben intimidatingly.

After he's done with the 2, he breaks the floor and goes to the lower floor through the hole. Ben wants to show that he can destroy this place anytime he wants. The 2 understand that and their expressions turn grim. They never get this level of threat before.

"He knows that I am Mato, the Pumpkin-man, isn't he?" asks The King.

"Ye-yes, I think he is," says Darton.

The King gulps his saliva and says, "Darton, let's not mess with Fairy Tail again. I think he can tolerate some levels of treatments, but it seems we've gone too far right now. We can't lose a battle force of his level right now when the calamity is approaching."

"But what he does is basically treason," says Darton.

"I know that, and he knows that too. He could just kill us just now and take the throne, but he didn't do it, and I'm sure you know why," says the King.

Darton gulps his saliva and says, "He can take it anytime he wants even if we know that he'll come."

The King just nods and they both get silent while thinking of how to face it if that really happens. Then they remember how Ben defeated Jura, another Wizard Saint in this Kingdom without receiving any damage. Now they don't really know how to face such force even with everything they have.

While they are contemplating about it, Ben has arrived in front of the Abyss Palace's door. He kicks it without any hesitation and the thick door gets destroyed very easily. Then he enters the dark underground room and feels 5 presence approaching.

"Oho, you must be the Garou Knights, the executioners of criminals in Abyss Palace. Well, you look weak," says Ben while smirking.

The Garou Knights are composed of 3 men and 2 women. They all look quite nervous right now because the man in front of them is Ben, a Wizard Saint. If he's just a Wizard Saint, they won't be this nervous, but he broke the thick door into the Abyss very easily.

That door was imbued with many layers of magic spells to improve its durability and prevent anyone from entering or escaping without permission. But he broke through it just with a kick. Still, they are glad that he is alone, so they think they still have a chance to win even though he is a Wizard Saint.

"Where's Lucy?" asks Ben while walking calmly toward the 5.

"We can't answer that question and we can't let you enter without permission. Breaking through the castle and entering the Abys Palace without permission is a big crime punished by death. Even if you are a Wizard Saint, you won't be excused from such sin. So with the authority given to us by His Majesty the King, we will execute you on the spot," says a man who has a pair of Scythes and looks like the leader.

"What a big word for someone like you to say," says Ben while smirking.

"It might be a big word to be used against a Wizard Saint. But I am not alone," says the leader.

"Well, why don't you try then?" asks Ben while taunting them with his finger.

They all then prepare their magic spells, but suddenly Ben disappears.

"You are too slow," says Ben who suddenly appears in front of the bald man.

Ben hits the man's stomach very hard and makes him cough up blood. The man falls unconscious instantly with a mere punch from Ben. The way Ben could move so fast and takes out one of their members in a short time really surprises the other Garou Knights.

But he is now standing among them, so they can attack him faster. But before they can even activate their magic spells, Ben punches their jaws in less than a second and knocks them out. He only leaves the leader who has just withdrawn his Scythes.

"Wha-what the-," the leader can't even finish his sentence because Ben already grabs his mouth and lifts him.

"I don't have time to play shits with you, so I knocked them out fast. As for you, I don't need your help to find Lucy at all because I can feel her magic power. But I left you for last because I need you to tell the Royal Family that if they still love their lives, their status, and their Kingdom, then they shouldn't anger me. As for you, Princess, don't be stupid and just sit on your comfy chair," says Ben before throwing the leader towards a hidden lacrima vision on the ceiling.

The lacrima vision gets destroyed, but the leader is still conscious because it wasn't a strong attack. He stands up again and sees Ben walking leisurely towards him. So he raises his Scythes and rushes at Ben before attacking using his Scythes.

Ben catches the Scythes with bare hands and then he looks at one of the Scythes with interest. The man's left Scythe actually has Nullification Magic embedded in it. It's just that the magic only nullifies magical attacks and Ben doesn't need to use it at all.

"It's a useful magic to be used against other Mages, but it's useless against me," says Ben before kicking the man's stomach.

His kick is very fast even though he doesn't use his magic power at all. It's just a pure physical attack, but it's faster than most magic-enhanced kicks. The man can't even react before he faints like his teammates.

Ben leaves the unconscious Garou Knights on the floor and walks deeper into the underground room. He has felt Lucy's magic power and knows where she is. So he walks there and finds her soon in a cell with Yukino.

Lucy is surprised to see Ben found her in a short time, and so is Yukino. They get even more surprised when he breaks the cell door with a kick. Lucy knows Ben's capabilities, but she is always getting surprised by many things.

"Let's get out of here," says Ben.

"Wait, can you also release Sir Arcadios?" asks Yukino.

"That guy also gets arrested?" asks Ben in surprise.

Yukino nods and then they go to find Arcadios's cell. They find him soon then Ben breaks his cell. Arcadios is surprised by his appearance here and he gets more surprised when Ben tells him that the Garou Knights have been defeated.

Ben then takes Lucy back to their guild's hotel using teleportation. Her keys were confiscated, but Arcadios will help her find them. And Ben needs to take her back as soon as possible because their guildmates must be worried about her.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 363 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 374 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)