338. Dragons

With future Rogue's death, Ben can focus on the Dragons again. He will start with the one right below him. His Light sphere is still active, so Ben will use its remaining time to attack this dragon that gets trapped here.

But it doesn't work as easily as he planned because the Mother Dragon suddenly starts to thrash around. It has been freed of Future Rogue's mind control. So now it tries to break free from Ben's Light World.

With its size & power, the Mother Dragon breaks the Light Sphere in a short time. Ben also doesn't try to maintain it though because it will consume too much power. He is more focused on how to defeat this Dragon, or at least stop its wild movement now.

"Damn, it just doesn't stop. Fine, let's see if you still won't stop thrashing around after this," says Ben while coating his right hand with golden solar energy.

"Sun Dragon's Exploding Punch!"

Ben punches the Mother Dragon's scales on its back. His punch creates a big explosion that even engulfs Ben himself. It doesn't hurt him at all though, but it can push the Mother Dragon's back, making it arches a little.

However, much to Ben's surprise, the scales aren't damaged too much. Only some scratches appear on the swirl-patterned scales. He surely didn't use his strongest attack, but that punch was enough to knock out even an S-Class Mage.

"That was impressive, human. You actually made me feel pain by hitting my super-hard Diamond Scales. But you'll never be able to break them," says the Mother Dragon smugly.

"Diamond scales, huh? These scales will be great materials after your death," says Ben.

"HAHAHA, AS IF YOUR PUNY POWER CAN KILL ME," shouts the Mother Dragon before sending its long tail toward Ben on its back.

Ben jumps away to evade the tail and now he flies near the Mother Dragon. He looks at the Mother Dragon that also looks back at him. Ben then hears a notification from Quorra and she shows the Mother Dragon's estimated stats.


MP: 2,958,120

STR: 5,627

AGI: 1,593

STA: 8,286]

"Damn, those are some ridiculous stats. Its MP is far higher than me in Sun Drive mode and even Devil Force," says Ben while frowning.

He looks at the battles that happen in the city between the Mages that get help from his clones and the mini-Dracos. His clones, Sting, & Rogue can fight the mini-Dracos quite well. But their number is too high and the Mages are still overwhelmed.

Then near the castle, Laxus, Wendy, & Gajeel are also having a hard time. They already get a companion, Cobra from Oracion Seis who was released by Doranbolt to fight after Ben requested it. Cobra is a Poison Dragon Slayer, and they need all Dragon Slayers to fight these Dragons, so Doranbolt agreed.

Wendy has buffed them all with every buff she has. But even the 4 of them with buffs still can't match the 3 Dragons' power. It just shows how strong the Dragons are. Even Laxus who has the power at the level of Wizard Saint can't damage them significantly.

In another place, Natsu is still clinging to Atlas Flame's back. He is eating the Fire Dragon's body which is made of flame. His magic is the magic of Fire Dragon King, so no other Fire Dragons' flame can hurt Natsu, except Ben's Sun Dragon's flame which has a higher tier.

"I guess it's time to get serious," says Ben before exhaling some smoke from his mouth.

"What's wrong, human? Have you given up already? Hmph, humans are so weak-willed. But it's understandable because you've found out that it's impossible to win, right? Then, let me send you to death as you wish," says Motherglare.

Motherglare opens its massive mouth and blue light forms inside it. Everyone below can feel the strong magic power that gathers in Motherglare's mouth. It makes them tremble in fear even though it's not aimed at them.

Then under everyone's gaze, Motherglare shoots a massive blue beam at Ben who flies in front of it. The blue beam moves very fast toward Ben before hitting him. Everyone thinks that this is the end for Ben because he gets hit by such an attack of unimaginable level.

But their widened eyes get even wider when they see the blue beam's direction change. It turns 90 degrees to the sky and keeps going there until the end. Then it explodes in the sky and the explosion is massive.

The Motherglare is also surprised by what has just happened, just like the Mages below. Not only them, but the other 4 Dragons are also surprised. They didn't focus on it, but their attention get attracted by something in front of Motherglare.

"This power, no way!?" says Zirconis in disbelief.

"That can't be!? Only one Dragon has this power," says the Rock Dragon.

"This is.... Lord Escanor!" says Atlas Flame with a stunned expression.

The Dragons' attentions are on Ben who floats in front of Motherglare right now. His appearance has changed to a form that has never been seen before. His power also raises to a level he's never shown to anyone.

Ben's brown skin now gets covered by golden scales on many parts. His arms and legs are fully covered by golden scales. All the fingers in his hands & feet turn into thick & sharp claws as his sandals disappeared.

The sides of his face are also covered by golden scales. Scales also appear around his eyes that become more like that of Dragons with golden irises. His teeth turn into sharp fangs and his ears become pointy with some scales on them.

A pair of golden horns with golden flame on their tips also appear on his head. His short blonde hair grows longer and reaches his back now. Gold color aura also surrounds his body which looks a little bigger now.

This is Ben's Sun Dragon Force and his power in Dragon Force is incomparable to Sting & Rogue. Heck, comparing them is an insult to Ben. Their base power is already different, after all, so the boost is different too. In this form, Ben's power is around twice his base power.

[Name: Ben Cooper

Mode: Sun Dragon Force

MP: 3,068,579/3,297,331

STR: 2,212

AGI: 2,301

STA: 2,671

INT: 4,824]

The Mages below are looking at Ben in amazement.

"As I thought, there's no way he can't use that with his level of power," says Jura with a smile.

"So he can also use that power whenever he wants," says Sting with widened eyes.

"Does he also use Dragon Lacrima?" asks Rogue.

"I can't think of any way for a 1st Generation Dragon Slayer to use Dragon Force without installing Dragon Lacrimas in his body. But he is also someone who always defies our logic. He could even use Drive mode after watching you using it once. And he is the only 1st Generation Dragon Slayer who becomes a Wizard Saint. Someone like him must've had many secrets beyond our imagination," says Rufus.

"Yeah, it's not strange for a monster like him to use Dragon Force without any Dragon Lacrima," says Orga.

Everyone gets even more amazed when they see Motherglare trembles a bit. But it's not just Motherglare, other Dragons and all Mages are trembling unknowingly. They all can feel a very majestic pressure coming from Ben. It's like they are looking at an absolute being who stands above all.


Ben has a stoic face as he taunts Motherglare with his left hand, "Come then!"


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 373 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 384 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)