341. Zirconis

After Motherglare's death, Ben can feel magic power enters his body. He also can feel his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic gets strengthened. It's the same feeling as when he slew Etherious Demons in the past.

The other Dragons are stunned seeing one of them die this fast. But they know it's not because Ben is ridiculously stronger than them. It's because Ben is smart at exploiting one of Motherglare's weaknesses that he could slay it this fast.


"Disgraceful? You should call it a smart way. We have brains to be used, so I just used my brain better than you guys. Don't blame others for your stupidity," says Ben as a very wide magic circle appears under Motherglare's dead body.

Motherglare's body then gets sucked by the magic circle and it disappears from there. Ben is putting the Dragon's dead body in a space that he created using Space Magic. He is someone who has learned many types of magic and Space Magic is one of them.

Zirconis that gets even more angered then attacks Ben using its Dragon's Roar. But Ben reflects it to the sky using his Reflector Magic. The late Roubaul taught this very useful magic to him, but he rarely use it because he was focusing on developing his Slayers Magic, and now he finds the best time to use it because his opponents are very strong.

That was his mistake though because if he trained this magic more seriously back then, he would be able to reflect Acnologia's attacks. Although he is still isn't sure that he can win against that Black Dragon even with his current level of Reflector Magic.

Still, it might save him from 3 years of suffering & guilt because he couldn't fight Acnologia better and endanger his family & friends. So he trained this magic more seriously since then and it's now his strongest magic after his 3 types of Slayer Magic.

And with his level of Reflector Magic, he can reflect normal Dragons' attacks. But Ben only trains this magic for defense & support, his main attacks are still his Slayers Magic spells. Those 3 types of Slayer Magic have the highest potential and attack power, after all.

"Is that your best shot, Dragon? If so, then it is utterly disappointing. I guess you'll get cooked too," says Ben while grinning.

"Bastard!" says Zirconis angrily before it rushes toward Ben.

Ben also flies toward him at light speed and both of them clash in the air. Zirconis sends its front right claws at Ben and Ben evades it. Ben flashes below Zirconis's jaw and sends an uppercut coated with golden solar energy.

His uppercut creates a golden solar energy blast that flings Zirconis's head back. Ben continues his attack by sending a Sun Dragon's Roar at Zirconis's belly. It hits the Dragon's belly and pushes it back quite far.

Zirconis's belly is injured, but the damage is not much. So the Dragon can still move and it moves to attack Ben again. Its body suddenly glows bright green and Ben can feel its power increases a lot that it makes his previous self looks weak.

"Human, I will kill you even if it's the last thing I do," says Zirconis.

"What a determination. Fine then, I'll make sure that it's really the last thing you do," says Ben who also covers his body with his golden solar energy.

Both Ben & Zirconis move toward each other and start their clash again. Ben still uses his strategy to evade Zirconis's attacks and counters them. Although Zirconis has gotten stronger, Ben is still much faster.

Ben keeps hitting Zirconis with punches & kicks while evading all the Dragon's attacks. Then out of frustration, Zirconis sends a massive Dragon's Roar. Ben evades it too, but this attack will hit the people who evacuated if he evades.

Luckily, Ben realizes it fast and he moves at lightspeed to stop the green beam. He appears in front of the evacuating people and creates a very wide Reflector Magic circle. The green beam gets reflected into the sky and the people are safe.

However, it makes Zirconis find Ben's biggest weakness. Zirconis smirks and it increases the power of magic that covers itself. Ben doesn't know what it will do, but it won't be good, so he flashes toward the Dragon immediately.


The green magic that covers Zirconis's body suddenly becomes many green bullets that shoot everywhere onto the city and the evacuating people. Zirconis is aiming the bullets at everyone in the city and those who have evacuated. So if Ben chooses to protect the people, those in the city like the Dragon Slayers will get hit, and vice-versa.

"DAMN BASTARD!" says Ben angrily.

Ben thinks fast and immediately tries to cover the whole area with his Reflector magic. But suddenly everything turns black & white. Ben gets surprised when he sees the bullets stop moving and everyone else also stops moving.

"HURRY! I CAN'T KEEP IT FOR TOO LONG," shouts Ultear from a high rooftop.

Ultear is stopping the time using her Arc of Time Magic. This is not Arc of Time's original spell, it's something that Ben made after experiencing Zeref's magic that stopped time. He taught it to Ultear after making sure that she has truly changed and become trustworthy.

Ben immediately makes his move because he knows Ultear's limit. She is already pushing herself even though it has just been a few seconds. It's because she uses her spell on a very wide area.

So Ben needs to be fast and he finishes his spell right on time when Ultear can't maintain her spell anymore. Numerous bright yellow magic circles appear above the city. Then when the time flows again, yellow light bullets fly out of the magic circles.

The light bullets fly at lightspeed toward all the green bullets. They hit each other and numerous explosions appear in the sky. Ben made light bullets with the exact same number as the green bullets.

The light bullets are far weaker than the green bullets though because Ben made it hastily. But they can pierce those green bullets because they are very fast & sharp. Those are the reasons why Ben chose to use the light element that can surely chase those green bullets.

Zirconis gets pissed that its attack failed, but Ben is even more pissed right now. Ben flashes toward Zirconis and lands on the back of its head. Zirconis flinches and tries to shake Ben off but Ben sticks strongly there.

"I was planning to let you go because you need to do something important and I don't want to change something in the past, but my patience has its limit. So die," says Ben before clasping his palms and creating a massive red magic circle under his feet.

Ben's eyes glow bright red and he chants his spell's name, "Sun Dragon's Domain! Burning Hell: Fire World!"

Bright red fire comes out of the massive magic circle and shapes into a massive fireball that engulfs both him & Zirconis. A Dragon's painful scream can be heard all over the city and even where the evacuated people are.

Zirconis is suffering inside the fire sphere because it's very hot inside. Even the Mages & Dragons in the city can feel the heat that even melts their clothes and weak items all over the city. It happens even though Ben controls it so that the heat of his fire won't spread too much outside the sphere.

But it still leaks out because it's very powerful. Everyone outside who feels the heat can't even imagine how hot it is inside the sphere. They all have terrified expressions but are also relieved because it's not them who's inside the sphere.

Ben then stops his spell and the fire sphere disappears. Zirconis falls from the sky and crashes into the ground. Ben also comes down and lands on top of Zirconis that still breathes despite having many burnt marks. But Zirconis won't be able to fight again, which means Ben has defeated 2 Dragons.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 376 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 387 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)