349. The Arrival

Just like Wendy, the other Fairies are smiling even though they are pinned on the floor by the strong pressure. There's only one person they know who can make this level of gravity pressure.

"He's here," says Lisanna happily.

"Took him long enough," says Natsu.

Elsewhere, a naked Erza who is tied to the wall also smiles while looking at a female demon who lays flat in front of her.

"It's over," says Erza while smiling despite feeling a lot of pain because of the female Etherious Demon's Curse.

"What are you talking about? What happens?" asks the female demon difficultly.

"He has come, your nightmare. I've told you that you've angered something beyond your comprehension. Just by feeling his magic, I can feel the rage in his heart. I've never seen him this angry. You guys just need to hurt someone who he cares for so much," says Erza.


Suddenly, they hear some loud crashing sound that keeps getting louder. It's as if something is breaking the cube's walls & floors from the top and it keeps coming down. The crashing sound then stops after a while and now a big gaping hole appears above Wendy's group.

"I know you would come, Big bro....ther.... Ben?" asks Wendy confusedly because the man who stands in front of her looks familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

Steam lines come out of the silhouette of the man in front of Wendy.

"Are you alright?" asks the man as he releases the pressure on Wendy's & the cats' bodies.

"Y-yes," answers Wendy.

The voice makes Wendy sure that it's really her big brother. Although she & the cats are still confused because Ben really looks different now. Even his sisters who have lived years with him can't recognize him now.

The reason why they can't recognize him is because he is very thin now. His muscular body is nowhere to be seen and he looks like a stick man now. He is so thin that his ribs marks can be seen from his skin and his face becomes rather unrecognizable.

The only thing that grows is his blonde hair which has become longer than even his body. His current body looks as if it will break even by a weak hit. But that is impossible because he has just broken through the floors & walls above.

"Where's Mira?" asks Ben.

He is very worried about Mira, but he still asked if his sisters were fine when he came. They all are his family and he loves them all, so he is worried about them all.

"We still can't find her. The Etherious Demons we met didn't tell anything. But he said that he will tell us if we defeat him," says Wendy while pointing at the green spiky 4-armed Etherious Demon.

Ben looks at him and then steps a foot on the Demon's head. But the demon doesn't feel anything because Ben is so light right now.

"Where's Mira? Ah, Erza too," says Ben.

"Who are you?" asks the Etherious Demon while trying to get up, but he can't.

"I am the one asking here. Where are Mira & Erza?" asks skinny Ben as he increases the gravity pressure on the demon.

The Etherious Demon stays silent and doesn't want to answer at all. But suddenly, he screams in agony as his left leg gets burnt by a dark red flame. Ben uses his Devil Slayer Magic's red solar energy to burn the leg, and it feels very painful for a demon.

The Etherious Demon keeps screaming, but still doesn't say anything. Ben then burns the Demon's right leg, then the 1st left arm, 2nd left arm, 1st right arm, and 2nd right arm. But the Etherious Demon still doesn't say anything and just screams.

"Your loyalty is very praiseworthy, but it will only lead to your death," says Ben.

The Etherious Demon can still grin though and he says, "Then give it to me. This Ezel isn't afraid of death."

"As you wish," says Ben before burning the Demon's remaining body parts.

Ben then walks away from there, followed by Wendy & the Exceeds. He walks while trying to find Mira's magic power. Something must've masked her magic power because Ben would feel her magic power even from far away.

"Wendy, go to Natsu & Lisanna first. I will go to Erza, she might know something," says Ben.

"Lisanna? She is here?" asks Carla.

"You guys didn't go together? Something must've happened then. Go and ask her, then tell me through your communication lacrima," says Ben.

"But where are they?" asks Happy.

Ben approaches the wall on his left and punches it lightly with his right hand which is covered by a dark purple aura. It's a light punch, but the effect isn't light at all because this wall and the walls behind it break instantly. A wide & long path is created by that punch.

"Just go straight. Some walls are still in the way, so you need to break them. There's also someone strong there, so be careful," says Ben before removing the gravity pressure on the whole cube and walking away.

Wendy & the Exceeds nod before they follow the path that Ben made. Bella wants to follow Ben, but she is hesitating to ask because she might disturb Ben.

"Aren't you coming, Bella?" asks Ben while still walking.

Bella smiles happily and flies toward Ben then she sits on Ben's head.

"Bella miss Ben," says Bella while rubbing her cheeks at Ben's hair.

"Yeah, me too. Now let's save Mira so we can play again with the kids later," says Ben.

Bella nods and they keep walking forward. By walking forward, it literally means walking forward. The corridor is turning, but Ben keeps walking forward. He breaks the walls that block his path and keeps moving forward.

Some weak Etherious Demons are lying also blocking his path. But he slays them all easily using his Sun Devil Slayer Magic. None of these Demons stand any chance against him, especially now when he is very angry.

It doesn't appear on his face, But Ben is very enraged right now. He just kills every Etherious Demon he comes across as he walks. Then soon, he reaches Erza's location and sees her naked, but he doesn't show any reaction.

Ben just looks at the female Etherious Demon who stands near Erza while Bella takes out her Magic Gun. Bella then shoots some magic bullets at the chains that hold Erza and releases her. Then Bella flies to Erza and takes out a dress from her storage bag.

"It's okay, Bella, you can keep it," says Erza, intending to use her Requip.

But it makes Bella very disappointed and she looks as if she's about to cry while holding the one-piece pink dress. Erza realizes this and immediately cancels her intention to use Requip.

"Cough, it seems I can't use my magic yet, so I will wear that," says Erza guiltily.

Bella smiles brightly and gives the pink one-piece dress to Erza. The pink dress is so cute and Erza feels that it doesn't suit her. But she still wears it because she doesn't want to make Bella cry over it. Bella is very happy when Erza wears the dress she gave and she returns to Ben's head while smiling widely.

Ben then asks Erza, "Where's Mira?"

Erza is quite surprised when Ben asks her, "So it's really you. I thought you were someone else. Cough, sorry for going out of context. I don't know where Mira is because I was already here when I woke up. She should've known where she is," says Erza while pointing at the female Etherious Demon.

Ben looks at the Demon intimidatingly and asks, "Where's Mira?"

The female Etherious Demon is very wary of Ben right now because she can feel Ben's massive magic power. Furthermore, she can feel his Devil Slayer Magic which makes her instinct scream. She never felt such pressure from any creature, even so from a human.

She isn't an idiot like that dead Ezel, so she knows she doesn't have a chance against Ben. But she is as loyal as Ezel, so she doesn't want to say anything to Ben. She will need to use everything she has to fight Ben, so she prepares herself.

But before anything can happen, Ben suddenly looks to his right and says, "There she is."

"Erza, you can take care of her, right?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, go and save Mira," says Erza.

Ben nods and suddenly turns into a streak of light that breaks through the walls again while holding Bella in his arms.

Erza takes out her katana and looks at the female demon, "You're very lucky that he left, Kyoka. At the very least, dying by my hands is far better than dying by the enraged Ben's hands. Now, I'll return the pain you gave me a hundred folds."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 385 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 396 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)