352. Mard Geer Tartaros

Mard Geer Tartaros, the founder of Tartaros Guild and its sub-leader. The reason why he became the sub-leader even though he was the one who made it is because he made this guild to be led by E.N.D, Zeref's strongest Demon.

Well, that's what Ben hears from the guy himself after they met and talked because Ben wants to get some information first. He found Mard Geer in a castle located in this massive cube. The guy is sitting on his throne arrogantly even though he knew Ben has defeated 6 of his 9 Demon Gates.

It will be 7 actually because Silver also get defeated when Ben killed Keyes. Silver is actually a revived corpse that Keyes revived through his necromancy. Ben knew it from Wendy who called him when he was on his way to find Mard Geer.

The surprising fact is that Silver is actually Gray's deceased father. Though he told Gray who has come to the cube sometime ago with Elfman, Juvia, and Cana that he was Deliora in Silver's body. It's when Keyes's spell wore off that he told Gray the truth and even passed his Ice Devil Slayer to Gray.

"You guys are very annoying, aren't you? This Mard Geer don't know how you could keep coming here in a short time, but Mard Geer won't let it anymore," says Mard Geer rather angrily.

"Heh, you talk as if you can stop us from coming. Let me tell you, it's impossible because everyone in our Guild has known this place's location. You can't prevent us from coming here, it's too late," says Ben while looking at Mard Geer with a smirk.

Mard Geer suddenly feels something and gets up from his throne. He looks far behind Ben as if he is looking outside the cube.

"Have you realized it now? You were targetting us before, but now, you have become our targets," says Ben.

Mard Geer frowns and Ben continues, "You are messing with the wrong man, wrong people, wrong Guild. You shouldn't mess with Fairy Tail."


A super loud explosion sound is heard by everyone alive in the cube. They can also feel a strong tremor that even makes most of them fall on the floor. Mard Geer clicks his tongue because he never thought of this scenario.

The massive explosion is coming from the outside of the cube. It comes from a massive shot coming from a big airship. The airship is white with gold accents and big gold marks of Fairy Tail.

It is Fairy Tail's airship that made that super strong attack using its magic cannon. The cannon looks small and it is located in the middle. But even if it is far smaller than the ones that Grimoire Heart & Phantom Lord had, it is far more powerful than those 2 cannons.

Ben built the cannon himself and he uses his past life's knowledge as an elite soldier who knows a lot about weapons along with his magic knowledge. The result is this super powerful cannon that can destroy a mountain. Maybe the only cannon stronger than this in Ishgar is Etherion.

With the cannon's power, it can create a big hole in the massive & strong cube. This is the reason why Mard Geer looks very pissed right now. This cube is a part of his power and it is built to be very powerful and indestructible.

But Ben has destroyed a lot of its parts and now Fairy Tail's airship gives it a lot more damage too. Mard Geer really wants to attack The Airship right now, but he can't leave because of the man in front of him. Even the arrogant Mard Geer knows that Ben isn't an opponent he can face while thinking of other things, after all.

So he focuses again on Ben, but he does it a little too late because Ben has made a move when he was distracted. Ben doesn't attack Mard Geer though, he only takes something in Mard Geer's hand. It's a book that has piqued Ben's interest since he arrived here.

This book was the reason why Ben bothered to talk with Mard Geer for a rather long time just now. He wanted to just steal it, but he didn't know if Mard Geer has a monstrous reaction speed or not. So he played it safe and distracted the demon first.

"The book of Zeref's strongest demon, E.N.D, huh? This must be an interesting book, I will take it," says Ben while grinning and storing the book in his spatial storage.

Mard Geer looks very enraged right now and he shouts, "WHERE'S THE BOOK? WHERE'S E.N.D BOOK?"

Ben just smirks and says, "You want it? Defeat me and you will get it back, Tartaros!"

The enraged Mard Geer's body suddenly starts to transform into his Etherious form. Wings come out of his back, his fingers turn into claws, horns grow on his head, and his whole appearance changes. His current appearance is the coolest demon form that Ben has ever seen actually.

"Damn, man, you should just stay in your demon form all the time. Your human appearance made me want to punch you in the face, but this appearance looks good," says Ben impressedly.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, PUNY HUMAN! JUST GIVE ME THE BOOK OF E.N.D BACK!" shouts Mard Geer angrily while dashing at Ben.

Mard Geer moves very fast and as he moves, a lot of big thorny vines come out of the floor. The thorny vines are moving toward Ben even faster than Mard Geer. But Ben just stands there calmly and looks at the attacks that look slow to him.

"Sigh, I was hoping more from you, Underworld King. But it seems even you are weaker than Dragons, truly disappointing," says Ben before snapping his fingers.

After Ben snaps his finger, dark red solar energy appears on the floor around him. The dark red solar energy suddenly spins and grows bigger. A dark red flaming tornado suddenly appears and it moves toward the incoming thorny vines.

The attacks clash and Ben's dark red solar energy tornado breaks through the vines quite easily. It burns the vines and makes them explode. These thorny vines will explode if Ben let them hit him, it's quite similar to Azuma's Great Tree Arc's spell.

Mard Geer is surprised to see his attack gets destroyed quite easily by Ben's magic. He is just like his Guild members who believe that Curse is superior to Magic. That's why they all are surprised when Ben destroyed their Curse with ease.

Ben's dark red solar tornado hits Mard Geer and it grinds the demon inside it while moving around in the castle, destroying many of its parts. When Ben stops the spell, the castle looks as if it has been abandoned. Mard Geer is also kneeling with a lot of injuries on his body.

"Woah, you defended it better than I thought. To only receive minor injuries means that you are very durable," says Ben impressedly.

Even if Mard Geer seems to have a lot of injuries, they all are just on the surface. Ben knows that he doesn't get any fatal injuries despite looking miserable right now. This guy was doing well on his defense and Ben is very impressed.

Sure, Ben wasn't doing his best in that attack. It could even be called a warm-up to test Mard Geer's abilities. But it was still strong enough to kill normal Etherious Demons and injured strong Demons like 9 Demon Gates quite deep.

This shows that Mard Geer truly deserves his title as the Underworld King and the leader of the Tartaros Guild. But even if he's impressed, Ben is still not excited because Mard Geer is still weaker than the Dragons he fought last month. Those Dragons won't receive any damage from this level of attack.

"It seems Zeref didn't create you well enough. For someone who lived in the era of Dragons, he couldn't even make a Demon who is as strong as a Dragon. Oh, wait! I think you are still as strong as a baby Dragon though," says Ben while smirking.

Ben's mockery angers Mard Geer even further because Ben has just mocked his creator. His goal as an Etherious is to kill Zeref, but he won't let any insult to his creator like that. So Mard Geer attacks Ben again while yelling angrily.

Ben faces Mard Geer's attacks head-on while keeps taunting the demon. This is one of Ben's bad habits, he likes to mess with his opponents' minds. But this is also a good strategy because somehow it always works.

Mira once said that he can make people angry just by looking at his face. Others even said that he is that annoying-looking friend that always care for them, so they can't leave him. That's why he doesn't need a lot of effort to play with his opponents' psychologies, just like now.

Ben smirks while he evades Mard Geer's attacks, "It seems this isn't enough to make him come out. Hmm, I will step up my game, then."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 387 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 398 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)