354. End of Tartaros

A moment after Ben ponders about it, Mira finally increases her attack power. It seems she has found a way to defeat Seilah now. She attacks Seilah again and now she is more focused on fighting at close range.

Mira coats her left arm with fire magic while her right arm is coated with darkness magic. And surprisingly, she is also using Seilah's Curse power, Macro. She combined it with her magic which enhances her attacks.

Of course, Seilah is very surprised by this turn of events. She was injecting her Macro into Mira when they tried to transform Mira into a demon because they need to control Mira. They all knew how powerful Mira is and they were worried about Ben too, so they need to control her and use her against Ben.

But all their plans backfired and not only Ben destroyed them, even Mira can use Seilah's Macro now. Mira's attacks get more effective now and she deals more damage to Seilah. Also, because Mira uses more power, her speed has increased too and Seilah can't match it.

This battle becomes one-sided and Mira is dominating it. She pushes Seilah back and pummels the demon without giving her any chance to fight back. Mira sends punches, claw attacks, elbows, kicks, knee kicks, and even slamming Seilah's body.

Ben can only sigh when he sees Mira enjoying her brutal fighting method. It reminds him of when they first met years ago. She has become softer since then, but that personality just can't disappear completely.

"Well, at least she doesn't show that side in front of the kids," says Ben while leaning on the wall.

Mira beats Seilah up until Seilah can't fight back anymore. She knows she can't show any mercy here because Etherious Demons are very dangerous. In the last few years, Mira has fought against many Etherious Demons alongside Ben, so he knows them quite well.

"To think that I have a hard time against an opponent of your level. It seems I was relaxing too much these days. I won't blame my children, taking care of them is my responsibility as a parent, after all. It just means I need to train harder in my free time because I can't just rely on my husband to protect us," says Mira while standing beside Seilah who lies weakly on the floor.

"What are you talking about?" asks Seilah weakly.

"You don't need to understand all of that. Just know that I need to be stronger and you will help me to do that," says Mira before touching Seilah's body.

Seilah's body suddenly glows and she can feel her power being sucked by Mira. Even her soul starts to leave her body which also starts to disappear.

"You!?" says Seilah in surprise as she realizes Mira's intention.

"Don't worry, you won't die, but you won't live too," says Mira calmly.

Seilah finally disappears and Mira sighs in relief because she succeeds. She has just used her Take Over magic to absorb Seilah who is a demon. Mira always wanted to absorb Etherious Demons, but she never found a good one before this.

"It seems you really like her power," says Ben who finally shows up.

"You're done?" asks Mira.

"Yeah, some minutes ago. Now it's just Kyoka left, but she won't hold for too long," says Ben.

"So you've defeated their leader, huh? How is he?" asks Mira.

"Well, I can say he's worth his title as the Underworld King. But it was a very disappointing battle," says Ben.

"Of course, it will be disappointing for you who have slain real Dragons. Everyone is weak compared to you, after all," says Mira.

"I won't say that's true. The world is vast and there must be people stronger than me out there. Besides, I am still not strong enough to face that calamity," says Ben.

"You're right, but you still have time to improve," says Mira.

"I hope so. How about you? You seem satisfied with your battle," says Ben.

"Yeah, she has a unique power that I really like. Among all demons here, her power is my favorite, that's why I took her over," says Mira.

"That's good then, but you'll have more things to absorb. This place is the demons' den that houses numerous Etherious Demons. I've killed many and the clones I've sent to explore this place also have killed a lot of demons. Their souls must be scattered around, waiting to get absorbed, including the elites," says Ben.

Mira widens her eyes because she has just remembered it. Then she smiles because this means she can get stronger by absorbing those demons' souls. Ben can also take those souls for himself as a Devil Slayer, but he chooses to give them to Mira because she needs them more.

"Hmm? It seems the other battle has finished too just now. Let's meet them so they'll know that we're fine," says Ben.

Mira nods and then Ben takes her to the others' location by breaking through the walls again. He just likes destroying the enemy's base, especially a massive one like this. They arrive at the others' location and see them sitting tiredly after fighting Kyoka.

"You guys get tired just facing this one? Sigh, it seems the current training is still lacking. I will revise it and make a new one," says Ben to the others.

They have just felt relieved because they've won their battle and see that Mira is fine. But then they get depressed when Ben says that he will increase their training menus. Their fatigue suddenly disappears and their energy returns in an instant.

"What? Tired? Haha, you must be joking. We just want to sit because we want to stretch our back & legs," says Gray who immediately does some stretching.

"I was just inspecting the floor, and now I'm checking the ceiling," says Natsu while looking up.

They make different excuses to save themselves and avoid getting harder training from Ben. It's not that they don't like better training, but Ben's level of improving their training is ridiculous. He has done it a few times before and they always felt like they would die for days.

The only ones who could withstand the demonic improvements were Wendy, Carla, Bella, Mira, & Elfman. They were used to this already, especially Ben's sisters because they've gone through it for a longer time. Mira & Elfman also have trained with Ben before he joined Fairy Tail, so they were used to it too.

"Hmm, fine, I also want to rest for a few days, so you can do it yourselves," says Ben, making everyone sighs in relief.

The group then checks each other before deciding to leave the cube. Ben's clones that spread all over the cubes also have finished their exploration to slay demons and find interesting things.

'Tsk, Zeref has moved faster than me, huh?' asks Ben disappointedly.

Tartaros is a guild composed of Demons from the Books of Zeref. They united here and formed a guild to fulfill their goals of returning to Zeref. But that's not what Ben was interested in, it's the books of those Etherious Demons.

Their books must be in this cube too, that's why he sent his clones to search for them. They could only find some books of low-level demons. There are no books of high-level demons at all, and Ben knows why.

Zeref must've taken most of the books because he has anticipated Ben's move. He might've come to Mard Geer's location to save the book of E.N.D, but Ben was faster. That's why Ben is not too disappointed right now because he already gets what he needs.

Before leaving the cube, they all go to its core location first. It is the place where Ben fought the 9 Demon Gates, the place with many tanks that have been destroyed. The others are amazed by the destruction, but they are also confused about why Mira wants to come here.

They see Mira transforms into her Satan Soul form and fly into the center of the room. She closes her eyes and sometime later they all feel as if there is a wind that moves toward Mira even though there isn't any wind. Then they see Mira's body glows and her power increases.

"Is she absorbing the souls of the dead demons?" asks Elfman.

"Yeah, it will be a waste to leave them, after all," says Ben.

They all then wait patiently after knowing the reason. Mira finishes it after a while and now they really leave the cube. Their guildmates have waited outside on their airship which is always ready to attack.

Makarov & Ben's kids aren't here though because it's dangerous here. Luckily, everything is over now, so they can return to Magnolia. However, things don't always go as they wanted and fate sometimes plays with them.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 389 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 400 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)