361. Apology

Ben has recovered his physical and magical power now. He is now trying to get used to his current physical state after losing his left hand by sparring with Laxus in the guild's training ground. Laxus is also not in a good condition, so both of them are trying to adapt to their current power.

Even without his left hand, Ben is still dominating the spar. Well, Laxus is having a problem with his low power output, so it's not a great feat. Ben's only struggles are adjusting his balance when making moves and he often forgets that he doesn't have a left hand anymore.

"Magical Barrier Particles, huh? They are really troublesome. With some effort & time, I can remove them if they are in my body by destroying them using my super hot & destructive magic. By flowing my Sun Magic in every part of my body, the Magical Barrier Particles will get destroyed. But I can't use this technique on others because I don't think anyone has immunity to my current magic," says Ben after they finish the spar.

"Yeah, I won't survive that. I can try it using my lightning, but the problem is my lightning has gotten weaker and it stimulates them instead of destroying them," says Laxus.

"Then you'll need someone who can dispel magic or any kind of magic that can remove those particles. It's very rare, but there are a few types of magic that are used to dispel barriers. The users of those magic types are even rarer. So instead of waiting for a meeting with them, you should find a solution yourself. I will help you with it, but you also need to work for it too," says Ben.

"Obviously, I'm not someone who will just rely on others," says Laxus.

After he's done resting, Ben goes inside the guild building. 6 guys have been waiting for him there. The 6 are Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, Lily, Sting, & Rogue who were there when Ben fought Acnologia.

"Oh, I thought you guys would keep avoiding me," says Ben while walking to the bar and ordering a drink.

The 6 stay silent before Gray speaks, "Ben, we want to apologize. If we weren't so stubborn and full of ourselves, then you wouldn't need to protect us and lose your left hand."

"Yeah, we thought we would be able to help, but we become burdens instead," says Sting.

"I even forgot about the dire situation and thought of another thing instead. I'm very sorry for that," says Natsu before they all bow their heads to Ben.

Everyone there just watches from the side without saying anything because this is a very important moment. They all see Ben doesn't look back and just takes his drink before gulping it. He drank all of it and put the glass on the bar.

Ben doesn't look back and says, "You know, I'm not someone who holds a grudge against my idiot friends. So there's no need to apologize, but I'll forgive you because you've apologized. I hope this will make you realize that bravery alone isn't enough in this world. Bravery, confidence, strong will, trust, and other feelings aren't enough without power to back them up."

"This is Fairy Tail, not Fairy Tale. I'm sorry but I don't have the exact same ideal as Fairy Tail. For me, feelings are important, but they aren't the bases of my power. If feelings are enough, then no one will die protecting their loved ones. Power comes from hard work and those feelings like a strong will, determination, the feeling to protect your loved ones, etc. Those are just supplements to do all those hard works which give you the power you desire," says Ben seriously.

Now everyone is looking down because it feels like Ben is talking to all of them. His sentences hit really hard because they came from the most hard-working and powerful person here. So his words truly have weights in them.

Everyone gets silent while Ben just keeps drinking from a bottle of alcohol that he took just now. Then he suddenly stands up and walks toward the door to leave the guild. But then he stops at the door because Natsu calls him.

"Ben! I- Can I ask something? Did Igneel say something to you in his last moment?" asks Natsu.

"No, only Grandeeney talked to me before they all gone. So your parents' last conversations were with you guys," says Ben without looking back.

The 4 Dragon Slayers feel a little happy but also sad because they won't hear another word from their Dragon Parents anymore.

But then they hear Ben says, "You know, I am actually jealous of you guys. Even if it was just a moment, you guys could meet your parents again. I will even trade all my power just to see mine for a second."

Ben doesn't say anything else and just leaves the guild building which becomes very silent. His words make the 4 Dragon Slayers' and Gray's eyes widen & shaken. Even if it was just for a short time, they've met their Dragon Parents, but Ben will never meet his no matter how long he lives.

They think of Escanor because they all know Ben as the Sun Dragon's son. Although Ben would like to meet Escanor even for once, he was actually talking about his family in his past life. It's been years and he already has a new family, but he will always miss them.

Even so, Ben didn't say that because he really wants to meet them in this life. He said that to make those guys feel very grateful for their chance to meet their parents again for the last time. If there's one thing that Ben always regrets, it's the fact that he couldn't say goodbye to his parents & little brother for the last time, so he doesn't want it to happen to his new family & friends.

Also, he hopes it will motivate them to get even stronger than what they were aiming for. He knows well the importance of feelings to make someone stronger. But those feelings are just fuel to motivate someone to get the power they desire and needed.

Ben goes home and on the way there, he remembers that Gray has Acnologia's frozen left hand. It's too late to return now and ask for that guy's hand because it will be too awkward. He has left the guild building with a very cool impression, after all.

"Well, I can always ask about it later," says Ben.

His chance to ask Gray about it comes a lot faster than he thought. The next day, Gray, Natsu, & Happy come to his house. They come to tell him that they will go to train outside and gain experience for a year.

"This is Acnologia's left hand. I kept it after you asked me to freeze it," says Gray before handing over the frozen left hand.

Ben takes it and says, "Hmm, you guys really act fast, aren't you?"

"I don't want to waste any time and lose to this iceman," says Natsu.

"Hah, I will be stronger than you, flame brain," says Gray.

Both of them start insulting each other and then brawl in front of Ben's house. Ben just sighs before he flicks their foreheads in turn. They writhe in pain while holding their foreheads and Happy can only shake his head.

"Don't make a commotion in front of my house. And rather than arguing now, you better prove it with results," says Ben.

The 2 of them agree to compete for results in a year. Then they walk away from Ben's house to start their training. But then Ben calls them and throws a book to each of them, even Happy.

"Don't just train your bodies & magic, train your brains too," says Ben while walking to his house as the gate gets closed.

The 3 of them are confused, but then they widen their eyes when they read the books' titles. These books are specially made training menus and magic improvements for each of them. They don't like reading books, but they know these books are too good to not be used.

"That guy, he's really....," says Gray, he doesn't know what to say anymore.

Natsu puts his book in his backpack and says, "It means he has a high expectations of us. Let's not disappoint him. Wait! I won't disappoint him, but I'm sure you will."

"Huh? What'd you say?" asks Gray pissedly.

They argue and fight again as they walk away. These 2 are very hopeless.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 396 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 407 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)