366. Against The God

Ben's battle against Serena continues, although they are still just staring at each other now after Serena created the massive hole. Serena is looking at Ben pissedly after Ben mocked him. He likes to look down on others, but it's another case if he is the one getting looked down on.

"Come on, show me your capabilities, Serena. If it's just this much, then you will get slain by Dragons instead of slaying them," says Ben while floating on the hole.

"Bastard, I swear I'll kill you," says Serena before activating another spell.

"DRAGON GOD'S FANG!" shouts Serena as he releases a lot of magic power.

The ground around Serena shakes and then 8 elemental Dragons come out of the ground. These Dragons are just energy created by Serena's 8 Dragon Slayer Magic. They represent each of his elements, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Diamond, Light, and Darkness elements.

The Dragons are long like snakes but have Dragon heads, so they are like East Asian Dragons. They all move toward Ben to attack him who still hasn't moved. Ben just watches as the Dragons move toward him at high speed.

Then he suddenly smirks, "What an interesting spell, I like how flashy it is."

When the Dragons almost hit him, Ben suddenly moves very fast to evade them. He flashes around and evades all the elemental Dragons. Then after a while, he suddenly stops when the Light Dragon comes.

Ben takes the Light Dragon's attack and Serena smirks seeing that. But that smirk disappears instantly when he sees his Light Dragon starts to disappear. Ben is eating the Light Dragon as if it is just normal food.

But then he evades the Diamond & Darkness Dragons before eating the Fire Dragon. His Sun Dragon Slayer magic has fire & lightning elements and it is far more superior. So they don't affect him and Ben can eat their elements to increase his magic power.

He can eat the Lightning even though it's not his element because it's close to fire & light. It's just like how he can eat Moonlight. But it doesn't help him much, so he prefers to ignore it and will only use it if necessary.

"Sun Devil's Death Chains!" says Ben as a dark red magic circle appears on his back.

Ben creates 6 massive dark red chains with big sharp arrow tips made of solar energy from his back. He is just using his Sun Devil Slayer Magic even though his Sun Dragon & God Slayer Magic will have a stronger effect against Serena's Dragon Slayer Magic.

His reason is simple, it's more fun if he fights using the magic with a lower tier than his opponent's magic. Against an arrogant person like Serena, the most fun way to win is by using lower-tier magic. Besides, Ben's Sun Devil Slayer Magic is top-tier and powerful enough to be used against Dragons.

The dark red solar chains target the 6 remaining elemental Dragons. They all clash and 6 massive explosions happen when they hit each other. Both Serena & Ben are getting pushed back by the recoil of their clash.

Ben grins and thinks, 'It seems I couldn't ignore the difference in the tier that easily. I've used more power than necessary, but I still get pushed back a little. Damn, this is fun.'

This fight is enjoyable for Ben because he doesn't need to worry about anything and can do whatever he likes. He can play around and use destructive spells because he doesn't need to protect anyone or be careful of his surroundings.

"Good, good, you should be at least this strong to be called the Continent's strongest. In terms of raw power, I can say that you are stronger than any Mage in Ishgar that I've met. Even Gildarts doesn't have as much magic power as you. Though I don't know about your magic and battle skills. It will be very disappointing if you can't utilize that raw power well," says Ben while grinning.

Serena isn't pleased that Ben could stop his 8 Dragons' attacks. He used a lot of power before and intended to kill Ben. But Ben faced his spell head-on and destroyed his elemental Dragons with mere magic chains.

"What's wrong? You need to take a pee?" asks Ben while smirking.

Serena gets even pisser and says, "Your magic is a fire type, isn't it? Then, it must be weak against water."

"Ho, I won't say that you are wrong," says Ben as he sees water spin around Serena's right hand as if it's a tornado.

Serena smirks and says, "Sea King Dragon's Encircling Deluge!"

After chanting his spell's name, Serena shoots the water tornado toward Ben. Then a massive circling water that spins very fast and has very high pressure is moving towards Ben. But Ben just smirks and covers his body with dark red solar energy.

The spinning water engulfs Ben and Serena looks very satisfied now. He's sure that his spell will shred Ben's body into pieces. He even used a lot more magic power than what the spell required to make it much stronger.

But then, he sees steam coming out of his spinning water and he hears a voice, "Sun Devil's Solar Flare!"

Serena's spinning water suddenly gets broken by a dark red solar energy sphere that spins in the opposite direction of Serena's spinning water. The solar sphere is so hot that it evaporates most of Serena's water magic instantly. This surprises Serena and also August who watches from the side.

Ben dispels the dark red solar energy sphere and he just keeps floating on the hole. He could use that sphere to attack, but he chose to dispel it and wait for Serena to attack again. Of course, Serena knows it too, that's why he is very enraged right now because Ben is just toying with him.

"You have more tricks, aren't you? Use them all and entertain me. Or else, you will regret not using everything you've got when you die later," says Ben smugly.

Serena gets taunted again by Ben's provocation. This guy gets taunted very easily that even Natsu will be ashamed. Though, most probably it's because his attacks were useless against Ben and Ben kept poking into it.

"Congratulation kid, you've really angered me. Now I will show you why I become the Continent's strongest. You will regret being arrogant in front of me," says Serena as his fangs start growing longer.

His body starts to get covered by shiny crystal-like scales with rainbow-like colors. All elemental colors of his 8 Dragon Slayer Magic are showing on the scales. The scales on his arms & legs are spiky like thorns and his fingers turn into sharp claws.

Serena's eyes are still black and his irises become bright red. The sides of his fave are also covered in those rainbow crystal scales. Ben knows the scales aren't mere crystals, they are Diamonds made of Serena's Diamond Dragon Slayer Magic.

But Ben isn't worried, he is grinning instead. "As I thought of a 2nd Generation Dragon Slayer. You can use Dragon Force at will because of your Dragon Lacrimas. Though I must say I'm very impressed that you can combine all your 8 Dragon Slayer Magic to make this Dragon Force. I hope the power won't be disappointing."

"So you can still talk big now, huh? I'll let it because you won't be able to say anything after I kill you," says Serena while smirking.

Ben also smirks and he flies to the place where he can stand. Floating on the hole will make Serena has a hard time attacking him, so the fight won't be interesting. That's why he moves and he is now standing quite close to Serena.

"Do it then, I won't run away. Show me your full power and I'll fight you with my all too, maybe," says Ben while taunting Serena with his left hand.

Serena doesn't answer and just dashes toward Ben. Both of them send a punch at each other and their punches clash, creating a strong effect. From now on, it's the real battle.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 401 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 412 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)