396. Warning

A day after his disappearance, Ben suddenly appears in an unexpected way. He appears in every town in Alvarez and even the surrounding countries in Alakitasia. Massive screens suddenly appear above those towns, so everyone there can see them.

It even appears on Vistarion, so Zeref and the Spriggans can see it. Mest was spreading the broadcast devices in every town yesterday when Ben was fighting the Spriggans. As for the one in Vistarion, he installed it himself.

Ben is currently in his hideout that looks like a TV studio while facing cameras. He looks like a news anchor with his suit, slick hair, and the news studio setup. Even the background is similar to modern Earth news studio.

"Morning, people of Alvarez and the surrounding countries," says Ben, gathering everyone's attention.

"This is Ben Cooper talking, I am a Mage from Ishgar who come here as a response to Alvarez's declaration of war. This broadcast is a warning to every citizen of this Empire and the surrounding countries. If you don't want to get caught up in this war and become a victim, then I advise you to leave immediately. I have attacked Vistarion to show you what kind of destruction this war can cause," says Ben while showing pictures of Vistarion's current state.

"I've attacked this place alone yesterday and caused such destruction even against your strongest forces, the Spriggans. This will just get bigger, so you better get away because even your Spriggans and Emperor can't protect you from this war's effect."

"3 days, that's the time I will give you to leave before I launch another attack. If you are still here, then don't blame me if you die in this war. As for you Zeref and Spriggans, you better prepare for my next attack. And if you are thinking of finding me, you better stop, you will never succeed," says Ben before closing the broadcast.

It's a brief broadcast, but the impact is big, especially because Ben showed the state of Vistarion. Most people don't know Ben, but if he could destroy half of Vistarion alone, that means he is as strong or even stronger than their Spriggans.

As much as they trust their Generals, the normal people are still afraid of death. They don't have enough power to protect themselves against even normal Mage. So they don't know how they will survive when a Mage of Ben's level starts his attack.

People are panicking after Ben's announcement of war. They want to escape as far as possible as soon as possible. The soldiers try to stop them because as a military nation, even the citizens are obligated to protect their Empire.

But then Zeref sends an order to let anyone who wishes to leave. They don't need to assist the people, just letting everyone does what they want. He wants his soldiers to just focus on preparing for the war because this won't be easy even if they just fight against one man.

In the next 3 days, many people flee to other nations. Some stay in their homes because they trust their Emperor & Spriggans. While some stay because they don't think they will be safe even in other places.

Then after 3 days, Ben really starts his attack on Alvarez. He attacks Vistarion again which is filled with soldiers now. Millions of soldiers who are mostly Mages are gathering in Vistarion to fight against Ben.

Unlike in his first attack 4 days ago, Ben is walking toward Vistarion. He walks alone without any rush toward Vistarion's West Gate which is guarded by August, Brandish, and Bloodman. Then as soon as Ben appears there, August calls the other Spriggans to move their troops here.

"How high do you think our chance is?" asks Brandish to August.

"Very slim, just like what His Majesty said. It will be even slimmer if Acnologia really appears as predicted. We must follow that plan well to win this war, that's the only way," says August.

"Then, let's start it," says Bloodman while preparing his magic.

Bloodman swipes his hands in Ben's direction and suddenly numerous explosions happen around Ben. It's the very same Bomb Curse used by Jackal. Bloodman can use all Curses that were used by 9 Demon Gates with high mastery.

But just like how it was with Jackal, Ben comes out of the explosion unscathed. Fire-based magic like this won't affect Ben even if it's a Curse. Bloodman has been told not to use it, but he is just curious, so he tried it.

"Well, it's worth a try. Now, for the real attack," says Bloodman while raising his arms.

A massive amount of black water suddenly appears on the barren land and moves toward Ben like a tsunami. Ben looks at it impressedly while keeps walking toward it. He is just impressed, not scared even though he knows it's very poisonous water.

The poisonous water tsunami engulfs Ben and Bloodman compresses it to crush Ben. But suddenly a bright red dot appears inside the black water. Then a dark red beam pierces it and gets shot toward the soldiers.

August points his staff at the incoming beam, creating explosions to stop the beam. But the beam keeps coming, so August also keeps making the explosion. The beam finally gets destroyed completely a few meters away from the soldiers.

"I should've used another magic," says August while rubbing his chin.


"Stop it, he's coming," says Brandish.

They all look at Ben who keeps walking at his previous pace. There's no sign of damage and worry on his face even after receiving that attack.

"Of course, the man who eradicated Tartaros won't have a problem facing their Curses," says Irene who suddenly appears there.

Irene isn't the only one coming, the other Spriggans and their troops also appear there. They were teleported by Irene here after August informed them about Ben's appearance in West Gate. So now, the millions of troops are all here to face Ben.

"Quite a nice welcoming party you have for me. I feel honored," says Ben while grinning.

"This will be your funeral, you bastard," says Ajeel pissedly.

"Oh, I don't know that. The last funeral I have wasn't attended by this many people. Although those people also have the same angry expressions as you guys," says Ben while still walking.

Everyone is confused by that, but they don't mind it too much because it might just be a mockery. The most important thing is they will face this fearless dude who keeps walking toward them as if this is just an everyday event. His confidence alone is enough to overwhelm the soldiers' emotions.

They all feel strong pressure just from staring at Ben's eyes. It's not just the soldiers, even the Spriggans feel that pressure. It's a pressure people will feel when they face a King or Emperor. Ben has that Majestic aura that comes from his magic legacies, after all.

Even without him using that aura to suppress them, they already feel pressured by it. Furthermore, what he did 4 days ago has been etched in their minds. The soldiers get more nervous with each step he takes.

"Shouldn't we attack him now?" asks Irene, waking the other Spriggans from their daze.

August stabs his staff into the ground and makes a big black magic circle in the air.

Then he says, "Soldiers, pour all your magic power into this magic circle!"

With his order, the soldiers send their magic power toward the black magic circle. Ben can feel the power accumulated in the magic circle get higher and higher. He is very excited to know how strong their attack will be.

"Dark Rain!" chants August, making the magic circle becomes completely black.

Numerous black lances come out of the black magic circle and fly toward Ben. There are so many of them that fall toward Ben that it really looks like rain. Ben just stands there calmly before he coats his hands with golden solar energy.

"Larcade!" calls August.

Larcade moves forward and points his right palm at Ben before chanting, "R.I.P.!"

An array of beams hit Ben who doesn't even bother to dodge. He suddenly feels very drowsy, then the golden fire in his hands disappears as his hands drop. His head also drops while his eyes are closing. Even he falls on his knees as if he passes out instantly.

Larcade and the other Spriggans are excited to know the R.I.P. spell works. Now Ben won't be able to evade or stop the black lances from skewering him. Then they see the black lances fall onto Ben mercilessly.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 431. Dragon King's 2nd Defeat (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 441. Blackbeard Pirates (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)