400. Acnologia Arrives

Everyone suddenly feels uneasy and restless. The soldiers don't know why, but the stronger ones like Ben, Zeref, and The Spriggns know the reason behind this. Acnologia has finally come to the battlefield and his aura is the one causing this uneasy feeling.

"Well, Zeref, this is getting interesting, don't you agree?" asks Ben while grinning.

"I don't know what's interesting about this," says Zeref with a serious expression.

Ben grins even wider when he sees Zeref's expression. It is really fun to see your nemesis feel despair even if it's just a little. The Spriggans also feel pissed at Ben for causing Acnologia to come here this fast.

"Damn bastard really needs to make this more complicated," says Ajeel.

Larcade just smiles and says, "Don't worry, we still have a chance. But we can't hold back anymore, it's time to go all out."

"He's right, August, Irene, time to show your full power. No need to care about the consequences. As for you soldiers, leave! You will just hinder us and die needlessly," says Zeref.

The soldiers do his order because they know they can't do anything here. So they leave and go to Vistarion. They don't plan on giving up yet though because they are preparing their weapons in Vistarion. Zeref has made a plan about this, so the soldiers know they don't just retreat from the war.

Ben ignores whatever they do and just looks far to the west. He grins when he sees a small silhouette appear on the barren land. It is quite a surprise though because Ben never thought Acnologia would appear in human form.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone is enjoying his human form," says Ben while grinning.

Zeref & The Spriggans also look at Acnologia as he gets closer to them. Now they can understand why Zeref was always worried about this guy his whole life. They can feel the horrifying magic power coming out of his body that they've never felt on anybody else.

"3 dragons, 2 with familiar scents," says Acnologia while looking at Ben, Irene, and zombie Serena.

Acnologia looks at Ben's left hand and frowns because he clearly remembers Ben has lost his left hand in their last fight.

"What is it? You can't recognize me because of this?" asks Ben while raising his left hand.

Ben suddenly removes his left hand that he made using the Arc of Embodiment.

"Remember me now?" asks Ben with a smirk.

"I always remember you, the one who has faced me 2 times," says Acnologia with a pissed face.

"Good, it seems you haven't gone senile yet, old man," says Ben while nodding mockingly.

Acnologia doesn't really understand it though and he ignores it. Then he looks at Irene and grins because he recognizes her and she also clearly remembers him. Both of them have met in the past when the Dragons were still alive.

"The mother of Dragon Slayers, I will make sure to kill you here," says Acnologia while grinning widely.

"Do you think I would let you do it?" asks Irene while smiling.

Acnologia just smirks before looking at zombie Serena who also grins back at him. Serena is excited to fight Acnologia because he defected to Alvarez just to find and fight Acnologia. He wants to show that it's he who deserves the title of Dragon King.

Although he is weaker now because he is not his real self, Serena still has the desire to kill Acnologia. He won't be a true Dragon Slayer without slaying even a single Dragon, after all. He has lost against Ben, but he thinks he still has a chance against Acnologia, especially now when some strong people fight with him.

Ben knows what Serena is thinking right now and it makes him want to laugh. When he lost to Ben while having his full power, Serena should've realized that he doesn't have any chance against Acnologia. But the prideful Serena thought that his compatibility with Ben was bad, so he lost, and it may be a different case against Acnologia.

The 3 sides look at each other from 3 different spots. Acnologia looks at Zeref & The Spriggans for a while before he walks calmly toward them. Ben just stands there watching because he doesn't have a reason to stop his enemies from killing each other.

The Spriggans are getting ready to fight, but then they widen their eyes in surprise when Acnologia disappears from their sight. Ben can see him clearly though because Acnologia is not too fast for him. He is not even too fast for the Spriggans, they are just too intimidated by his presence to react.

Acnologia appears behind Zombie Serena who now has his heart ripped. The Spriggans are surprised because he could move past them easily and kill one of them just like that. Their bodies stiffen a bit because they can still feel the pressure of Acnologia's magic power.

Only August & Irene aren't affected, but even they can't do anything about Acnologia. Zeref suddenly snaps his fingers and wakes them up from their daze. He uses his magic to release them from Acnologia's pressure.

The Spriggans now have cold sweat while gaping for air. Acnologia's presence is that overwhelming for them. This is the first time they've felt such an ominous presence that can destroy the world just by being there.

"Acnologia, you really need to come here, aren't you?" asks Zeref rather angrily.

"I smelled destruction and death along with the Dragon Slayer who took my interest. There's no way I won't come to add more destructions," says Acnologia while looking at Ben with an ominous grin.

Ben grins back and taunts Acnologia using a finger. Acnologia grins even wider before dashing toward Ben at a very high speed. He tries to do the same thing he did to Zombie Serena, but he is not fast enough to do it against Ben.

His wrist gets caught by Ben right before he hits Ben's chest. Acnologia grins excitedly and so is Ben who now can match Acnologia's power while both of them are in normal human form. Two one-handed men are grinning while looking at each other menacingly now.

Both of them don't say a word before they release their massive reserves of magic power. The clash of their magic power causes turbulence in the air and shakes the ground. A very strong earthquake and a storm suddenly appear there because of their clash.

The Spriggans are surprised once more because of Ben's power. They didn't realize he has this much magic power. He hid it really well and didn't use much of it before. He was holding himself back a lot when facing the whole Alvarez.

"They are the real monsters," says August while protecting himself & the other Spriggans from the impact using a magic barrier.

"Isn't this a good chance to strike them while they are busy?" asks Wall.

"You are right, let's use this chance well," says Larcade before making some cheesy movements as if he is doing a ritual.

"Pleasure!" chants Larcade.

Suddenly, many tentacles come out of the ground around Ben and Acnologia. The tentacles wrap around their feet and go up to their bodies until reaching their heads. Then the tentacles suddenly glow pinkish and give them a strange sensation.

"The hell?! Why do I suddenly feel horny?" asks Ben with a dumbfounded face.

Acnologia also feels the same, but he seems to suffer more than Ben. But after a while, Acnologia stops reacting, and then he crazily eats the tentacles. Ben's sword that got hard suddenly become soft again because the sight of Acnologia eating the tentacles is gross.

He doesn't want to see it again, so he burns the tentacles and gets away. It will be another case if they are octopus tentacles, but those tentacles look disgusting. Ben won't eat those things even though he has eaten so many strange things.

Larcade seems very surprised and so are the other Spriggans. Then Zeref tells them that Acnologia is immune to almost all magic except Dragon Slayer Magic. He really needs to tell them after they did it, not even before Larcade attacked the 2.

Well, the fact is Zeref also hoped that Larcade's attack will work. White Arts are different from normal magic. Also, Larcade is an Etherious, so he has the power of Curse. That's why Zeref hoped that Larcade's attack would affect Acnologia.

But Acnologia's magic resistance is just too high for even Larcade's Curse power to break. Although the bigger surprise is Ben who didn't get affected that much. He only felt a little horny but didn't suffer because of the pleasure.

Pleasure is a spell that gives an unimaginable sense of pleasure to those who have done the 'forbidden act'. Of course, Ben has done it many times because he has a wife and already has kids. But he wasn't affected because of his high immunity to mind spells.

Ben is still impressed by that spell though because it's the first time he knows such a spell exists in White Arts. But Acnologia doesn't take it happily and now his target turns into Larcade rather than Ben. Ben who sees it just takes some steps back and gets ready to watch his enemies fight.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 435. Elentear (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 446. Group of Emperors (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)