403. Not so Immortal

One-sided, that's how Ben's battle against Zeref turns out. An overwhelming power added with an advantage in magic makes Ben can dominate the battle. He is much faster, stronger, has more experience, and skills.

Ben doesn't give Zeref any chances to even fight back and keeps beating the crap out of this Empire's Emperor. Zeref can't hit Ben at all because Ben's attacks always hit him first. Ben is too fast for even Zeref who can control time now.

The current Ben who doesn't hold back can send tens of punches in a second. Each of his punches is powerful enough to crack Zeref's bone. Even after getting a lot of power, Zeref still can't match Ben's power.

Zeref's immortal body is useless against Ben's Sun God Slayer Magic. Ankhseram's curse is breaking with each punch from Ben and Zeref can't recover. That 400 years old curse is fading because of Ben's attacks.

Ben attacks Zeref mercilessly and he keeps increasing his attack power. He doesn't give Zeref any break even though Zeref's body is full of blood now. But Ben knows that Zeref is still conscious because there's no way someone like him would succumb to some punches.

Then while keep punching Zeref, Ben asks, "How does it feel, Zeref? Is it hurt? Is it painful? Those children who lost their parents, parents who lost their children, people who lost their loved ones and future because of you and your demons felt more pain than this. They suffered while you were thinking you did the right thing with your twisted sense of justice."

"So even if it's just a little, I will make you feel their suffering. Besides, your death is important because will make all those Etherious demons disappear, except for Natsu. But I won't give you an easy death because it won't satisfy those poor souls," says Ben with an intimidating face while still punching Zeref.

Ben hits every part of Zeref's body from head to toe including those balls. He doesn't give this guy any mercy and destroys everything. Those who know Ben well won't be surprised by this, but those who don't know him that well will be terrified seeing his ruthlessness.

Zeref's power mode disappears after a while and he returns to normal. He is very incredible already for holding on and staying in that mode for a while despite the beating. Even S-Class Mages would have died many times after getting such beatings, but he holds on.

He can't hold on for a long time though because Ben is very brutal right now. Zeref now can feel death, a very painful death unimaginable to him. He thought death would give him relief and peace, but it is very painful to the point that he doesn't wanna die.

Ben finally stops punching him, but all his bones have been broken, his muscles have been torn apart, and his skin is ripped. Blood covers his whole body and he doesn't recover at all. His immortality only keeps him alive, not healing his injuries even one bit.

"Treat this as my mercy for you because you won't suffer any longer now. I will grant you death that you've missed for too long," says Ben as he puts his palms on Zeref's chest.

Ben's hand glows golden bright and he says, "The God was the one who tortured you, but the Dragon will be the one who finishes you. Farewell, Zeref Dragneel."

Zeref's bloody body suddenly glows golden bright and Ben turns around to leave. Behind him, Zeref's body starts to get burnt by a golden fire. Zeref doesn't even scream because he has lost all sensations of his body.

Ben leaves Zeref who slowly burns into ash that gets carried by the wind. Alvarez Empire has lost its Emperor and the world has lost one of its enemies. The man who is known as the evilest Mage of all time has finally died.

"That was very anticlimactic for an enemy I feared since I was young. But that just shows how powerful I've become. Now, one more to go," says Ben while walking back to Vistarion.

Zeref's death is known immediately by his subjects. Even if they didn't see the battle, they know that their Emperor has passed away. It's because the remaining Etherious demons are disappearing, including Larcade who has been beaten up very badly by Acnologia.

The only Etherious demon who doesn't disappear is just Natsu. Ben has tweaked Natsu's book, E.N.D, to separate his life from Zeref's. Ben also made sure Natsu's demon traits won't get activated, that's why he is always safe.

"This is," says August with widened eyes.

"The Emperor has been defeated," says Irene while she's still in her Dragon form.

The beaten-up Spriggans are shocked by this news because it hasn't been long since Zeref attacked Ben. In that short time, he has been defeated by Ben already. Well, they also got beaten up badly by Acnologia who looked like he didn't even try.

Only August, Irene, Brandish, Dimaria, Invel, and Ajeel are left alive. The others have been killed by Ben and Acnologia. As for the 6 of them, only Irene and August don't have that many injuries, while the other 4 have too much damage that it's questionable whether they still can fight or not.

Acnologia grins because he has felt Zeref's magic power disappear. But he didn't feel great clashes of magic, so he knows it must be an overwhelming one-sided battle. Zeref, a Mage who even Acnologia thought as a strong Mage was defeated with an overwhelming victory.

"A worthy Dragon to slay," says Acnologia excitedly.

Ben suddenly appears on the battlefield and looks at all his enemies. The Spriggans look at him hatefully, but he just grins and points his thumb downward.

"Your Emperor was disappointing. He couldn't even give a fight," says Ben smugly.

"And it's your turn now. Heavy World: 10,000 Times Multiplier!" says Ben before he stomps the ground.

The gravity on the battlefield suddenly multiplies and reaches an unimaginable degree. All Spriggans including August and Irene are pinned down. Even the ground is sinking very deep. Only Acnologia can withstand the increased gravity, but even he feels himself becomes very heavy, and he can't take off to fly.

To make it easy, Ben's 10,000 times gravity makes the targets get heavier by 10,000 times. So if someone weights 70 kg, they become 700,000 kg or 700 tons because of the increased gravity. Not everyone has the physical power of a Dragon like Ben and Acnologia, so such an increase in weight is unbearable.

Even Irene who has turned into a Dragon can't withstand it. She doesn't have that much physical power to withstand her multiplied weight. Her magic also can't help her counter the 10,000 gravity and the biggest problem is the gravity magic disrupts her magic control.

The same thing also happens to the other Spriggans who get their magic control disrupted. They also feel pain all over their body because of the gravity and they feel like they will get crushed. Blood even starts to flow out of their nostrils, mouth, earholes, and even eyes because their blood veins burst.

The Spriggans look at him hatefully, so Ben says, "What? Do you think it's unfair for me to use this level of magic after you got beaten up by someone else? Well, do you think it's fair for a whole Empire to fight against one man? Or are you angry that I've killed your beloved Emperor? Hey, this is a war and he was the one who challenged me. He should be expecting to get killed by me, and so are you guys."

Ben raises his right hand to the sky and creates a massive red-black-gold sun ball. The sun ball is so hot it feels like the sun is descending to Earthland. The Spriggans' sufferings increase because they can't do anything right now.

But suddenly Acnologia shoots the massive Sun Ball using his Dragon's Roar. He couldn't withstand the heat of the Sun Ball, so he destroys it. But the impact of Acnologia's Dragon's Roar against Ben's Sun Ball is massive too.

It creates an explosion that spreads the heat and shockwave everywhere. The Spriggans who are very close to the clash are getting affected the most. They get flung very far because the gravity magic suddenly disappears.

Even the Spriggans get a lot of damage from the impact, showing how powerful that short clash is. The strong shockwave even breaks the Capital City, Vistarion and the heat kills many remaining soldiers. Vistarion gets destroyed completely even though the clash didn't happen in the city.

"What's this, Acnologia? You don't want me to kill them?" asks Ben while grinning.

Ben grins because he knows Acnologia destroyed the Sun Ball. After all, it's too hot. Even Acnologia was taking damage from the Sun Ball's heat because it used Sun Dragon Slayer Magic too. Acnologia has high resistance to magic, but the heat from Ben's magic was too unbearable even for him.

Ben grins and says, "It seems my chance is higher than I thought."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 438. Fire Dragon Ignia (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 449. Enel's Might (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)