405. Dragon Soul

Acnologia is excited to see what Ben does right now. On another hand, the Spriggans are shocked by what they see. After all, Ben is transforming into something they never expected.

"Take Over! Dragon Soul!" chants Ben calmly as his magic power skyrockets.

Ben's body glows golden bright and that bright golden light gets bigger and bigger. He stops getting bigger after a while and finally, the light disappears. Ben has transformed into a massive Dragon with Golden scales all over his body.

Steams come out of Ben's Dragon body and the spots where his feet stand are melting. His Dragon body is very hot that the air around him is wavering. Even the Spriggans who are chained far from him can feel the heat and start sweating.

Ben looks very menacing with some spikes on his feet, tail, back, and neck. His horns are big, long, and have 3 branches each, making them look like a crown. He looks very intimidating yet dignified and majestic at the same time even though he doesn't have a front left leg, just like Acnologia.

"He turns into a Dragon?! Does that mean he has been Dragonized?" asks Ajeel in surprise.

"No, that is not a Dragonization. He is using Take Over Magic, he has a Dragon Soul," says Irene.

"You can do that?!" asks Brandish in surprise.

"If Dimaria can have a God Soul Take Over, then a Dragon Soul Take Over is also possible. If I'm not wrong, Mirajane, a Mage from Ishgar who is also Ben Cooper's wife has Satan Soul, a demon. God, Dragon, and Demon are 3 great Magical Creature races. If God and Demon can be taken over, then a Dragon should be able to be taken over too. The only problem now is to find the Dragon and somehow take its soul. That man has defeated some Dragons that came from the past, but I don't think any of them has this appearance," says Irene.

"He might've used his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic to create this Take Over," says August.

"Is that even possible?!" asks Dimaria.

"Do you know what he is called in Ishgar? He is mostly known as the Strongest Mage of Ishgar, but he has another title, an Unmatched Genius. I thought it was just an exaggeration because he is the pride of Ishgar. But now that claim seems to be true. At the age of 25, he already surpassed our Emperor and now he is going toe to toe against Acnologia. Both of them are hundreds of years monsters, yet he surpassed them both at that age," says August.

The Spriggans understand August's logic and they can't refute it. A monster among monsters, that's what they think about Ben now. They hate to admit it, but they know that only Ben can defeat Acnologia and they are under Ben's mercy now.

"So you've turned into a Dragon too, huh?" asks Acnologia while smirking.

"Well, in a sense," says Ben shortly while steams come out of his mouth.

He doesn't want to humor Acnologia now because he wants to test his new power immediately. This is the first time he will fight in this form, so he is really eager to test it. He has just completed this Magic 2 weeks ago, after all, so he doesn't have enough data yet.

'It still feels weird because I haven't used to this form with this size. But this is exciting,' thinks Ben while grinning widely.

Even in the face of his nemesis who almost killed him a few times, Ben can still get excited over their battle.

"HAHAHAHA, amusing, very amusing. I never expected this would happen. This is very amusing. Ben Cooper, I acknowledge you, you are the real deal, a truly strong individual," says Acnologia.

"Well thank you, but I don't need your acknowledgment, I need to take your life. So let's just start this, Acnologia," says Ben.

Acnologia just grins and looks at Ben. Then both of them rush at each other and a clash happens. Each of them sends a punch at the other and the punches collide, creating a very great impact because they are very powerful.

They are just using their physical power, but their clash already creates a big shockwave that cracks the ground around them and even Vistarion's wall. The power of 2 individuals at their levels is terrifying. Even the beasts all over the continent are panicking because they can feel the danger in the air when these 2 clash.

Ben and Acnologia continue their physical battle because they want to test each other's power. They use their fists, claws, fangs, heads, tails, and even their bodies to slam the other. The fight still happens on the ground where they can stand firmly.

Both of them only have 1 front leg because they've lost their left front leg or left hand in human forms. So each of them can only attack with one arm which limits their attacks. It looks funny, but no one dares to make fun of them because the impacts of their clashes are too terrifying to be made fun of.

As they fight longer, Ben now realizes that fighting as a Dragon is different than fighting as a human. His body shape is different now, so he can't use his human techniques. He is still adapting now, but he needs to be fast. Acnologia is starting to dominate the fight because Acnologia has used to be a Dragon for hundreds of years.

They fight fiercely on the ground with attacks that can kill even strong Mages with every hit. But they haven't used their magic at all and only use their physical power. Then after fighting on the ground for a while, both of them fly to the sky.

As they fly higher, they keep fighting and Ben has gotten more used to his new body. He can move more freely now and he starts to match Acnologia. His adaptation is fast and now he feels like this is his original form.

Ben & Acnologia are flying high in the sky now where they have more room. Acnologia sends a claw attack at Ben, but Ben grabs his wrist, stopping the attack. So Acnologia sends another attack, a tail attack toward Ben's stomach.

Instead of blocking the tail, Ben twists Acnologia's wrist to put him in pain. Even a guy at Acnologia's level will feel pain from getting his joints twisted. The only reasons why he never felt it was because others are weaker than him and no one ever tried it on him because they didn't have good Martial Art skills as most of them are Dragons.

Ben is strong and smart enough to use this technique on Acnologia. The Black Dragon screams in pain as his wrist is getting twisted. So he stops his tail to try freeing his wrist. It won't be easy because Ben was trained to do this in his past life and he keeps training it in this life.

But Acnologia isn't stupid and he finds a way out in a short time. He flips his body to free the twist on the wrist although his wrist hasn't been freed from Ben's grasp. Then Acnologia connects his spin with a tail attack again toward Ben's hand (front foot).

Ben grins, but he doesn't release Acnologia's wrist. He pulls it down very fast and it also pulls Acnologia's upper body while he himself is moving back a little. His moves make Acnologia's tail doesn't hit him, but it hits Acnologia himself.

It doesn't hurt Acnologia that much, but obviously, it angers him a lot. Ben smirks while still holding Acnologia's wrist. The angry Acnologia then shoots a Dragon's Roar at Ben's face, but Ben evades it easily by tilting his head to the left.

"So even Acnologia can be very predictable when he is angry, huh? That's quite a letdown," says Ben while still smirking.

The angry Acnologia then opens his mouth and makes a biting motion. He shoots an attack made of some magical fangs that fly toward Ben's neck. Dragon's Fangs is one of Dragon Slayer's basic spells that Ben doesn't like.

Before the attack hits Ben, it gets destroyed by a flash of golden light. The thing that destroys it is Ben's tail which moved at an incredible speed. It hits the Dragon's Fangs and destroys them very easily.

"I told you, you are very predictable now, noob," says Ben while smirking even wider.

Acnologia then roars angrily while releasing a strong force of magic from his body. Ben doesn't get affected by it even though he is so close and he keeps holding Acnologia's wrist. He even releases his own magic force to counter Acnologia.

"Can't do much with your hand being held, huh, Acno?" asks Ben.

Saying Acnologia is too long, so he just says Acno to make it simple. Acnologia doesn't seem to care about what Ben calls him because he is pissed enough at Ben. His body suddenly glows bright blue and Ben raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Ben suddenly gets pulled by Acnologia by the hand and thrown away. He releases Acnologia's wrist because the situation forces him. Then he looks at Acnologia with a rather surprised expression because Acnologia is getting stronger now.

"Hooh, boosting your own power, huh? I don't know you can do that," says Ben.

Ben suddenly sees Acnologia opens his mouth and sucks the magic power around him. An evil idea emerges in Ben's head and he extends his hand forward. He uses the Arc of Embodiment to create many small bombs around Acnologia's mouth.

They get sucked and then they explode inside of Acnologia's mouth. Ben looks while wondering if this plan will work. The result is disappointing though because it doesn't work at all and Acnologia is fine.

"Either his magic-eating ability made him able to eat the explosions too or he is just that tough. Hmm, those bombs were made by magic, so their explosions are magical. Now I'm curious if I use real bombs with mechanical energy," says Ben while grinning.

For the first time, Acnologia feels something is wrong with Ben's grin. He just doesn't know that he will be played around by his opponent.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 440. Last Gift (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 451. Bombing Holy City (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)