407. World Shaking

[Analization complete.]

"Good," says Ben while grinning.

Ben is grinning widely while looking at the spell that Acnologia made. But instead of preparing a spell with similar power, Ben only covers his whole body with his Sun Evil Dragon God's solar energy. A very hot red-black-gold flame-like solar energy covers his whole dragon body.

Acnologia's preparation has finished, so he shoots his spell. A massive blue ball is shot toward Ben at a very high speed. This attack is far more powerful than any attack Ben has ever faced in his whole life.

The blue energy ball hits Ben and he takes it with widely opened arms while grinning. He gets pushed back quite fast, but his grin still hasn't left his face. Then his muscles tense up and he covers the whole blue ball with his magic.

Out of Acnologia's and anyone's expectations, Ben throws the ball to the sky. He keeps his arms pointed at the blue ball and makes a holding motion. Ben is controlling his magic to keep the blue ball from exploding.

The blue ball flies very high until it reaches the planet's outer atmosphere. It looks like a small sun is floating above Earth Land, and it can be seen from the whole of Alakitasia & the surrounding continents. After Ben thinks that it's enough, he releases his magic and the blue ball explodes.

At first, everyone can only see the light of the explosion. But after a while, they hear the very loud sound of an explosion that makes their ears buzz. Lastly, the shockwave finally reaches the ground and a strong tremor shakes the whole Alakitasia.

Those who have evacuated are sighing in relief because they've made the correct choice. As for those who didn't evacuate, they see buildings crack and get destroyed by the shockwave and tremor. They themselves become victims of it, but many survive.

An explosion many kilometers above them can create such an effect. People can only imagine what will happen if that happened right on the ground. Well, just like what Ben thought, it would destroy the whole continent, eradicating it from the world map.

Ishgar's Mages who are moving to Alakitasia even need to stop. Their airships almost fell into the sea below because of the shockwave. Luckily, their airships are powerful enough because they used Ben's technology.

He only made Fairy Tail's airship personally, but the other airships were made by his men who have been taught very well. So even though their qualities are not as good as Fairy Ship, they are still strong enough to withstand that impact.

"Damn, we will face something like that?" asks Rogue with shaking eyes.

"Only if Ben fails to stop that thing. Let's hope that it will never happen. That man is our only hope, the world's hope," says Sting.

Strong Mages from other continents are also pondering about it now. Ishgar and Alakitasia have many powerful Mages, but other continents surely have even more powerful Mages. There are skies above skies, this is very true in this kind of world.

But even those powerful Mages that can shame Wizard Saints are shaking right now. The strongest magic from an individual who ended the era of Dragon singlehandedly is beyond their imagination. This is the true power of the strongest in the world.

If even those Mages from other continents are shaking, then the Spriggans take it worse. Brandish, Ajeel, Dimaria, and Invel passed out from the sheer pressure of Acnologia's magic explosion. Only August and Irene can stay conscious, but all of them suffer some internal damage because of the strong impact.

"I never thought an explosion in the sky can hurt us this much," says August.

"Yeah, he is far stronger than I remember and even stronger than what Zeref said," says Irene with shaking eyes.

Someone on the Fairy Tail ship also thinks the same as Irene. It's a woman who looks rather similar to Lucy. Well, it's because she is Lucy's ancestor who traveled through time using Eclipse Gate and arrived a few years ago, Anna Heartfilia.

"This is the worst, Acnologia has gotten much stronger. I've seen him last year after losing an arm and he wasn't this strong. Just what happened in this one year that made that monster gets even stronger?" asks Anna with shaking eyes.

The others get silenced by that statement because they also feel it, but Anna has confirmed it.

Mavis who has thought about it then speaks, "Maybe it's because of what happened last year. I don't mean it's because he lost an arm, but because of Ben. He has seen Ben's growth since their battle on Tenrou Island. Even Acnologia would realize Ben's monstrous growth rate. He knew Ben would catch up to him eventually, so he needs to get stronger or he would lose to Ben. I don't know what he did, but he succeeds."

"Damn, can Ben handle him now?" asks Cana worriedly.

"Don't worry, Ben is always prepared for all kinds of situations. He was chasing Acnologia's power, but he set it higher than it should be. Ben said that if he had time to rest after his secluded training last year, he would be able to face Acnologia, and it could be a draw. Yet he kept improving his power even after recovering. Surely you can imagine how powerful he is now," says Mira through a screen.

They all are silent because they can't really imagine it. Mira just sighs and tells them they will understand it later when they see Ben. She is staying in her home in Magnolia now because she needs to protect her children, so she can't leave.

Mira has full trust in Ben and she knows he will win, so she stays in Magnolia. Also, without Ben or the other strong Mages, Ishgar is quite vulnerable now. That's why Mira can't leave or Ishgar will be unprotected.

Right now, Mira has full control of Ishgar's defense system. Ben has installed his personal continental protection. He has 2 weapons at the same level as Ishgar's ultimate cannon, Etherion. It's his Dragoram Tower that has a lot of powerful monsters.

Those monsters can be released for a limited amount of time. Mira can control those monsters through Jarvis to attack enemies. As for the 2nd weapon, it's Fairy Tail's cannon that Ben made by modifying Phantom Lord's Jupiter Cannon to have a similar power to Etherion.

Only he and Mira have access to that power because they are the only ones who have access to the power source that can make that cannon very powerful. But that cannon will get destroyed after 2 uses because it is not tough enough to hold such power more than 2 times.

Still, those weapons are useless against the current Acnologia. Ben has also realized this, but Acnologia is stronger than the last time they met. Things don't go exactly as he thought, but none are beyond his expectation.

"It seems you got motivated after that 'loss', huh? I'm sure that spell would take most of your magic power in the past, but man, you don't seem to be out of breath now," says Ben impressedly.

What Ben says is true because that spell really needs a lot of magic power even for Acnologia. Sure, he could just suck the Ethernano around him, but that moment of vulnerability is dangerous. Especially when he is facing Ben who won't let such a chance in a serious battle.

Besides, Acnologia hates being seen as a weak guy. He always overpowered his opponents and won overwhelmingly. Even after his victories, Acnologia would always have the energy to destroy his surroundings because his ultimate goal is the destruction of the world.

Though right now he is surprised that Ben could deflect his attack. Even deflecting that attack requires a lot of power and the most important thing is control. If Ben doesn't have a good control, Acnologia's attack would explode upon contact.

"Well, enough small talk, it's my turn now," says Ben while covering his limbs & tail with his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic.

Ben suddenly flashes toward Acnologia and arrives instantly. He grins and starts attacking Acnologia with his close combat skills. His attacks are powerful and most importantly, they are fast. His speed looks unreal because of his current body size.

Acnologia gets hit every time Ben attacks and he can't retaliate well because of Ben's speed. But Ben realizes that his attacks don't give much damage to Acnologia now. The Black Dragon actually toughens his scales using his magic to defend himself from Ben's barrage of attacks.

Ben grins and says, "You are not as stupid as I thought."

"But you are more stupid than I thought," says Acnologia calmly before he suddenly hugs Ben's body.

Out of Ben's expectation, Acnologia suddenly bites his right shoulder. Acnologia's sharp teeth pierce Ben's golden scales, making Ben flinches. He curses in his head because he knows Acnologia is trying to rip his right arm.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 442. Family Trip (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 453. End of Marineford War (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)