415. Attack Preparation

3 months have passed since Lucy returned from the past. Ben is glad his arrival isn't that long since Lucy returned. It will be a problem if he arrives years after her return because things might be very different.

Ben asks more things because he needs information to start making a plan. Although he doesn't need to ask about the other Guild members including his wife & in-laws. But Wendy tells him anyway, that Mira, Elfman, & Lisanna of this timeline have died after he died to protect them.

Although it hurts Ben's heart to know that the ones he loved died here, he is also very proud of them because they could protect these young children who will be this world's future. Now, he will make sure their death won't be in vain.

"Alright, now let's see how strong you guys are. I don't want to do this alone. I will help you kill all the Dragons, but I need you to be stronger for your future too. Jarvis, open my personal training room."


They all go to a room deeper than the lab. It's a very big room and it doesn't have anything, it's just an empty room. This is a room Ben built to train when he is in the lab. He needs to train every day, so he needs a training room everywhere.

"Come at me together so that I can see your power. No need to hold back, this room can withstand even Acnologia's attack for a while."

The others nod and start attacking Ben together. Wendy flies toward him very fast and sends a strong kick to his face. Ben catches her leg and can feel the sharpness of the wind that coats her kick. Any normal Mage would get their hand cut easily by this sharp kick.

"Good, you don't hesitate anymore."

"There is no time to hesitate. And thanks for the gift, by the way."

"Gift? Ah, the Dragon Lacrima, huh?"

When Lucy returned to the past timeline, Ben gave her a Dragon Lacrima for Wendy. It's a Sky Dragon Lacrima Ben made for his timeline's Wendy. But when he heard about this timeline's problem, Ben decided to give it to this Wendy.

Furthermore, this Wendy has her magic sealed by this timeline's Ben to prevent Acnologia from finding her through her Dragon Slayer Magic. But she would be safe in this lab, so she could activate her magic again. Only Ben could unseal it though, that's why he gave her the Sky Dragon Lacrima which won't just unseal her magic but also increase her power.

"That reminds me, why didn't this timeline me took you guys here? At the very least he could take you to our home's basement which is very safe too."

"I think it was because we were very far. The Dragons' attacks happened at the Grand Magic Games in the Royal Capital. He was busy enough protecting us and he must've gotten very tired."

Lucy answers his question while they still fight. Everyone starts attacking Ben, but he doesn't have any problem facing 2 adults, some teenagers, 2 cats, and some children.

"I know, but for years? There must be chances to reach Magnolia or this place, right?"

"This place was possible, but not Magnolia."


"Magnolia was attacked right away after the Royal Capital. Acnologia attacked it himself and his main target was your home."

Ben raises an eyebrow because he doesn't understand why Acnologia would target his home.

{Can I have a say, Master?}

"Go on."

{At the time of the attack, my connection with the home system got cut off. The home system was the main system, so its destruction disrupt my connection with Master too. My system in this lab was also broken because this location was getting bombarded too.}

Ben now understands the gist of it. This timeline him didn't use this facility because he couldn't. He must've tried, but even he couldn't enter this place even if he wanted to. If he forced his way in, then this place would get destroyed and it would devastate this whole forest.

This timeline him must've been waiting for Jarvis to fix its system. But it seems the damage was too big, so even until his death, this timeline Ben couldn't enter this lab. Luckily, the system was restored before Lucy returned from the past, so these guys could enter this place.

Ben doesn't want to ask about details, so he just assumes that everything was unavoidable. But he is still thinking about something. Quorra has been connected to this lab for a while, so she has gotten all the information about it.

This lab is not as good as his lab in his timeline. Of course, Ben has improved his lab, but this lab's quality is worse than when he first built his. So it must've been worse than his lab from the beginning, and he doesn't know why this timeline him did it.

He thinks about it while facing the others who start to get tired. Then after thinking for a while, Ben finally realizes it. In this timeline, he didn't get a warning from Atlas Flame who got a warning from his future self. There is no future time traveler here, after all, and Atlas Flame might be among the Dragons that are destroying this world now.

Without Atlas's warning, this timeline him must've taken things rather slowly, unlike him who kept pushing himself over the limit to get stronger because he knew bad things would happen. Although he would still train hard, he wouldn't work as hard as the current him.

"Sigh, I still have that much arrogance in me, huh? Well, it's never too late to learn, right, guys?"

No one answers Ben because they all are lying on the floor. Ben trashed them all without holding back even though his children are also there. They get bruises all over their bodies even though it hasn't been that long since they started fighting and Brn was limiting his power so much.

Wendy is the strongest among them even though she has just started using her magic again for 3 months. Lucy is stronger than her other self and she is very proficient at using her Celestial Magic now. She can even summon 4 Celestial Spirits at once even if it's just for a while.

Bella & Carla are also very good at fighting. Carla has mastered her future sight to a high degree, so he can see what Ben would do, but Ben is still too strong for her. Bella actually has a Water Devil Slayer Magic after she used the Water Devil Lacrima that Ben made as an experiment.

She installed it in her body after his death to avenge him, but Mira stopped her. Bella was very devastated by Ben's death because she has been with him since her birth. Ben is the one she loved the most in this world.

As for Ben's children, Ariel & Gabriel, they are using Shadow & White Dragon Slayer Magic. They learned it after Lucy installed the 2 Dragon Lacrimas she got from Ben. Those 2 Dragon Lacrimas were the ones Ben extracted from future Rogue who has absorbed future Sting's power.

Ariel & Gabriel can use their Shadow & White Dragon Slayer Magic quite well even though they've just learned it for 3 months. Their teamwork is even better than Sting & Rogue actually. Maybe because they are twins and have been together since they were born.

Although Ben is surprised her daughter chose the Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic. He thought Ariel would choose White Dragon, but she chose Shadow Dragon. Her reason is simple, her brother wanted the White Dragon Slayer Magic, and she also wanted him to have it because it is similar to their father's Sun Dragon Slayer Magic and Gabriel looks similar to Ben.

Ben smiles when he hears their reason and pats their heads. He won't be here for too long, but he will give them everything he can while he's here. The same also applies to everyone here. He will prepare them for the future so that they can walk on their own feet.

After knowing their current level, Ben plans their training. They will train intensely for 3 months and then they will start hunting Dragons after that. He will also prepare this place to be a good training ground that will make them stronger fast by increasing the Ethernano density here.

Doing that is easy for Ben because he has done a lot of research. He will make them cover years of training in just 3 months. These children are also in prime ages to grow, so they will be very strong if they do everything he prepares for them.

Their training starts the next day and they all are anticipating it. They want to get stronger and defeat the Dragons. All of them want to save their future, and their world, and avenge their loved ones. They have strong motivation, and that's why they do what Ben told them to do no matter how difficult it is.

In these 3 months, Ben also goes to places to gather information. He needs to know what the Dragons do now to plan his attack. Then after 3 months, they finally finish their training and they are ready to attack the Dragons.


Hi guys, just a little announcement. Fairy Tail: Sun Eater has reached the last chapter in Patreon. You can read it faster there, but don't worry, I'll still upload here until the last chapter,


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 462. Fallen Holy City (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)