417. Dragon Hunt

The 2nd Dragon that becomes their target is a Lightning Dragon that lives on the top of a mountain. As before, Ben sets up a Space Barrier to prevent the Dragon from escaping, getting disturbed by other Dragons, or even getting their battle detected by others outside the barrier.

Unlike the Ice Dragon, this Lightning Dragon is fighting back. He even fights back harder when he sees Ben because he is very angry at Ben and wants revenge. So now Ben needs to help the young Mages by distracting the Dragon while they attack.

The Lightning Dragon just focuses on Ben, so the others can attack him rather easily. He attacks them too once in a while, but they can evade his fast lightning attack with Carla's help. Carla uses her future sight to see what the Lightning Dragon will do and warns the others before he attacks.

The battle lasts longer than before because the Lightning Dragon retaliates quite fiercely, but now their attacks have gotten stronger. They also have more experience fighting a Dragon together, so they can work together better now, and hopefully, it will get better as they fight more Dragons.

After the Lightning Dragon died, Ben turns it into a Dragon Lacrima too. Then he transplants it in the young Lightning Mage who actually has learned Lightning Magic even before Ben arrived. Ben still taught him things to improve his Lightning Magic though.

The effect on this young Lightning Mage is even better than the young Ice Mage. His magic power gets much stronger at a visible rate, unlike the young Ice Mage who needs training first to show the result. It's because this young Lightning Mage has a better understanding of his element than the Ice Mage.

Their hunt for Dragon Lacrimas goes well with Ben's guidance. They got 13 Dragon Lacrimas with different properties. Ice, Lightning, Fire, Heat, Water, Earth, Stone, Wood, Light, Poison, Lava, Steam, and Acid.

The Dragons with those types of magic spread all over Ishgar. Ben targeted those Dragons to give the young Mages varieties of magic. With different types of magic, they'll be able to handle most situations even when some properties don't work and it'll help them when some of their magic properties have an advantage over their opponents.

The Water Dragon Lacrima is transplanted into Bella's body. So now she has Water Devil & Dragon Slayer Magic. Her Devil Slayer Magic isn't effective against Dragon, but it will be dangerous to remove the Devil Lacrima, so Ben just added the Water Dragon Lacrima.

With his data & experience, Ben can make the transplantation in Bella's body safe. The Devil & Dragon Slayer Magic will coexist in her body without any side effects. She also uses Lacrima crystals, so there won't be any risk of demonization or dragonization.

So now, the only ones without Dragon Slayer Magic are Lucy & Carla. They don't need it after all, because their magic is very useful already. Their hunt became easier with the help of Carla & Lucy who used their magic proficiently.

"16 Dragon Slayers excluding me. Our Guild would be the scariest Guild with these many Dragon slayers if this is the past. Well, doesn't matter, what's important now is hunting the Dragons. We will hunt the remaining Dragons on Ishgar, then we'll move to Alakitasia. Eastern Continent will be next, and Guiltina is last."

Ben wants them to grow first before facing the Dragons' main forces. He needs each one of them to be strong enough to face a Dragon alone. If they just train, it will take years, so they need to hunt Dragons and increase their power.

After training for a few days, their real hunt begins. Ben leads them to hunt Dragons that stay on Ishgar. Their hunts are not easy, but they always succeed because Ben is there. Just like before, Ben turns the defeated Dragon into Dragon Lacrimas.

Ben hasn't had the plan to increase their Dragon Slayers. But he might give these lacrimas to some new people if he finds them trustworthy. Ben doesn't want to create more problems in the future when the Dragons have disappeared.

These Dragon Slayers might become this world's new enemies after the Dragons disappear. So he needs to be careful with who he'll turn into Dragon Slayers. He also hasn't fully believed these young Mages because people can change, so he is thinking of a way to keep them stay in the right path.

Well, he can think about it slowly, but turning these Dragons into Dragon Lacrimas also has other reasons. Ben wants to remove the traces of battles and Dragons' dead bodies can change their surrounding because of their massive magic power, he wants to avoid that too.

As they hunt Dragons on Ishgar, Ben finds survivors who hide in some places like caves or bunkers. Most groups have Mages among them, but he doesn't know anyone. Well, Lucy has said that almost all Mages affiliated with them have been killed in the war.

While visiting these survivor groups, Ben & the Fairies also help them with food and protection. They give the survivors food they gathered from the wild and Ben also set up protection barriers to protect their hiding places. Ben also removes some problems for them, which are problematic Mages.

Most survivors groups have Mages leading them. But some of these Mages are oppressing the non-Mages to get more benefits. Ben knows they are prioritizing their survival, but this kind of thing won't solve their problems.

These Mages don't even want to hunt Dragons with the Fairies with the risk of death. They just want to stay in their groups and become Kings in their small Kingdoms. So Ben takes these guys forcefully to join the Dragon hunt with his group, but they won't get any Dragon Lacrimas.

His group is getting bigger as some more Mages also join willingly. They are just weak Mages, but every help is important in this mission. These Mages can always be supports to make the hunt a lot easier.

Their group has 43 people including Ben when they leave for Alakitasia. Ben now has equipped the non-Dragon Slayers with Dragon Slayer weapons. He made weapons with Dragon Slayer Magic in them to make these Mages' attacks effective against Dragons.

These weapons were made using Dragons' body parts, especially bones & scales. Ben made them seriously, so these weapons are very powerful. That's why Ben placed a mechanism that will make these weapons self-destruct after a year to make sure they won't be used wrongfully.

The Dragon Slayers also have Dragon Weapons to make their attacks even more powerful. Only Ben doesn't use a weapon because no weapon can withstand his magic's true power. He has tried using Acnologia's scale, but his max power could melt that scale easily, so he decided to not make any weapons for himself anymore.

Ishgar Dragon Hunter team, that's the name of their group. They are now hunting Dragons on Alakitasia. The Dragons here are also weakened by injuries, but not as bad as the ones on Ishgar. The only Dragon Slayer on Alakitasia was Irene, after all.

This continent had many strong Mages, especially in Alvarez. The Spriggans were powerful forces who could face the Dragons better than the 10 Wizard Saints. But they couldn't defend against the Dragons' attacks longer than Ishgar even though they have Zeref, August, Irene, and the other Spriggans.

The biggest factor that made Ishgar survive the attack was obviously Ben. He could defend against the Dragons' attacks and led the Mages to face the Dragons very well. Even after his death, the Mages still could fight for quite a long time because his teaching was still stuck in their minds.

On the other hand, Alakitasia depends too much on the Spriggans and Zeref. They couldn't do much against the Dragons that have gotten better with their attacks after facing Ben's great and powerful strategies many times.

"How will we hunt here?"

"We will still use our usual strategy for now to check the level of the Dragons here. Then we'll raise our game slowly. Wendy, you need to learn how to lead the group from now on. When we attack their main force, you will be the attack leader. I will be busy facing Acnologia and maybe other Dragon leaders, so I won't be able to help you. Learn well and we will try attacking under your lead after attacking a few times here."

Wendy nods and they start their attack on the 1st Dragon they target in Alakitasia. Ben could sense this Dragon, so they found it quite easily. It's a Bone Dragon, a Dragon that has bones as an exoskeleton to replace its scales, so it's not just a moving skeleton.

The Bone Dragon is quite difficult to defeat because its exoskeleton is much tougher than normal scales. Ben doesn't join the battle and just directs the Mages to fight to test their abilities. It eventually gets defeated with some effort though.

Ben turns the Bone Dragon into a Dragon Lacrima, but he doesn't take its tough exoskeleton. It's a good material, but other Dragons' bones are just as good. There are Dragons with harder body parts, and he is waiting for them.

The big group hunts the Dragons on Alakitasia at a faster pace than when they hunt on Ishgar because they have a lot of experience now. They still hunt the Dragons one by one while moving stealthily though to make it more effective.

But after 2 weeks of hunting, Ben gets a little surprise when they move near the ruins of Vistarion. Although he is surprised, he is also quite excited. "Heh, who would think something like this could happen? Well, isn't this interesting?"


Hi guys, just a little announcement. Fairy Tail: Sun Eater has reached the last chapter in Patreon. You can read it faster there, but don't worry, I'll still upload here until the last chapter,


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 464. King of Gods (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)