422. Elefseria

Ben's show of power has just started. He attacks the remaining 7 Dragons using his Dragon sword at a high speed. He cuts the 2nd Dragon's right wing before piercing its heart with a thrust that releases a strong & sharp Sun Dragon Slayer Magic straight blade.

Then he attacks the 3rd Dragon that shoots a magma pillar at him. He swings his sword vertically, creating a very sharp solar blade that cuts through the magma pillar. The blade keeps cutting through the magma and then it cuts the Magma Dragon's body in half.

The remaining Dragons meet the same fate of being slain by Ben using his swords. When he finishes, his swords break apart because they can't withstand his power. He sighs and returns to the fortress after turning the 8 dead Dragons into lacrima crystals.

His feat of defeating 8 Dragons very easily shocks everyone there. Even the ones in his group are surprised by how easily he killed the Dragons. They never saw Ben fight Dragons by himself, after all. So they never know how powerful he truly is in battle.

They never thought that he would be so powerful that he manages to slay 8 Dragons very easily. But he hasn't even shown his real power, so they will see more surprises in the future. Ben didn't need to show his real power yet because those Dragons were just normal Dragons that have their power enhanced, but they are still too weak for the current him.

"So, people of Guiltina, I hope that was enough to show my capabilities. We will set out to attack the Dragons in a week, so make your decision before that."

Ben wants to leave immediately because his group needs to gather supplies first. But it seems Elefseria has made his decision, so he jumps and approaches Ben hastily.

"Sir Ben, I have made my decision, which will also be Guiltina's decision. We will cooperate with you and follow your lead to attack the Dragons."

"Are you sure? Your people are still quite reluctant you know."

"Then, if no one else wants to join you, then I myself will join you."

Elefseria's statement surprises everyone from Guiltina because he is the pillar of their force. He was chosen to lead them because he knows Dragons the best and he is the best person who can nurture the Dragon Slayers. If he's gone, then their defense will surely collapse.

Before anyone can show their worry, the 17 Dragon Slayers in Guiltina's squad announce their intention to follow Elefseria's decision. These guys know very well what it takes to defeat a Dragon. They know well that what Ben has just shown was a very difficult thing, yet he did it very easily.

Even they want to survive and get stronger. They became Dragon Slayers to fight for their lives and save themselves. Following Elefseria has saved them many times and now the man they follow is following someone else. They know Elefseria won't decides something without any consideration, so this might be the best decision for now.

Besides, if they stay here, they will just be pawns that get ordered around and sacrificed when the Dragons attack. The Dragon Slayers in Ben's group are very strong despite their young ages. So they can tell that he doesn't just use them, but also nurtures them.

"Very well. Those who choose to follow me can come here immediately. I will wait for a little and leave. As for those who still can't decide, I will return in 3 days. Think well and make your decision."

Some more people who are close to the Dragon Slayers and have some senses decide to follow Ben too. Even if the plan to attack the Dragons sounds crazy, they know they won't survive without the Dragon Slayers. And even if they stay here, they will get wiped out by the Dragons sooner or later anyway, so they rather attack first.

After 57 people joined them, Ben's group leaves the fortress on their airship. They go to a forest where Ben could sense many magical creatures living there. However, there's no Dragon in that forest, which might be the reason for those creatures to move there.

Elefseria asks Ben about their plan right now, so he tells the old man they will get some food first. They need to prepare their people first before attacking the Dragons. Ben wants them to be in their best condition when they fight the Dragons.

"Wendy will take care of the injured ones, so gather them later after we arrived."

"Can they heal before the attack in a week?"

"They can even heal in a few minutes, so there's no need to worry. Wendy's healing magic can't revive the dead, but she can heal someone who almost died, after all."

Elefseria is really surprised to know how great Wendy's healing magic is. To save a dying living being is a very difficult thing to do because that means their injuries were very grave. But if she can do it, that means her magic has reached a very high level.

"Anyway, old man, I am curious about something. Despite your strong presence, why are you so weak?"

"!? So you realized that, huh? Haha, it seems I still underestimate your power too much. Sigh, it was the result of my battle against a Dragon."

Elefseria tells Ben that he fought against a very strong Dragon that was known as a Dragon God. He fought against Dogramag, the Earth Dragon God. Although he won, Elefseria got his heart devoured by Dogramag, but he survived.

"Dragon God? Can you elaborate?"

"Sure, it's an important matter, after all."

Elefseria then tells him the story of the Dragon Gods. There were 6 Dragons that came to Guiltina and then get referred to by people as Dragon Gods. They came here in order to escape from Acnologia when he hunted the Dragons all over the world.

Because of Guiltina's high concentration of magic power, the 6 Dragons grew very powerful by the time that they get the power rivaling Acnologia himself. They never really fought Acnologia, but they were claimed to have such power.

"Pfft, HAHAHA! They never fought against Acnologia yet they claim to be his equal? How laughable. Those cowards who hid in fear of a Dragon Slayer were claiming themselves to be as powerful as him but never dared to even fight him? Hahaha, I would like to see them myself and laugh in front of their faces."

"It might look that way to you, but it wasn't for the people here. They were the terror of this continent and I taught myself Dragon Slayer Magic to slay them. However, I could only defeat the weakest of them and was left with a very serious injury. I realized I couldn't hunt them alone, so I requested for assistance. That's why I posted a job all over the world and it became the first and only 100 Years Quest to this day."

"Hmm? So it's you who posted that job."

"Yes, the only one who survived was a man named Gildarts Clive. He was in the same Magic Guild as you if I remember it correctly."

"Yeah, that old pervert was our Ace. So the job was to hunt the remaining 5 Dragon Gods, huh? Hmm, but it's strange."

"What is?"

"Gildarts said he faced Acnologia when he was doing the job. Acnologia was very eager to hunt and eradicate all Dragons that he even went for Dragon Slayers in the past. If Gildarts met him, then he was on Guiltina, right? There's no way he would let those 5 live. He should've sensed them too if they were that powerful."

"Yes, I've thought about that too. That's why I investigated it and found out that they have an access to another dimension."

"So they hid themselves there, huh? Heh, so much for Dragons who claimed to be as strong as Acnologia. Well, they might be Acnologia's equal when they were together. How ridiculous. So, where are they right now?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I never heard about them since the Dragons invaded Earth Land. My best guess is they hid themselves in that other dimension."

"Hmm, it seems I need to get rid of them too after finishing this. Those cowardly yet arrogant pieces of trash will surely return here to claim dominance after the Dragons perished. I'll see if they are really as strong as Acnologia myself."

Ben grins widely at the prospect of fighting more strong opponents. But now he finally knew about the 100 Years Quest. He wanted to take it actually, but he prioritized saving his loved ones in this timeline, so he left that job to the others.

Besides, he couldn't do everything alone and he needs to let others grow. If he keeps doing everything for them, they will grow dependable on him, which isn't good. Although he is worried they will fight against dangerous foes, he knows it's important for their growth.

Wendy is already the best Dragon Slayer after him in the whole Ishgar in his original timeline. She just hasn't had the chance to take an S-Class exam because Ben prevented it personally. It's not because he didn't want her to be an S-Class, but because he has his own standard for Wendy to be an S-Class.

Right now, he would be able to defeat all S-Class except for Gildarts, Mira, and him. So she is now the strongest in the group that takes the 100 Years Quest, but no one else even her realizes that. Ben knows she has the power to take on one of the Dragon Gods herself even though it will still be difficult.

There's also Erza who has received the Sage Dragon Lacrima that Ben made using Irene's magic power. Even though Erza isn't smart, she is very talented, so she will master her new magic fast enough to face the Dragon Gods.

The others are also strong and Ben has prepared them as best as he could before they leave. He is worried about them, but he is also confident they can finish their job. Well, he has made an assurance by telling Mira to do something if needed as she always keeps tabs on them using a special magic item that Ben made to monitor them.

"Sigh, let's stop thinking about that. My priority is defeating the Dragons now. Time to kill Acnologia for the 2nd time."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 470. Ruthless Attacks (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)