430. Evil Dragon God

The fight against Acnologia doesn't go as well as Ben thought. Acnologia's resistance to his attacks is much stronger now. Be they magical or physical attacks, Acnologia can take them without receiving much damage. He can also match Ben's speed, which is very troublesome.

On another hand, Acnologia's attacks are very powerful and dangerous even for Ben. "What a ridiculous power he has now. Seems like I can't win this using normal methods."

Suddenly, Ben stops his Dragon transformation and his body gets smaller. But he doesn't return to his human form, he is transforming into his Sun Evil Dragon Gode Force mode (a.n: it's the last picture of Ben that I uploaded).

"As I thought, humanoid form is the most comfortable transformation for a human."

[Name: Ben Cooper (Dragon Form)

MP: 13,006,020/13,314,253

STR: 6,858

AGI: 7,678

STA: 9,689

INT: 17,935]

"My physical stats dropped, but my magic power actually increased because I activated my Sun God & Devil Slayer Magic too. Also, despite having a lower AGI stat, I feel like I can move faster. No, should I say I can move easier now because of my smaller size? I can move faster because it's easier to move in this form."

Ben stretches his arms and neck while looking at Acnologia with a big grin on his face. He reaches out to the right using his hand and suddenly a golden axe made of solar energy is forming in his hand. It's a very big axe, even bigger than Ben's body, but it's made of his magic, so he can wield it just fine.

Then, thin black & red flaming aura covers the axe and make it looks more ominous yet holy at the same time. "I don't know why, but I started to like an axe as a weapon for a while now. Maybe because I feel like a big axe like this is more durable and can hold my destructive Sun Magic better than a sword. Well, it will be the same if I made them using my magic, but the axe just feels more solid. It feels more suitable to be used on opponents with tough scales like Dragons."

Acnologia suddenly rushes toward Ben when he is observing his axe. Ben flashes down to evade Acnologia's claw attack. Acnologia is surprised to see Ben is faster now that he couldn't even see Ben's movement.

"Oi, oi, oi, I was talking to my weapon, you know. I was just about to give it a name too. Hmm, there is a name of an axe I once read in an old story. Divine Axe Rhitta, cool, isn't it?"

Acnologia doesn't care about such a thing and attacks Ben using his Dragon Roar. Ben just smirks and holds Rhitta tightly before swinging it upwards. That swing creates a strong and sharp solar energy slash that cuts the blue Dragon Roar in half.

The blue Dragon Roar splits and each part hits the ocean. Both parts create a massive impact that pushes the seawater away and creates a massive hole. They pass through the seawater and explode in the seafloor, destroying a big part of it.

But Acnologia can't be bothered by that, and so is Ben who has arrived in front of Acnologia with his axe ready. Ben swings his axe down and hits Acnologia's head. A very powerful slash of solar energy hits Acnologia and pushes him back quite far.

Acnologia then breaks it using his Dragon Roar though. But then it gets revealed that Ben's attack has created a deep cut in Acnologia's dragon face. If Acnologia didn't break it using his Dragon Roar, then his face might get cut in half already.

"So, do you feel like ignoring my axe again?"

Ben grins because he has succeeded to break through Acnologia's tough defense. This Acnologia is very different from the one he fought and killed, after all. So he needs to use a different method to fight this Acnologia because it's like fighting a different person.

Acnologia roars angrily while creating millions of magic circles in the air. Ben grins while creating another axe in his left hand. He intends to fight Acnologia's attacks head-on rather than creating long-range attacks similar to those.

"Come! I will destroy that pride of yours!"

Millions of dark blue magic spears come out of the magic circles and shoot toward Ben who just floats in the air while holding his axes tightly. The spears start to reach him, so he starts to swing his axes to destroy them. His movements are very fast that they become invisible.

Even with lower physical stats, Ben is much faster than when he was in Dragon form because he has a much smaller body. Well, he also boosts his speed using magic, but without sufficient physical power, he won't reach this speed.

'Even with the power of the sun, reaching lightspeed is still very difficult, huh? But this speed is enough to handle attacks like these. I have also never seen anyone moving faster than this, so it's good enough even though I'm not satisfied yet. Sigh, let's focus on this, and finish this quickly.'

Ben starts to focus more as the attacks come faster and faster. The rate of the attacks coming is catching up to his speed because hundreds of attacks are coming in a second. Slowly, his speed which has been stagnant for quite some time also increases as he forces himself to move faster to hit all the attacks.

His focus is so high that the world around him becomes very slow to him. He would be ecstatic if not for the attacks that keep coming to him. But he stays focused to counter each attack that Acnologia launches.

The sea below him is splitting because the water gets pushed away by the impact. A gigantic hole is created in the sea and shockwaves spread until they reach the surrounding continents. Everyone can feel the powerful clash of power that happens in the ocean.

Even normal beings can feel the world-shattering clashes, not to mention the powerful beings. All Dragons and Dragon Hunters even stop their battles because of it. They feel the uneasiness and suppression caused by the clash of the most powerful battle on Earthland now.

They can't fight properly under this circumstance, so they need to halt their battles. The battle is powerful enough to cause a disturbance in the atmosphere, so they can't properly use their magic because the ethernano is very chaotic and their magic keeps breaking apart when they cast it.

It's not just the beings on the surface of Earthland that feel it. Even the Gods and Celestial Spirits are feeling it from their realms. They can't interfere with this battle, so they are just observing it from their realms. All of them just hope that it won't destroy Earthland and for that reason, they who should be neutral are hoping that Ben will win because if Acnologia wins, then Earthland will get destroyed.

Meanwhile, in Guiltina, Wendy who has returned to her normal form because she can't maintain her Dragon Force in this situation is looking at Irene who seems to be in pain. She hasn't even injured Irene that much. Instead, she is the one who has more injuries now, but it's Irene who seems to be in pain since the ethernano in the atmosphere becomes chaotic.

"What happens to her?"

She can only look at Irene who squirms in pain while trying to compose her own self. It's hard to even breathe here because of the pressure caused by a battle hundreds of kilometers away from them, so Wendy needs to compose herself. Even the other Dragon Hunters are having a hard time breathing because of the pressure.

But Wendy knows that someone at Irene's level shouldn't be in pain like that in this situation. So there must be something that affects her right now other than this chaotic situation. Wendy doesn't know what it is, but it is her chance to defeat Irene.

The problem is, she can't use her magic properly because of the turbulence in the atmosphere that disturbs her magic. She looks at the Dragon Hunters and realizes something. Wendy goes to take a spear of a Dragon Hunter and moves closer to Irene.

Even if she can't use magic properly, the magic weapon made of a Dragon's bone should still work just fine. She stands in front of Irene who still squirms in pain while looking at Wendy. Irene has a different aura than before as if she is a different person.

"Hu-hurry up and kill me, young Dragon Slayer. K-kill me before my sense disappears again."

Wendy frowns when she hears what Irene says. "What are you planning now?"

"Just ki-kill me! He was.... controlling m-me and the others. Kill and.... free me, hur...ry!"

Wendy is taken aback by what Irene says. If what Irene says is true, then that means Acnologia is controlling the Dragons including Irene. Well, Ben has thought of this possibility, but she doesn't think that the control would be this powerful that Irene could even lost her sense.

The turbulence of ethernano in the atmosphere has weakened the magic that controls Irene. But Acnologia's control still remains strong in her mind, that's why she is in pain because she is battling it right now. The control is still powerful, that's why she can't free herself yet.

Wendy suddenly grabs Irene's head and magic letters suddenly come out of her glowing hand. She is trying to help Irene breaking Acnologia's control. "Sorry, Ben nii-san. You've taught me this magic letter enchantment, but I used it to help our enemy. I hope this is the correct choice."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 478. Peak Battle (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)