439. Gold Dragon Viernes

Viernes's hideout is also a cave in a mountain just like Ignia's place. But it's much bigger than Ignia's cave and the inside is very bright. Ben gets inside stealthily and sees that the cave wall is covered with gold, truly befitting the home of Gold Dragon.

While erasing his presence, Ben walks deeper into the cave. But suddenly, some sharp gold spikes jolt out of the floor to stab him. He reacts quickly and gets away from the spikes. It really surprises him because he's sure he has erased his presence very well.

"Even if you erase your presence, I can still detect you when you touch the gold."

A handsome blonde young man appears from the cave's deeper part. Ben can feel the enormous magic power from the man. He knows this man must be Viernes. He can feel that Viernes is stronger than Ignia and almost as strong as Selene.

"Who are you, intruder? What's your objective? Depending on your answer, I will decide how I'll punish you."

"Hoh, how generous of you. Then please punish me as best as you can because I'm here to hunt you."

"Hunt me? How arrogant. If you want to hunt me, then you must've known who I am. Do you think you have the capability to do so?"

"Obviously, you idiot. I won't do it if I'm not confident. Though I must say I'm surprised that you like to chitchat with your enemy."

"Well, it's my way to give mercy to humans like you. There have been many who tried to kill me like you, but they all failed. Talking with them before they died is my way of showing mercy to them. At the very least, I am grateful that they relieved me from my boredom."

"Ooh, how kind of you. Then I'll also give you my mercy, by killing you quickly."

Viernes is obviously unhappy with Ben who keeps looking down on him by being a little sarcastic. He has enough and starts attacking Ben using the gold around Ben. But all his attacks are evaded by Ben who can react and move very fast to avoid all the fast attacks that Viernes made.

Ben sends an attack while evading Viernes's attacks. He throws a solar ball that flies very fast, so Viernes can't evade it. The solar ball explodes and Viernes's attacks stop coming when the explosion engulfs him.

But then, Ben gets surprised because Viernes comes out of the explosion without any scratch. He's sure that even Acnologia would get hurt even if it's just a little because even though that attack looked weak, that solar ball was actually packed with magic power.

"I could feel solar energy from your attack. By chance, are you using Sun Dragon Slayer Magic, human?"

"Yeah, I am a Sun Dragon Slayer, after all."

"No wonder. Then, I guess this will be my win."

Viernes smirks before he starts attacking Ben using the gold in the cave again. Ben moves around to avoid all the attacks while thinking of why his attack didn't work.

"Hahaha, are you trying to find an answer? Well, you can't do anything even if you know anyway, so don't bother."

Another solar ball hits Viernes, but it's not made of Sun Dragon Slayer Magic. Ben made it using his Sun Devil Slayer Magic which made the solar ball's color dark red.


Ben hears Viernes screams when the solar ball explodes. Then when Viernes comes out, Ben can see some damage on Viernes's body. It makes Ben smirk because now he knows why his 1st attack didn't work while this attack work even though it's a Devil Slayer Magic spell.

"So that's how it is. You were immune to my Sun Dragon Slayer Magic's solar energy because its color was gold. But my Sun Devil Slayer Magic has a dark red color, so you couldn't negate it. Your magic doesn't just allow you to control gold metal, but everything with gold color. It's similar to Vicelogia's and Sting's White Dragon Slayer Magic, huh?"

Viernes seems angry now even though the damage he got was insignificant. But he hates being looked down upon by a human like this. That's why he is furious and suddenly he controls all the gold in the cave to crush Ben.

But Ben gets out of the cave in a flash to avoid being crushed. Viernes comes out of the cave too and he is in his Dragon form now. His scales are gold-colored, similar to Ben's in Dragon form. But Viernes's scales are shinier because they are really made of gold, not just gold-colored scales.

The gold from the cave also comes out in the shape of a massive gold ball. It flies toward Viernes and then the gold ball starts to move as if it's made of liquid. The liquid gold starts to cover Viernes's body and when it's done Viernes has gold armor covering his body.

"Oho, a Dragon wearing armor, that's cool. Maybe I should also make one for myself."

Viernes suddenly shoots his Gold Dragon Roar at Ben who doesn't intend to evade. Ben just covers his body with Sun Dragon's solar energy to block the gold element beam. But just as he thought, the gold beam breaks through his golden solar energy without any problem.

The gold beam hits Ben and creates a massive explosion. But when the explosion subsides, Ben is nowhere to be seen. Viernes is confused, but that confusion turns into a surprise when he sees Ben comes out of the forest unscathed.

The one that Viernes attacked before was Ben's clone. Ben wanted to test if his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic's solar energy is really useless against Viernes's Gold Dragon Magic. He hoped his magic would stand a chance, but it didn't.

"Hmm, it seems like I can't use my Sun Dragon's solar energy. Then what about my Sun Dragon's Light magic?"

Ben suddenly shoots a beam of golden light toward Viernes, but it also doesn't show any effect because of its golden color.

"Tch, so annoying."

"HAHAHA! It seems you have fallen into desperation now, Dragon Slayer."

"Hah? Not really."

"Hmph, no need to act tough. All humans who've died at my hands always acted like that, but they all died in the end. I really enjoyed seeing them falling into despair, you know. So let me see you fall too."

Viernes suddenly creates a golden energy ball between his hand claws. The energy emanating from that ball is really powerful, but that's not what surprises Ben. What surprises Ben is that the golden energy ball is made of solar energy.

"Oi, oi, oi, this is really absurd. You can control solar energy just because its color is gold? Such annoying ability."

Viernes shoots a beam from that golden solar energy ball toward Ben who decided to take it head-on. He really takes it head-on now and doesn't use his clone as a substitute. It makes him regret his choice though because the attack is affecting him despite it being made of solar energy.

"HAHAHA! Do you think you could take it without any consequences just because it was made of solar energy? Fool! It might be made of solar energy, but it gained gold element mixed in it the moment I used it."

"Oh, so it's like that, no wonder it hurts."

Viernes is surprised to see Ben appears and talks nonchalantly after receiving such a powerful attack. Ben has some bruises, but there's no significant damage. In fact, those bruises are just scratches on his skin, not real injuries.

Ben's current physical stats are high enough to defend him from an attack like that. Also, his resistance to magic attacks is also very high even in his human form. He could even take Acnologia's attack head-on, so taking an attack from Viernes is child's play.

"So you can use anything as long as their color is gold, huh? Then how about this?"

Ben points his palms at Viernes and suddenly dark purple aura appears around the Gold Dragon. Viernes suddenly feels his body getting much heavier and he can't endure it, so he falls flat on the ground.

"W-what is this?"

Viernes tries to move, but no matter what he does, he can't move even a little.

"This is Gravity, one of Sun Dragon's abilities. What you experience right now is just half of what I'm truly capable of. You are experiencing 500 times gravity. It might be too much if I use 1000 times gravity on you, so I just use half of it."

Even 500 times gravity is enough to kill even S-Class Mages who don't have strong physiques or magic resistance. It's also enough to destroy the ground, but Ben's magic circle that appears on the ground is stopping his gravity magic from affecting the ground. It will be troublesome if his opponent is sinking into the ground, after all.

"Stopping the opponent's movement is the first step of my easy fight plan. The next step is just attacking while you can't move. I could always do this in all my fights, but doing this is boring. If it's not because I don't have a lot of time, then I would love to have a fun fight with you. Too bad though, I can't play around too much right now, so I'll finish you with this guaranteed strategy."

Ben smirks before he snaps his fingers. Multiple black-gold magic circles appear around Viernes who can't move. All those magic circles then shoot black gold solar energy javelins made of Ben's Sun God Slayer Magic.

"Even Acnologia can't resist my Sun God Slayer Magic, that's why I don't like to use it in my fight against him. So be honored, Gold Dragon. You will be killed by a God's power while Acnologia was killed by a Dragon's power."

Viernes can't even hear him because his Sun God's Javelins are exploding after piercing Viernes's gold armor and scales. Only the sound of explosions and his own screams are heard by Viernes now.

Ben's merciless attacks continue until he can't sense Viernes's magic power anymore. He would like to have an exciting battle with Viernes, but he is short on time, so he finished it quickly. Ben has stayed in this timeline for months, so he really wants to return quickly.

"Now, how should I deal with Selene? I can't just believe her even if she said she is on the humans' side. I need insurance because she can be a threat to my children in the future."

Ben turns Viernes into a Dragon Lacrima before leaving the scene. He was worried about them, but the Dragon Gods are easy opponents for him. It seems he has grown too strong even for these Dragon Gods.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 487. True Emperor Fight (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)