441. Homecoming

After a short discussion, the twin finally decides who'll get the lacrimas. Gabriel will take the Sun Dragon Lacrima while Ariel will take Acnologia's Dragon Lacrima. The reason is that Gabriel already has White Dragon Lacrima and Sun Dragon Lacrima will complement it while Ariel has Shadow Dragon Lacrima and Acnologia's Dragon Lacrima suits it better.

Ben helps them attach their new Dragon Lacrimas to their bodies. After he finished, he gives the other Dragon Lacrimas he made to Wendy. He asks her to keep them and gives them to those she thinks are worthy of them.

"Ariel, Gabriel, this is my last gift before returning."

Ben gives the 2 of them a lacrima crystal ball that looks normal. They know it's a kind of device, so they try to activate it. When it activates, a small screen appears above the crystal ball. A video starts to play. It's a video of Mira and Ben.

"Mira couldn't come here, so she could only send her message this way. Me and Mira from this timeline have died and we don't know if you still have our photos. That's why Mira recorded this video along with some of our family photos. When you miss us, you can always watch this video or look at these photos."

Ben gives a photo album book to the crying Ariel and Gabriel. Even if it's just a video and photos, they can see their mother's face again after so long.

"One day, when I manage to improve my space and time magic knowledge, I will take Mira and yourselves from my timeline here. So make sure to live a good life until that day come."


Ben stays for one more week to prepare for his return. He has prepared the device to go back to his timeline, so he can return anytime. But he still stays for one more week because he wants to spend more time with his children here.

After a week, Ben finally returns to his timeline using a time-travel door. It is connected to another door that he has prepared in his house's underground room. The doors are destroyed after he used them because they can't withstand the pressure of time and space energy.

"Sigh, if my understanding of space and time is higher, also if I have sufficient materials, then I would be able to make the doors last for a long time like Eclipse Gate. Well, this is good enough for this trip."

{Welcome back, Master.}

"How long have I gone, Jarvis?"

{You have just gone for 47 days, 8 hours, and 35 minutes.}

"Hmm, I was there for around 1 year and a half, but it has just been 47 days here. It's not that the time flows differently. My time-travel door was just connected to this time. I planned to connect it to 40 days after I left, but it changed to 47 days. It seems I need to do more research or when I try to do it again, I might be unlucky and get sent to years in the future or past."

{Master, I have informed your family of your arrival. They are on their way to your location now.}

"Alright, thanks. How about Wendy's team? Have they returned?"

{No, there is still no news of their return. However, it is predicted that they will need a few more months to return.}


{They have contacted the guild for reinforcement regarding their quest. The subjugation targets are Dragons, so Guildmaster sent the other Dragon Slayer to assist them in this quest.}

"So that's how it is."

{Will you assist them, Master? With Master's assistance, this quest will finish in a much shorter time.}

"No, I won't interfere. I already fought those Dragons in that timeline, so I know their power quite well. With our friends' current abilities, they have quite a good chance to defeat those Dragon Gods as long as they play their cards correctly. They won't win easily, but they won't get defeated easily either."

Ben knows his friends' abilities well because he was the one who nurture them. They have the ability to defeat those Dragon Gods, so he isn't worried. He has even taught Wendy how to turn dead Dragons into Dragon Lacrimas, so he is anticipating their harvest this time.



Mira and the twins finally arrive in the underground room. They run toward Ben and hug him tightly because he finally returns. Even if it has just been 47 days for them, they know that what Ben did must be much more dangerous than anything he has ever done in the past, so they were very worried.

"I thought Master would also send you to help the 100 years quest."

"He asked, but I refused. There's no way I will leave the kids before you return. Besides, I'm sure the ones who accepted are enough."

"You're right. Anyway, you didn't trouble your mother, right, Ariel, Gabriel?"

"Of course, not. It was actually daddy who troubled mommy."

"That's right. Mom looked at your photos while saying that you need to be safe every day."

"It means your mom was worried about me. Don't you guys worried about me too?"

"But daddy is the strongest. Why should we be worried?"

Gabriel agrees with his sister and nods confidently. Ben and Mira giggle before they walk to leave the underground room.

"Will you go to the guild?"

"Not now, I'll go tomorrow. I want to relax for a while."

"Dad, tell us the story."

"Sure, let's talk about how your dad saved the world in the different timeline."

Ben spends that day with his family, telling them about his adventure in the other timeline until they sleep late at night. The next day, they go to the guild building and obviously, the whole guild holds a big party to celebrate Ben's return.

His guildmates are curious about his story there, so he also tells them about his adventure in the other timeline. They are disappointed that he doesn't bring anything back though. But they also understand that everything he got there is more important for those who live there.

The guild is very noisy till night because of the party. Makarov wants to talk with Ben privately, but he doesn't want to ruin the happy mood in the guild. That's why he calls Ben in the next day and they talk in the Guildmaster's office.

"What is it, Master?"

"It's about the 100 years quest. I'm sure Mira has told you that the targets are Dragons. It is said that they are as powerful as Acnologia. I've sent all Dragon Slayers including Sting & Rogue who agreed to help. But I'm still worried."

"Don't worry, those Dragon Gods are certainly powerful, but not as powerful as Acnologia. If they truly have that strength, then they would have killed Acnologia themselves. Well, if the 5 of them work together, then they will surely be stronger than Acnologia. However, those 5 don't trust each other, so they won't work together. You don't need to worry much."

"So even in the future timeline, they are still not as powerful as Acnologia?"

"Yeah, I've fought 2 of them and checked the other 2's power myself. The last one has died before I found them, so I don't know about him, but they say he is the weakest. Our guys are strong enough to defeat those Dragon Gods. Besides, strength isn't everything in battle. Don't worry, they will be fine. They aren't flowers raised in a greenhouse that can't withstand the storm."

"Sigh, you're right."

"If you're that worried, then I'll check them from time to time myself."

"Alright, sorry for the trouble."

"It's fine, but this is not the only reason you called me here, right?"

"Yeah, my main reason to call you here is about this Guildmaster position. I think it's time for you to take this position already. With your current power, there won't be any quest satisfying enough for you. Don't you think it's time for you to handle the guild again?"

"Well, you're right, but I don't think this is a good time to change Guildmaster. Let's wait until the 100 years quest is over. When everyone has returned to the guild, I will take the Guildmaster seat. I have worked hard for almost a year and a half, so I want to relax for a while. Until they return, I plan to explore the world with my wife and kids. But maybe they will finish before I am satisfied, so it might take 1 or 2 years before I take the Guildmaster position. Don't worry, I will check on the 100 years quest progress and report it to you every week."

"Alright, we will do it after all of you return to the guild. I can wait for 1 or 2 years. I still want to live for at least a decade more. It's a good chance for your kids to see the world while they are still young. I'm sure they will grow into outstanding Mages. So, when will you go?"

"Next week. We still need to prepare a lot of things, especially for the kids."

"I don't think I need to worry about your safety, but still, be careful."

Ben nods before they start discussing a few more things. In the following days, Ben and Mira are busy preparing for their trip. Then after a week, Cooper family finally leaves Magnolia to explore the world.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 489. Return Time (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)