Chapter 4:

At first, Ming Xiayu doubted his ears but when the sound was heard again, he knew he wasn't deluding. His eyes instinctively went to the right hand corner of his sight, a well-rehearsed action over countless sleepless nights.

[ Rare-Tier Quest 'Leading the Youth' has been completed. ]

[ Rewarding the host with 1X Magical Gourd ]

After a brief moment of shock, Ming Xiayu's expression broke into one of happiness. However, he had matured over the years and though he really wanted to reap the fruits of his labor immediately, he held off. He could always check it out later.

Ming Xiayu collected himself and went to Su Qinxue, who was waiting for him to be done with his farewells.

The young girl from back then was no longer anywhere to be seen, instead replaced by a mature, older woman. In addition to kindness, Su Qinxue's smile contained a trace of motherly gentleness.

Regarding her, Ming Xiayu had always felt strange. Counting all the years his soul had lived, he would be roughly her age. However, due to this life's experiences, he could not help but see her as a mother figure. It was quite a strange feeling to him.

As Ming Xiayu approached, she spoke. "My, my, you've become quite the big brother haven't you, Little Yu?"

Ming Xiayu harrumphed slightly, "Those brats? Yeah right."

Su Qinxue's face did not dim at this statement but brightened instead, her two eyes forming crescents. Having raised him for so long, she knew his character best of all. Although he often appeared to be mean and uncaring on the outside, she knew he was actually very considerate.

After all, if he wasn't, he would not spend effort to console the children nor would have them crying after him in the first place.

And so, Su Qinxue did not take it to heart. Instead, she grabbed his hand as they walked to a government office to complete the transfer of guardianship.

After signing all the papers, Ming Xiayu was finally his own guardian. Still, Su Qinxue told him that he was always welcomed back in the orphanage by her and the other children, even if he was now old enough to live by himself.

After she left, Ming Xiayu plopped down on his unadorned mattress as he stared at the ceiling. After a moment, he stretched out his hand and a green gourd bottle appeared in it.

Inspecting the gourd, Ming Xiayu did not see anything magical about it, only that it appeared as a very ordinary gourd.

[ Magical Gourd(Rare-Tier Item): A gourd grown in a blessed land, it is able to absorb and store nearly anything. ]

This description… was this not the Youngest Calabash Brother's magical gourd. Is this intentional or simply a coincidence?

Ming Xiayu's head was filled with various thoughts before he eventually sighed aloud. He would need much more than this gourd bottle if he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Instead, he can only take more quests.

Just like that, the heavens had responded to his call.

[ System Quest initiated. The host's curiosity has activated the Rare-Tier quest 'Unveiling the Secrets' ]

Ming Xiayu was greatly surprised, as he knew how hard quests were to come by after only receiving two quests for the entire first fifteen years of his reborn life.

[ Mission Details: Shed light on the private matters the host most dearly wishes to see. ]

Ming Xiayu inevitably raised a brow at this description, as it was incredibly vague. At this rate, it might take him another decade to complete.

Feeling another headache coming on, Ming Xiayu decided to go to bed.

Tomorrow was his first day as a highschool student and, since he was no longer raised by the orphanage, he needed to take it seriously in order to receive a respectable job in the future.

While he could alternatively rely on the system, Ming Xiayu did not like to place all his bets in one place and could only have doubts.

With these thoughts, he slept.