The beginning of the great war

Darkened skies, warriors screaming with the forces of nature putting them in disarray, shadows of pure evil from the depths of creation striking with gleaming swords, no one was safe from the chaos which hit the earthling warriors at their most powerful. My eyes followed my mother around as I watched her fight in all her glory. The goddess was really a force to be reckoned with, pulling tornadoes and lightning like they were nothing special for her, she was amazing, a true daughter of Uranus.

My father as usual had his dark cloak and armor on but this time he was different. He was encased in a shadow just like the elder goddess, however he did not put in much effort like the other warriors on the field. To be honest, not one new god put in any effort into winning the battle for all they did was whittle the numbers of the shadows being sent by Dromedipectus.

Uranus, Oceania, Mephistopheles, Zemeta, Gagontae, Senile, Raïs, Tallily, Mars, Aurora and Callipso drove the shadows to extinction with minimal efforts while the other warriors fought like their life depended on it.

"Our children have grown insolent mother," a floating Mindra cackles."What say you?"

Jaruma who had been sitting on a throne she had created at the beginning of the battle leaned forward to look at the earthlings who battled for their world.


Dromedipectus withdraws her shadows in response to the leaders orders as the seven elder gods shrink into human sizes of six foot creatures making their way towards their opposition.

"Take the wounded out of the field!" Uranus screams to the mages and Vladians. "Make sure everyone wounded is taken out of here!"

Mephistopheles who had been flying around the field drops onto the ground before his brother pointing to the gods across the field.

"No human can stand with us in this battle and survive," he observed. "Let the humans be gone."

"No, we fight!" Lady Camilla declared raising a cheer from her fellow warriors.

"We stand here in place of the humans whom everyone despises so much," a Xaj replies. "We the Xaj's and mages will gladly sacrifice our lives for the sake of humanity."

"We're not humans, Mephistopheles," Exodus leader of the Angus vampires and the first King of Czarö reminds the god, tapping on his sister's back. "Reya here isn't tired of busting heads. I'm pretty sure she'd like to fight against the elder gods herself."

"That's right King Exodus!" a William vampire exclaims in enthusiasm. "We're not going to give up."

"The Vladians and the dragons will stay in this fight until victory is achieved," says Cobalt a Vladian warrior. "No victory is achieved without a little sacrifice and today we shall prove to the gods that we humans are not weak."

Uranus smiles at his brother, "You've heard your subjects brother. None of them are afraid of the elder gods."

"Is the dark god afraid?" Tallily laughs in mockery.

"Don't push your luck sister," he spits in anger. "The next wave might need us to stop playing around and go all out on this battlefield."

"Then that is what we shall do," Gagontae assured the dark god, slinging her axe over her shoulder.

"Count the wounded and the dead!" Moon wolf cried out.

"All done," answered Aurora almost immediately. "Five thousand dead and ten thousand more injured. These are the estimates."

Sighs of defeat clambers through the crowd with the warriors looking more downcast than when the battle had started. They had lost almost quarter of their forces to shadow warriors created by the shadow goddess and now the elder gods were joining the fight themselves. The hope of defeating one god was impossible let alone seven of them. This battle was hopeless they thought within themselves with some of the warriors dropping their swords on the ground as they were prepared to admit defeat. They were not going to win.

"I know what most of you must be thinking right now," King Exodus heaves, his voice echoing through the field with authority. "But this battle is far from over."

A Xaj waves her arms around as the King begins to float into the air to give the warriors a better view of the speaker.

"I am a six thousand years old vampire and I know an impossible situation when I see one. This is not an impossible situation. For when I see my subjects of the Kingdom of Czarö gathered here today with the gods of the skies and the demons of the underworld in unity I see nothing but victory and a surety of our dominance on this field," the King erupts with confidence, bringing back the spark of the fight into the hearts of the warriors. "So pick up your weapons, ride your dragons, use your most powerful spells, burn with the desire to destroy, for on this field we go all out for the ancestors of the past and children of our future."

"Today we fight and today we die!" his voice echoes through the field. "We won't surrender until victory is ours!"

Immediately he was done with his speech, a roar from a dragon vibrates the ground releasing explosive cheers from the warriors. The Kings mission had been completed, the dying fire had been reignited again bringing the warriors back to life. Fighting the gods of creation would give them a chance at saving their world, their home from the terrors of oblivion, this was a chance they were not going to waste.

"You heard the vampire," Senile retorts when the King had descended. "What say you gods to putting an end to this shit story?"

"I say we bring down the old gods and rule in their stead as gods of the earth," an excited Zemeta exclaims.

Uranus picks up his trident which he had stabbed into the ground with enthusiastic spirit, "Take your place!"

Everyone arranged themselves in a line, the gods and demigods at the frontline, the mages, vampires and Vladians at the second with the other creatures lined in the third.

The elder gods were now twenty feet away from the warriors and they were prepared to destroy everything with the next attack.

"Ready!" Uranus exploded, the warriors tightening their grips on their weapons as heavy tension fills the air.

No one knew the outcome of this next wave, even I an onlooker did not see how the new gods would fare against the elder gods raw power. Callipso who was at the front line knew how dangerous this battle was going to be and the glow on his body became intense with dangerous aura.

With the gods now around fifteen feet away from their targets, Uranus let out a loud battle cry, running forward with lightning crackling throughout his body.

"Charge!" he cried with the entire army following behind him into the battle. This time, they wouldn't be so lucky as they had been the first time and they knew it. It was futile fighting against the creators, but that didn't stop all of humanity from banding together. Things were going to be different after the battle, nothing would be the same again, I could feel it. The auras of the elder gods intensified blinding everyone on the field with unbelievable energy as I watched the earth melt under their powers and the atmosphere burn with their influence.