Imperial Tea Party

Never before had Kesi seen so many people dressed in riches in either of her lives. Whether it be the strings of pearls lining the women's dresses and falling from the top of their collars down to the hems of their skirts like gleaming waterfalls or the dazzling gems decorating their hairdos and spotting their silky black strands like stars speckling the galaxies, there was not a dull spot in Kesi's vision.

Rows of eunuchs and servants lined the two sides of the pathway, holding up paper umbrellas and preparing water.

Under large flowery umbrellas of every color of the rainbow, these women seemed utterly shielded from the world. Some looked on with indifference and others with sizzling curiosity. Some cast glances of disdain, and others plastered on saccharine smiles. But behind each mask, there was no knowing what emotions truly crossed each of their faces.

And, of course, towards the front of the crowd, there was the Empress. Despite the noticeable effort the other concubines invested into the event, an air of royalty naturally surrounded her. Simply, just by sitting there, the Empress effortlessly commanded the attention of everyone.

Her eyes were untelling, and the small smile on her face betrayed none of her emotions. While her gaze lingered on the young Crown Prince, Mu Luming, they gave no visible hints of either malice or interest.

To her left, there was an empty chair, more cushiony and tall than all others. At its top was an engraved wooden dragon.

Much to Kesi's surprise, there was no Emperor in sight.

If anything, the scene before her looked to be an inquisition. And before the trial had even started, Mu Luming had been already sentenced to be guilty.

"Welcome home, Crown Prince." The Empress's voice was cool, without any ripples of intonation. "I hope that you have found all to be well."

Before the two of them had arrived at the Imperial Gardens, Kesi had already instructed Mu Luming to shrink himself, both physically and psychologically.

To not be heard.

To not be seen.

To not be cared.

To not be a threat.

As he cowered , slightly hunching his back and extending his neck forward, he seemed like a pitiful street boy begging someone for a morsel of food.

Compounded with the way he fidgeted in place and bit on his bottom lips, there was nothing about him that was close to the title and position of Crown Prince.

"Your… Your Highness…." Mu Luming stuttered. "It has been… amazing! Absolutely amazing!"

From his intonation to the carefully planned pauses, he was a natural actor, the type that seemed like he had countless years of stage experience.

"Everything is so big! So bright! So rich!" He looked around the Imperial Garden, suddenly running over to a bush of peonies in the near distance.

Widening his eyes, he suddenly plucked a pastel pink peony, holding the entire spine in his hands and then pulling upward. As expected, a few of the serrated leaves caught against his skin, and a small gash dripped scarlet blood onto the before pale peony, staining it a bloody red.

"Oh! These flowers are hard to pick!"

He shoved the slightly bloody blossom towards the Empress, not waiting for her protest before scampering back away from her.

"For you, Empress!"

He smiled brightly.

Although her face did not betray any immediate feelings of disgust, the Empress immediately pinched the peony from her lap and dropped it onto a side table.

"Very well, Crown Prince. I see that you are growing well-accustomed to the palace."

"Oh no… I have lots to learn, and my nanny has been helping me about that!" Mu Luming's head drooped, the wide smile on his face quivering into a look that could melt the hearts of rocks.

Kesi fidgeted in place, trying to dip her head lower to avoid the various gazes.

"But it's been so overwhelming! There are so many rules, and I don't know where to even start!" Mu Luming continued, the corners of his lips trembling.

"Like, I thought all the pretty figures in the novels liked flowers. But it doesn't see like Empress enjoys the little bloom so much."

There was a moment of pause, and all the concubine's gazes were on Kesi. They would never dare to do so to the Crown Prince, even if it was a mere hollow title. But it surely must be the fault of the elderly nanny that the Crown Prince did not learn the necessary manners.

For a moment, even the Empress was at a loss of words.

"If you like it so much, why don't you harvest the peonies all together for everyone?"

Exchanging a sideways glance at Kesi, he nodded excitedly.

"I would love to!"

He made his way to the patch again, the wound in his hand still slightly dripping blood.

"You're back."

A deep voice boomed from the garden entrance, and a middle-aged man in modest clothing strode towards the crowd.