[Bonus chapter]The Magician Of Sound!

Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to dozens of hours but the great white shark remained in the hole, silently going through an evolution.

Sebastian's eyes were opened but they were glazed over like those of a zombie. They had no focus; this was how sharks slept. Despite his brain's inactivity, his body was active as always, burning calories like paper money.

Outside the hole, predators came and went, but none of them detected the hidden hole that was below them.

As his body hovered on the water, visible changes could be detected in his body. His skin squirmed like flour in the hands of a baker, his body slowly enlarged like large amounts of air were being pumped into him.

The changes in him outwardly were superficial compared to the ones going through him internally. Slowly, his magic organ changed in shape like it was a statue being finetuned at the hands of a sculptor.