Sonic Disaster!


As Sebastian got closer, the sound of the ongoing battle also became more prominent. The surrounding water was stirred rapidly, spreading the vibrations of the commotion to great distances.

Seeing this, he was once again speechless.

"Are you guys so eager to die?" He cursed.

This made him even more cautious as he swam forward. He was pretty sure that tons of other predators were already alerted to the commotion of this battle, and some may already be here.

Courting death was a talent, he secretly marveled at the identity of the 2 fools who already mastered this innate talent.

Silently weaving in between the red trees that blocked his path, he finally arrived at a location where he saw the 2 fellows who were battling so hard like a man and his ex-girlfriend who was throwing a tantrum.

"A Giant Crab and a..., Worm?"

He easily identified both parties, but his understanding of this world was once again overturned by the sight.