Hey! Help Me!

Still, with no solution in sight, Sebastian decided to temporarily forget about it and go hunting. Perhaps, hunting would inspire him.

This was a technique that he learned after numerous hunting exploits in this seamount, sometimes it was just like a cheat inspiration mechanism.

Motivated by that, he finally moved his enormous body.

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

[You have activated skill: Advanced Electroreceptors.]

[You have triggered Adaptation: Camouflage Organ.]

With this trio of hunting perks activated, he started swimming to the periphery regions of the seamount.

Going deeper, he was likely to encounter Crocodiles and Draconic lizards, most of his favorite and easier to kill prey were always at the periphery zones of the seamount.

As he swam, he did not have to wait long before his electroreceptors detected something. Quickly outlining the figures, he found 2 Poison Worms slithering through the seamount.