The Crab Cave.

Inside the cave that Sebastian found with his new hunting partner resided a staggering number of Giant Crabs. They were not up to 50, but their astonishing size alone was enough to make the sight brain-numbing.

The entrance to the cave was covered with thick red leaves that fell from the trees in the surroundings, but this was not enough to stop neither of the 2 sharks from seeing inside.

Yes, just like Sebastian, Verni also had the electroreceptor skill.

The Giant Crabs looked like a battalion of soldiers when placed together like this. Their fiery red eyes glowed in the darkness of the cave, their super sharp claws glinted under the illumination of the faint light going in.

Their adaptations were so varied, random, and fearsome that they looked like machines made for war. 

Seeing such a sight, Verni felt his head going numb. Originally, even as a great white shark, he had little chance of easily defeating a group of 5 Giant Crabs.