The Farmer Plan.

After the aftereffects of the battle died down completely, Sebastian finally calmed down and confirmed that he was not dreaming. The over a dozen Giant Crab corpses lying on the water proved that.

Despite this, his brain still couldn't help but feel like he was dreaming.

Once again, his understanding of Oceania and its numerous strange and terrifying creatures was updated. The elderly Giant Crab that he just fought with was a monster; a freaking monster.

To him, the apt term to describe it was- Snoring Panda, Hidden Dragon!

Compared to his supersonic speed escape skill, the skill demonstrated by the Giant Crab at the end to escape with its children completely changed his understanding of how skills worked.

Not only that, the most envious of all was the Giant Crab's Shell War Arsenal adaptation. The only word he had for that adaptation was OP.

If he didn't know more, he would have thought that it was some unique skill.