Mystery Pryer Predators.

With Sebastian starting it, the Draconic Lizards and the remaining Sharks in the battlefield feasted on the meat of the Mammoth Crocodiles that they conquered in the battle.

Surprisingly, the Lizard Lord let his surviving family members to feast on the Draconic Lizards that perished in the battle, showing to Sebastian again how barbaric this world was.

The Lizard's thought process was that no waste was encouraged. Instead of letting the meat waste, the survivors would rather feast on them so that even at death, those Draconic Lizards were still contributing to the growth of the family.

It was a barbaric but effective method for continued growth.

A few dozen minutes later, all the food left on the battlefield was devoured completely. The Lizard Lord looked at Sebastian one last time before departing to their territory in the seamount.