Battle Gains.

Without any intention to waste time, Sebastian inquired about the rewards for his insane and impossible target achievement.

[System Insane target: Kill a purple tier creature while still at the orange tier.]

[Target Reward: Random Passive Ability.]

[Passive ability randomizing…, randomization complete.]

[Congratulations! You have been rewarded with the passive ability: Undying Zombie.]

[Undying Zombie: When your health is below 10%, the passive effect will be triggered, restoring 50% of your health in one go.]

[This passive ability has a recharge time of 24 hours after each use.]

[System Impossible target: Kill a red tier creature while still at the orange tier.]

[Target Reward: The Ocean King's Hidden Inheritance- Telekinesis.]

[Note: Before this ability can be used, host's mind stat must be above 100 stat points.]